Via Yahoo News:
A powerful Republican committee chairman who has led the fight against President Bush's signing statements said Monday he would have a bill ready by the end of the week allowing Congress to sue him in federal court.
"We will submit legislation to the United States Senate which will…authorize the Congress to undertake judicial review of those signing statements with the view to having the president's acts declared unconstitutional," Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pa., said on the Senate floor.
Perhaps someone has replaced Sen. Specter's brain with a Moonbat clone. But, can you even refer to him as a Republican anymore? We want our representatives to be free thinkers, and do the right thing, but he has been going wonky and non Conservative for years now. He is beyond RINO.
And what happend to the so call "separation of powers" that many in Congress talk up? Many had hissy fits about the search of Rep. William Jefferson's (D-La) office. Here we have a Senator saying he will submit a bill to be able to sue the Executive branch. Since only the Legislative branch may pass bills, neither the Executive nor the Judicial branch will have the same power.
I wonder if Specter realizes that the President must approve the bill in order for it to become law? Expect Bush's second veto if it passes. You know every Dem will vote for it. Will enough GOPers cross over?
Bush is not without congressional allies on the matter. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, a former judge, has said that signing statements are nothing more than expressions of presidential opinion that carry no legal weight because federal courts are unlikely to consider them when deciding cases that challenge the same laws.
Maybe it is time to retire the old fart, or send him over to the Democratic party.
Captain Ed has more on a different Specter brain fart.

I propose an even swap…Joe Lieberman for Arlen Specter.
[…] Pirate’s Cove (William Teach) Sen. Specter Joins The Moonbat Brigade — “Perhaps someone has replaced Sen. Specter’s brain with a Moonbat clone. But, can you even refer to him as a Republican anymore? We want our representatives to be free thinkers, and do the right thing, but he has been going wonky and non Conservative for years now. He is beyond RINO.” Austalia, blogiversary database, Democrats, Karl Rove, Osama bin Laden, Radical Islam, RINO, Specter, The Left, war on terrorismShare and Enjoy:These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. […]
Done! Joe may be a bit liberal in areas, but, you always know where he stands, and he believes in protecting the USA.