And a Happy Monday to all. Harry Reid has said all is lost, so it is time to take it down a notch, get in the wrong frame of mind for the work week, be prepared to do your least and worst, or at least your bare minimum.
Now, this is simply amazing
A Border Patrol chief at one of the nation’s most dangerous Southwest border crossings says the agency’s mission doesn’t include apprehending illegal aliens or seizing narcotics — perplexing front-line agents and angering a congressional critic of illegal immigration.
"I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again," Carlos X. Carrillo, Border Patrol chief of Laredo, Texas, told guests at a town-hall meeting Thursday. "The Border Patrol’s job is not to stop illegal immigrants. The Border Patrol’s job is not to stop narcotics. … The Border Patrol’s mission is not to stop criminals.
"The Border Patrol’s mission is to stop terrorists and terrorist weapons from entering the country."
OK, we’ll give him points for the last part, however, it would seem, the point of the border patrol is much more simple: guard the borders. Which means not only stopping terrorists and terrorist weapons, but drugs and illegals. That is why they are called the "border patrol," chief Carrillo.
Tom Tancredo has called for Carillo’s resignation. Union chief T.J. Bonner is baffled by the idiocy of the short sighted statement. The head of the Border Patrol, David Aguillar, backed Carillo’s statement, which is not particularly shocking. Now, had Carillo been a regular BP agent, that would have been a different story. Aguillar tends to throw them under the bus.
It begs the question: if the commanding officers of the Border Patrol are so clueless about what their jobs fully entail, how can the agents do their jobs, and how can we, the American People, have confidence that the agents will be able to do their jobs? That is not to blame the agents, just their commanders.
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It must be nice to draw a large salary each month and not do your job because you don’t know what your job is. Fire the sucker, he’ll make a great employee for the DNC.
RogeR Federer…
Show Your Emotion.
That, I can do. Yea. I can rattle his cage eh. How do I look with mah fists all pumped huh.
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