Democratic Jihadists

Gotta love the first words for Boortz’ Nealz Newz:

Senate Democrats were doing the work of the Islamic jihadists yesterday … right there on the floor of the United States Senate. Who won that battle? Find out in today’s Nuze.

Senate Democrats, almost every single one of them, as well as the House Demaloons, Howard "Aaaayyyyyyyyy" Dean, Michael Moore, the DU wackos, and most other dems are doing the work of the Islamic Jihadists. They would rather see the troops die and the country be taken over then work with a President that they hate. They have made a moral decision to take the side of the enemy.

Even the quiet ones are guilty. Like the Muslims who quietly allow the Islamofascist Wahhabi wackos to hijack their religion (along with planes, buildings, people’s heads, etc,) elected dems who are quiet are complicit in the destruction that the Democratic Party has done, is doing, and will do, to this Country. Why does America and its interests not come first with the Leftings (lefty lemmings?) Why do they believe they have to sell out our country so that they can regain power? What makes them turn traitor to their Country? Why does the mere sight of an American Flag drive them apeshit? And, will we ever see their plan for making the country better (and it isn’t "get Bush and the GOP out of office)?

I have said before that I believe Kerry will get the nomination in 2008 over Hillary. Why? Because Kerry will pander more to the Kool Aide Leftings the Hillary will. Hills will do it mostly right, the way Bill did. You may dislike her, but, she is a smart cookie, and she will look to the middle voter, rather then the hard left. She will work with the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC), which the hard left hates. The Leftings do not want to work together with anyone, even folks in their own party. They have taken the position "you are either with us, or against us." Unfortunately, they have taken this position within their own party and their Country.

Kerry will pander to the Leftings from the get go. I am just waiting for his little "I was wrong to vote for and against the Iraq War," like Breck Girl did. In essence, saying, "those Iraqi’s were better off living in fear, torture, rape, mutilation, murder, and genocide, rather then being Free from Saddam’s tyranny."

How sad.

Did you know that Break Girl said that the threat from Saddam was imminent? I knew Jay Rockefeller did, but John Edwards said it to John King on CNN. The date? Feb 24, 2002.

KING: Senator Edwards, when discussing the North Korean problem, the president wants to confront the regime, deal with its own missiles program plus its exports. There is not a reasonable military option when it comes to North Korea is there?

EDWARDS: Well, I don’t think we’re focused on military options right now, John.

I think it was important, in answer to your last question, it was important for the president to go to the region. I think he did help alleviate some of the concerns that people in that area had about this "axis of evil" comment.

But I do think that the more serious question going forward is, what are we going to do? I mean, we have three different countries that, while they all present serious problems for the United States — they’re dictatorships, they’re involved in the development and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction — you know, the most imminent, clear and present threat to our country is not the same from those three countries. I think Iraq is the most serious and imminent threat to our country.

‘Nough said.

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3 Responses to “Democratic Jihadists”

  1. Ogre says:

    Kerry over Shillary? Your reasoning sure is sound. Do you really think enough loons will come out in the primaries to support sKerry over Shillary? Interesting.

    I’ve got my money on Shillary winning POTUS in ’08, barring some major development. I am SO hoping I’m wrong. I can’t imagine her actually losing an election, as you outline, though…but I hope you’re right!

  2. d-rod says:

    I concur with your reasoning for the most part, but most lefies I know here in NoCal could barely get on the sKerry train last time. They’ll really flip out if they get stuck with him again.

  3. I really do think Kerry will get the nomination, or someone else, but not Cankles. Too many Hard Left groups hate the DLC, such as Kosbat and his minions of doom. Hils is trying to play Centrist, like Bill did, but that just will not fly with todays Moonbats.

    I hope like hell you are wrong too, Ogre!!!!

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