Horror: Illegal Aliens Face Lack Of Child Care In SCNY

I can think of a simple solution for illegals not having child care in Sanctuary City New York, and there now needs to be something new added to the graphic

Why are so many migrant kids selling candy in NYC? Lack of child care, survey says.

illegal alien DemocratThe vast majority of migrant vendors with children — often seen peddling fruit cups and candy on the subway — say they are unable to get other work because of a lack of child care, according to a new survey across New York City.

Slightly more than 8 in 10 migrant vendors with children told volunteers with the aid group Algun Día that they lacked sufficient child care, the survey found. More than a third of the 75 vendors surveyed were women under the age of 25 and 75% were from Ecuador. Another 17% were men, many of them single fathers.

Nearly all of the respondents, 93%, said they hadn’t been assisted by any organization, and less than a third lived in city shelters. Algun Día volunteers surveyed migrant vendors with children from March 31 to May 31.

“Even when programs do exist, they’re not being told about them,” said Liza Schwartzwald, director of economic justice and family empowerment at the nonprofit New York Immigration Coalition, which funds Algun Día. “Nobody is getting to this particular population.”

There is something that’s similar to child care: it’s called school. Shouldn’t the little illegal rug rats be in school, per what SCNY says and is giving them? How many kids are there, because we mostly see and hear about all the young men who are coming illegally?

The survey results illuminate what immigrant advocates say is a pressing and underrecognized need for migrants and a barrier to their getting better jobs. The findings come as city councilmembers and others press Mayor Eric Adams’ administration for more funding for child care programs, including for new migrants.

Regardless, there is an answer: don’t come. Did you have child care in your home nation? Why did you drag your children thousands of miles on a dangerous journey? If you’re here and you don’t like that there is no child care, leave? 90+% will not be eligible for amnesty, not the the government follows the law and boots most out. Why should the citizens of the United States be spending lots of money on people who shouldn’t be here when we could be spending it on Americans who are in trouble with, say, homelessness? If someone comes on a visa or attempts to become a citizen, going through the whole process, they have to be able to pay for themselves.

Many migrant parents are unable to bring their children with them to jobs as house cleaners, restaurant workers and car washers, Sibiri said. And they aren’t allowed to leave their children alone at city shelters while they work elsewhere, she added.

Funny how liberals always think of these illegals as cheap, un-skilled labor, eh?

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7 Responses to “Horror: Illegal Aliens Face Lack Of Child Care In SCNY”

  1. H says:

    Mr Teach I thought that all these migrants came here just so they could load up on free stuff and never have to work

    Now you tell me that they are such hard workers that even the women with babies in their backs will sell candy in their feet all day just trying to earn enough money to make their own lives and those of their kids better

    I ride the subway everyday. Everyday I see women selling candy carrying kids on their backs. 90% of the kids are under 3, that’s when childcare is offered free to all.
    Ohh by the way school is out for the summer here.

    I spoke to one woman (yes most migrants arriving here now speak at least some English) she said she makes between 20 and 40 dollars each day for 8 to 10 hours work. She saves almost all of it. Although she didn’t say do many are paying off their debts of either borrowed money or smugglers fees. The cartels were the big winners from Trump’s Wall.
    I wonder if the cartels will be supporting Trump in the election? For them it is all about JOBS JOBS JOBS

    • James Lewis says:


      The cartels were the big winners from Trump’s Wall.

      The cartels are winning because Biden didn’t complete the wall and just threw open the door.

      That being the way to destroy the country,

  2. H says:

    Ohh I looked into that survey/poll on migrants children. Interestingly, less than 1/3 of those mothers lived in shelters. Most said that no organizations had tried to help them getting their kids enrolled. The city has had about 23000 new migrants students and has been having problems finding enough bilingual teachers or social workers.

  3. Professor Hale says:

    Funny how liberals always think of these illegals as cheap, un-skilled labor, eh?

    Even funnier how cheap unskilled labor, that doesn’t have anything else to do, cannot provide child care themselves. Baby-sitting is one of the most unskilled of unskilled labor, so much so that in America, we used to hire 12 year olds to do it. One adult can watch 5-10 children for several families freeing up several people to do other work. This same argument has been used in black communities for decades. “I can’t work because there is no affordable childcare”, claimed by all the single moms living in the same apartment complex. Of course, if one family has 5-10 children, they should be watching their own damn kids. If they can’t find jobs that will pay enough, they should go home to their own countries where the cost of living is lower.

    • Jl says:

      Or even better-don’t have children if you can’t afford them. That kind of economics lesson takes years of higher education to figure out…….

  4. Dana says:

    They’re worried that there isn’t enough child care for the illegals, while the rest of America is worried about American children being raped and murdered by illegals.

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