Hat tip Hot Air
NEW YORK, July 26 /PRNewswire/ — Charles Merrill, the artist who recently edited the Holy Bible with a black marker and pair of scissors, has lately burned a rare Islamic Holy Book, The Koran, valued at $60,000.00, in an undisclosed Chicago location. "The purpose of editing and burning Abrahamic Holy Books is to eliminate homophobic hate," Merrill stated. "Both ancient books are terrorist manuals."
He continues, "I inherited the rare Islamic book from my late wife, Evangeline Johnson Merrill. As the daughter of the founder of the international pharmaceutical giant, Johnson and Johnson, Inc., doors of kings and queens opened to her around the world. Evangeline was given the rare manuscript by the late King of Jordan when she was on a mission for the United Nations in the 1950’s."
So, what McDonalds will the religion of peace burn over this? Maybe they could go for a Dunkin’ Donuts, after a smooth latte’. Will Newsweek cover this, make a big story out of it? Eh, probably not, since it was a real Koran burned, rather then a fake story of one flushed.
Hey, I wonder if India will ban Merrill, as they did for some of us who participated in the Flush The Koran project.
Hey, look, Islamic Rage Boy wants to join in! He even dressed up for the occassion. For that "I want a fatwa" feeling!

Islamomanic Boy is moving in on the Geico cave men, eh? “It’s so easy, even an islamo can blow themselves up?” As ugly as these islamomaniacs are, I feel sorry for the 72 virgins Blackbeard, but Islamo Boy pulls the Democratic handle every election, eh!
Time for every American to buy a Koran (aka comic book) and place in by the stool where it’s really handy for a good wipe.
yah, read what these guys say man!