House Judiciary Chairman James Sensenbrenner said on Tuesday he plans to draft legislation that would protect congressional material during searches by government investigators.
Let see that again
House Judiciary Chairman James Sensenbrenner said on Tuesday he plans to draft legislation that would protect congressional material during searches by government investigators.
Do I even need to write that Sensenbrenner is proposing legislation that essentially makes Congress Critters above the law? And why pass a law if the search was un-Constitutional?
Sensenbrenner, a Wisconsin Republican, said at a hearing on the raid that his bill could avoid a repeat of last week’s standoff between congressional leaders and the Bush administration after the search of Jefferson’s Capitol Hill office.
“We want to make sure that when the next congressman is investigated for illegal activity that the procedure done by the Justice Department is right,” Sensenbrenner said.
What exactly is “right,” James? Are you saying that the process of asking a Congressman for months to provide certain materials, then finally going to a Federal judge for a warrant that was very specific, was wrong? You know, you might actually be correct, since that is something that would not have happened had it been, say, the average American, whose office the FBI or other law enforcement agencies would have gotten a warrant for in the first place, rather then pussy footing around with for months on end.
If Bernie Goldberg writes another list of people screwing up America, he should include Sensenbrenner and Hastert in it. Of all the issues that could cause the GOP to lose seats in 2006, this is one of the biggest. Idiots who think they should be above the law.
And, yes, I finally got around to adding that “Idiot GOPer’s” category. I think it is well deserved. For you, James

Yea, I think it actually makes them look like they’re hiding something as well. They’re nervous.
If they keep this up, they are really going to tank the 2006 elections.
I am starting to hope they do tank the frickin election. It is idiotic.