So, I’m driving how after the ‘Canes game, and I tuned in to 680 WPTF Raleigh. It was a short drive, only about 1/2 mile. And I hear some guy, gotta be a lib, talking about how great euthanasia is, and how Europe is just so far ahead of us.
I’m sorry, but isn’t that a good thing? Why do we want to be a leader in the realm of euthanasia, especially considering that Europe is pushing infant euthanasia? I suppose Europe has been a leader, considering the Holocost and what Stalin did. Or perhaps we could look to the lax government response when a heat wave occured in France, and almost 15,000 people, many senior citizens, died.
But, of course, being a good liberal, the radio personality, who had to be Dr. Dean Edell, unless WPTF had a guest personality on, had to compare euthanasia to the moral standings of the GOP, such as saving Terri Shiavo, saying that euthanasia is about our “body rights,” using much the same argument that abortion advocates use, and that the Right to control our bodies should not be shoved down peoples throats by legislation.
Gee, Dr. Edell, how does this compare to the Left’s hatred of the death penalty? It is ok to kill a newborn with defects, yet it is not OK to kill a hardened criminal who killed somebody or is a serial pedophile. Sometimes I just do not get the hypocrisy, and lack of caring, by Liberals.

Oh, Teach. Tell me YOU don’t support euthanisia FOR EUROPE!
I’m definitely an ADVOCATE for that proposition.
At least they’re consistent: they want to kill the innocent and spare the guilty.
I definately do not think euthanasia should be used on children. If adults want to decide, that is there choice, to some degree. The left wants to turn it into abortion on demand, all the while doing nothing to convicted criminals