There was a massive, collective freakout on the gun grabbers side
Supreme Court strikes down Trump-era federal ban on bump stocks
The Supreme Court on Friday ruled that a “bump stock” attachment does not convert a semiautomatic rifle into a “machine gun,” which is prohibited under federal law. The 6-3 vote aligned with the conservative supermajority’s previous decisions in gun cases, such as its 2022 decision to expand gun rights.
The court found that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives overstepped its authority by enacting the ban on bump stocks when it determined that the devices were classified as machine guns. Civilians now have access to bump stocks again.
In the aftermath of the 2017 Las Vegas mass shooting that killed dozens of people, the ATF issued a rule that said rifles equipped with bump stocks should fall under the legal definition of machine guns, which have been banned since 1986.
Justice Clarence Thomas wrote in the majority opinion that a semiautomatic rifle equipped with a bump stock does not make it a fully automatic machine gun. A machine gun is defined as a weapon that can fire more than one shot “by a single function of the trigger,” which is not the case for rifles with bump stock attachments.
In her dissent, Justice Sonia Sotomayor said the majority opinion would have “deadly consequences,” and said the decision complicates “the government’s efforts to keep machine guns from gunmen like the Las Vegas shooter.”
I’m no fan of bumpstocks, however, the ATF had no legislative authority to implement a ban. It doesn’t matter a whit what Sotomayor’s opinion is
Yet another reason #SCOTUS is #illegitimate and corrupt. How do the rights of bumpstock makers mean more than the safety of 360 million Americans?
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) June 14, 2024
Your feelings are irrelevant, unless you can convince the duly elected Legislative Branch to pass a law
Do you understand what your job is as an elected federal representative?
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) June 14, 2024
Bump stocks were designed for mass killing – and they have no place on our streets.
By reversing the ban on these deadly devices, the Supreme Court ruled to make our neighborhoods less safe.
Democrats will never rest until the job is done to stop the scourge of gun violence.
— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) June 14, 2024
We are either a nation of Law or a nation of Men, meaning the ATF had no authority from Congressional legislation to implement the bumpstock. Nancy, Eric, and others can actually introduce legislation. That’s their job. That’s the job they ran for, right?

I legally(at the time) bought a 300 Blackout, which had a pistol brace for the stock and a 9 1/2-inch barrel.
The ATF then wrote new rules making the brace illegal. This legislating with regulations of their own was, in fact, illegal, and everyone knew it was. During the short time it was in effect before being struck down, there were hundreds of people sent to federal prison for owning Pistol braces LEGALLY. Possession of such a brace on your weapon would immediately deem you a felon unless you registered your brace and received permission to own the weapon. This required 200 dollars and the stupidity of putting yourself in the AFT database.
I literally had to tear down my 300 blackout so that it was once again a pistol without a stock, a night light, a red dot sight…because if you had a sight on the pistol it was deemed by the ATF that you intended to use the weapon as a rifle and as such the 9 1/2 inch barrel made it a Short Barrel RIFLE and would land you in jail for 10 years.
My weapon is still broken down and the stock and the sight is in a storage shed in my backyard. Nowhere near the gun safe in my basement inside the house. Why? Lawyers advice. Despite the rule being struck down by the appeals court, it was sent back to the courts to change it to be constitutional. As such, at any moment, they could reinstitute this rule in another iteration, and I am now a felon once more.
Donald Trump anyone. The DA in NYC changing the law to turn him into a felon is the same thing that has happened to tens of millions of gun owners who don’t know it yet.
LAW-FARE is a thing. It is being used against Trump and his supporters daily. That is why bump stocks must be defended like we defend every tiny change to gun rules and laws. If we don’t, we will all be in gulags before too long because the left REGULATES, LEGISLATES and LITIGATES ITS SUBJECTS into prison and is not even apologetic for it.
Is it time for Congress to revisit the 90 year old NFA which regulated (not banned) short-barreled rifles?
The current SCOTUS is perfectly aligned to revisit the NFA and align it with our Constitution!!
Can the commenter verify that hundreds of people have been sent to federal prison for these violations of law?
I found one, no doubt there are hundreds more. Were the hundreds more involved in other crimes?
Chicken Little Karen Man
I found one,
How does it go????
Even just ONE is too many….
The vast majority of murders in the United States have nothing to do with ‘bump stocks,’ but are semi-automatic handguns illegally owned by urban gang-bangers. They have their extended magazines and squeeze off thirty and sixty rounds, frequently missing their intended targets and hitting innocent bystanders. The vast majority, if identified and apprehended, have prior criminal, and often juvenile, records which could and should have already had them behind bars.
