Category Archives: Economy

Bidenflation Makes Rate Cut From Feds Unlikely Anytime Soon

Despite the musings from Biden, his people, and the Credentialed Media that inflation is no big deal and “coming down”, the people who actually know about this stuff know the truth New inflation reading reinforces Fed’s higher-for-longer stance Another hot inflation reading reinforces that any near-term interest rate cuts are less likely as the Federal Reserve […]

4.3 Million Workers About To Learn That Demanding OT Doesn’t Always Work Out Like They Expect

In fairness, there certainly are issues with deeming some employees as “exempt”, meaning they are salaried and cannot get OT. Some companies will deem supervisors at the low end exempt to avoid paying them OT when they do not really have much in the way of power. Still, this may not go well 4.3 million […]

PRC Comes Up With New Idea: $25 Minimum Wage For Health Workers

Gee, what could possibly go wrong? California Health Workers May Face Rude Awakening With $25 Minimum Wage Law Nearly a half-million health workers who stand to benefit from California’s nation-leading $25 minimum wage law could be in for a rude awakening if hospitals and other health care providers follow through on potential cuts to hours and benefits. […]

California Labor Group Pushing For $20 Restaurant Minimum Wage For All Workers

Even after watching the results of the restaurant wage bill, with all the layoffs and price increases, the head honchos will get the peasants to push for this. Which is easy, because the peasants see easy money for low skilled work and head honchos won’t lose their own cushy, over-paid jobs Labor group demands California’s […]

San Francisco Looking At Way To Make Sure No Grocery Stores Close

So, how does this all work? The uber-Leftists in SF make crime, prosecuting criminals, and safety a low priority, along with allowing poop and drug needles in the streets, so stores are getting ripped off constantly and to a point that they are losing money. Customers and employees are in constant danger. And have to […]

PRC Looks To Pass “Right To Disconnect” Law For Workers

On the heels of their $20 minimum wage for restaurants law, which is seeing businesses raise prices, cut employees, and even close, the People’s Republik Of California is going to try something else to mess with the economy California could become first state to give workers a ‘right to disconnect’ California could become the first […]

Bidenconomy: 99 Cents Only To Close All Stores

It’s probably those greedy rich folks cashing out, right? 99 Cents Only to close all 371 stores and wind down its business 99 Cents Only Stores will close all 371 of its stores and wind down its business operations after more than four decades, the City of Commerce discount chain announced Thursday. “This was an […]

LA Times Seems Surprised That Restaurants Are Raising Prices With $20 Minimum Wage

If only someone had warned the LA Times, which was super supportive over raising the minimum wage for a specific industry, that there would be Unintended Consequences. First, though Mass Layoffs Begin At California Fast Food Chains As $20 Minimum Wage Law Takes Effect — zerohedge (@zerohedge) April 2, 2024 I’m shocked! Starbucks, Chipotle, […]

Surprise: California Fast Food Pay Law Causing Layoffs

I know, I know, you’re shocked Calif. fast-food chains slash workers as $20-an-hour minimum wage looms — New York Post (@nypost) March 25, 2024 We already know that Pizza Hut and others were planning on laying off drivers and using 3rd party delivery services. Now (NY Post) California restaurants are reportedly laying off […]

Forced Wage Increases For Lyft And Uber Drivers May Drive Them Out Of Minneapolis

The road to being put out of a job is paved with good government intentions Minneapolis drivers protested wages – and won. Lyft and Uber are choosing to leave the city rather than pay up Uber and Lyft claim they will cease operating in the Minneapolis area in protest of a minimum pay ordinance that […]

Pirate's Cove