AP: You Know, There Were Some Reports Of Anti-Semitism On Campus, Which Could Lead To Shutting Down Camps

You have to love the Credentialed Media: they make it sound like there were some rumors and some people making claims, despite numerous actual videos, speeches, and signs. Oh, and calling the protesters anti-war, even though so many are hoping for the destruction of Israel

Anti-war protesters dig in as some schools close encampments after reports of antisemitic activity

As students protesting the Israel-Hamas war at college campuses across U.S. dug in Saturday and dozens of demonstrators were arrested, some universities moved to shut down encampments after reports of antisemitic activity.

With the death toll mounting in the war in Gaza, protesters nationwide are demanding that schools cut financial ties to Israel and divest from companies they say are enabling the conflict. Some Jewish students say the protests have veered into antisemitism and made them afraid to set foot on campus.

“Some people said something”, like, again, there aren’t lots of videos of this. And signs

As workers pulled down tents and bagged up the debris from the encampment, several dozen people across from the encampment chanted, “Let the Kids Go,” and slogans against the war in Gaza. They also booed as police cars passed and taunted the officers who stood guard over the encampment.

Just some slogans, eh?

The Usual Suspects are trying to blame this on Jews saying this, but, that’s BS, and this stuff was going on at the school and so many others

At the University of Pennsylvania on Friday, interim President J. Larry Jameson called for an encampment of protesters on the west Philadelphia campus to be disbanded, saying it violates the university’s facilities policies, though about 40 tents remained in place Saturday morning.

The “harassing and intimidating comments and actions” by some protesters violate the school’s open expression guidelines as well as state and federal law, Jameson said, and vandalism of a statue with antisemitic graffiti was “especially reprehensible and will be investigated as a hate crime.”

It’s like the schools, and especially the AP, are trying to minimize this

(Breitbart) On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” Professor of Marketing at NYU Stern School of Business Scott Galloway stated that there’s a “striking” “double standard” in the treatment of campus demonstrations over the past week and stated that if he did the same thing to black students, “we’d call in the f*cking National Guard.” And “what is clear to me is that free speech is at its freest when it’s hate speech against Jews.”

Galloway said, “The double standard here is pretty striking. Dylann Roof goes into a Charleston church and kills nine members of a black church, if I went down to the plaza of any of these universities with a white hood, a Confederate flag, and signs and started saying, globalize Dylann, kill black people, there’d be no need for context, we wouldn’t be talking about free speech, I’d be out of academia. And if I whipped up students into a frenzy such that we started harassing non-white students on their way to the library and I started getting in their face or even throwing things at them — and that has happened — we wouldn’t be having a conversation about the First Amendment, we’d call in the f*cking National Guard. And what is clear to me is that free speech is at its freest when it’s hate speech against Jews.”

So far, all there’s been is some “we’re very disappointed” yammering, maybe a bit of “shame on yous”, but, few in government and the powers that be have slammed down on these folks. Once you call for killing and destruction you’ve abandoned free speech. Once you’ve done this and harassed and attacked Jewish students you no longer have the right to protest, because you’re not peaceable. This is going to backfire spectacularly on Democrats, who are going to look towards these folks for votes.

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2 Responses to “AP: You Know, There Were Some Reports Of Anti-Semitism On Campus, Which Could Lead To Shutting Down Camps”

  1. Dana says:

    I’m old enough to remember some of the anti-war protests of the late 1960s and early 1970s, and the chant:

    Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh!
    NLF is gonna win!

    One would have thought that the students back then would have realized that the last thing they’d want is to live under the Vietnamese Communists.

    And so it is here, with the Students Wildly Indignant about Nearly Everything sporting signs like “Queers for Palestine,” when if those queers actually lived under Islamic governments they’s be hanged or thrown off tall buildings or beaten or imprisoned. The weakness of Western civilization is that so many of the people living therein become soft and complacent, thinking that the whole of the world is like the wealthy West.

  2. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    We growed-ups are wiser and less energetic than those college kids. We oldsters have a lot invested in the status quo.

    Those volatile college kids demonstrated for free speech/civil rights for women/Blacks/LGBTQs, against the Vietnam war and against apartheid in South Africa. Through the lens of hindsight they were right.

    America is conservative, like an oil tanker, typically slow to change course and wanting, even fighting, to preserve the status quo. The modern far-rightists, the ultimate “preservationists”, use every available tool to protect the way America was.

    The wildlings on campus are protesting 1) the long-term treatment of Palestinians by Israel and 2) the immediate treatment of the Gazans while largely ignoring that the current state sprang from Hamas’ rapes, tortures and murders of innocent Israelis. There are a few counterdemonstrations supporting the Israeli position.

    Unsurprisingly, the American right attributes the worst behaviors of Hamas terrorists to all Palestinians – they attribute the worst behaviors of radical Islam, who kill queers, to all Muslims, ignoring that the US far-right would kill queers if they could. They ignore how the melding of fundamentalist Islam with the government amplifies the worst nature of the fundamentalistism.

    The Palestinians have a legitimate long-term gripe with Israel and Israel has an absolute right to defend their nation and people.

    Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia are unacceptable.

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