We can only hope that President Trump learned his lesson and gives up trying to legislate from the White House!!
Our once and future President is nothing if not malleable.
The Trump ban on bump-stocks leads to the eventual confiscation of all firearms by government. In fact, it’s time to test the Constitutionality of the fully auto machine gun “ban”. If not now, when? Freedom!!
You probably also are under the belief that it was correct for the court to rule against hunter Biden. I guess because they don’t like his habits with alcohol and drugs he falls under that constitutional exception to owning firearms. You know right after it says “shall not be infringed”. It says except for people who use alcohol and drugs. It’s right there in black and white I think James Madison himself wrote it. The very idea that you can indefinitely lose your constitutional rights because you committed a crime is in itself a constitutional crime. Guy steals a car when he’s 18 and for the rest of his life he can’t buy a Ruger? That’s ridiculous. If anything you should be denied driving a car not buying a gun. A guy in bezels $1,000,000 and he can’t have a firearm? He didn’t commit a crime with a firearm. We better off stopping him from owning a pen. That’s how you embezzle $1,000,000 with a pen. Who makes up this crap leftist?
I don’t understand except for the time you’re actually in prison, under probation, or on parole being denied any of your constitutional rights. Committing a crime doesn’t mean you gave up your citizenship it means you did something wrong and are being punished for it. If you’re taking people’s constitutional rights away for the rest of their life they better do something that requires life in prison cause you’re giving him a lifetime sentence. There’s no reason for hunter Biden to have even been in court let alone prosecuted and lost.
If I were Donald Trump I’d go out there and say if you elect me I’m gonna pardon hunter Biden because he shouldn’t be in prison and he shouldn’t have been convicted to begin with. See how that goes over with the Democrats when president crap in pants won’t pardon his own son.
I believe in following the laws. A jury heard the case against Hunter Biden and found him guilty on all 3 counts. As you know, prosecutors have discretion in bringing cases, and this type of case is rarely prosecuted but was in this case.
The Constitution doesn’t restrict machine guns, explosive ammo, armor piercing ammo, flechettes, chemical ammo…
According to the authors they intended children, felons, lunatics, to have unfettered access to possess any and all firearms that man could invent. Congress in the 1930s illegally placed limits on some firearms, machine guns and sawed off barrels. Today’s SCOTUS can correct these unConstitutional laws. Some states have limits on types of ammunition!! Ammo doesn’t kill people, people kill people!! How is a patriot to protect his family from a government takeover without armor-piercing ammo?
Interesting idea for the GodFarter (he was smelling up the courtroom!!) to pardon Hunter Biden. Maybe President Biden should pardon the GodFarter for his felonies and for his other indictments.
You will always find it necessary to launch into some long winded explanation of all the intricacies and nuances you gotta go into the constitutional laws and the state limits and all you know you don’t have to do that. You might not realize it but we are as smart as you are and we do know all these things. I was just stating what my personal belief was is that hunter should not have been prosecuted in fact nobody should be prosecuted for lying on a form that they shouldn’t have to fill out to begin with. I gave you my opinion I wasn’t trying to establish new constitutional laws or go to the Congress or anything else just stating my opinion on the fact that I don’t believe people should have to sign out their lives to buy a gun which is their right.
And also in my opinion it behooves president trump when he takes over in 2025 to pardon hunter Biden based on the those premises that I have previously stated. In other words it’s time to start pronouncing freedom all across the nation.
You believe violent felons and drug addicts should be able to possess firearms. We agree. I also agree that the Constitution does not permit age limits, or limits on machine guns, explosive or armor piercing ammo. If Congress won’t fix this, this SCOTUS must! Personal arms are less dangerous than cigarettes yet have more restrictions!
The money shot of the 2nd Amendment is:
The gun grabbers will keep the pressure on. First they came for the violent felons, the murderers, the drug addicts and sellers and kids that need guns. Then they came for machine guns and short barreled long guns. If we ignore these assaults on our freedoms, they’ll take our guns next!
America needs more guns, not fewer.
Chickenshit Lewis Man(?),
Mr Yunis Mejia pleaded guilty to the felony. He even knew he was breaking the law, possessing a short-barreled rifle as described in the 1934 NFA.
Should we change, repeal or ignore the laws?
Mr Trump’s SCOTUS is poised to rule the NFA unConstitutional, you guys just need to get them the right case.
SCOTUS is in charge now.
The great thing about the AR-15 .223 is the light recoil. Even a 12 year old can handle it!
I recommend that parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles buy the children in their lives AR-15’s for self-defense! Christmas will be on us sooner than you think!!
You could even buy your in utero little one an AR-15!!