Funny how the pro-Hamas marches do not have to be cancelled from threats, eh?
Major UK anti-antisemitism march canceled over threats, policing concerns
Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA), a charity in the United Kingdom, announced on Friday that they were forced to cancel their Saturday Walk Together march after threats caused concerns for participant safety.
The march would have seen large numbers of observant Jews walk for hours on Shabbat to demonstrate against antisemitism and the repeated scenes of pro-Hamas rhetoric during the weekly pro-Palestinian marches.
CAA Director CEO Gideon Falter made headlines last week, when a Metropolitan Police officer threatened to arrest him for being “openly Jewish” near a pro-Palestinian march. The policeman claimed that Falter’s presence may antagonize the protesters. (snip)
“Due to the thousands of people now intending to join and then walk where they please – something that we used to take for granted in London as Jewish people without having to discuss with police ahead of time – we still do not have confidence that people would be safe,” CAA explained.
The decision came in the wake of numerous threats and the organization claimed to have identified “hostile actors who seem to have intended to come to any meeting locations that we announced.”
So, you have two things going on: incoherent and hostile decrees by the police and threats from the pro-Hamas folks. And you know that it’s not all the Muslim immigrants let into the UK, but, hardcore Leftists who have been taught to hate Israel and Jews. Winston Churchill and other previous leaders would be disgusted with the hatred of Jews and Israel by British citizens, as well as how the country is importing the means of turning the nation in an hotbed of Islamic extremism.
And here in the U.S.
Rep. Ilhan Omar is seen shaking hands with Khymani James, who openly said that “Zionists don’t deserve to live.”
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) April 26, 2024
That would be Khymani James, who even the NY Times couldn’t figure out a way to defend. If the GOP had any cajones they’d move to boot Islamic terrorism supporter and Jew hater Ilham Omar from Congress. They booted George Santos for less. And, if the citizens in AOC’s district had any self respect, especially those who are Jewish, they’d vote against her this Fall, as she visited the anti-Jew protest.

It’s simple: the law-abiding, meaning the Jews and people opposed to antiSemitism, respect the law, while the barbarians, meaning the Islamists and their Hamas-supporting fellow idiots, do not, and the civilized people too often capitulate to the barbarians.
While in other “international news”
7 rabbis in Israel arrested for trying to bring food into Gaza
In NYC 300 Jews wearing Jews for Peace arrested after blocking major road
Wanna see tre proof JL
Just Google it or use your fav browser
Carbon boy-which JL are you speaking of? If it’s me, you’re doing that bong way too early in the morning..
Mr Dana makes a good point. Islamist barbarians are the ones who protest violently!!
For example, on January 6 2021, Islamist barbarians violently attacked our Capitol building in an attempt to Hang Mike Pence, the US VP whom the barbarians mistakenly believed to be Jewish!!
On Nov 4 2018, in Pittsburgh, an Islamist barbarian barged into a synagogue murdering 11 Jews. The Islamist, Robert al-Bowers, who claimed “Jews are the children of Satan”, was upset that these Jews were assisting Central American (Jewish??) immigrants.
And who can forget those Islamist barbarians in Nazi Germany who murdered some 6 million Jews!! They were led by the extremist Imam, Adolf al-Hitler.
Civilized, Caucasian, Christian Conservatives are the only class that does not violently protest!!
Nobody attempted to hang Mike Pence. Stop repeating misinformation. It makes you look ridiculous.
Ohh November 4th in Pittsburgh we knew that there were all different kinds of people involved there some were white separatists some are white supremacists some were communists some were Nazis some were KKK. Most had left persuasion. The Christians who were there we’re not following Christian law they were doing the opposite. Please don’t blame good Christians for evil people who do things in the name of Christ. When Muslims do something they mean it it’s not an accident it’s not a betrayal of their faith it’s exactly what Islam calls for and you know that.
And the people of Nazi Germany followed A leftist socialist ideologue who also was a racist and was against Jews. He also hated a crapload of other people too.
Civilized, Caucasian, Christian conservatives are the only class that does not violently protest in the name of its true religion. There is nothing in Christianity that states that we should violently protest at all. In fact thanks to Christians you have the rights to protest that you have. It was us Christians who included that in the list of our human rights handed down from God not Muslims, not Arabs not communists not Nazis not Democrats Christians. White Christians! You’re welcome.
Vice President Pence left the Capitol so he felt threatened by the Trump supporters. They also had a gallows, probably just for effect. And they were shouting, “Hang Mike Pence!” What would the rioters have done if they had cornered VP Pence?
You’re mistaken about the Pittsburgh slaughter. Bowers acted alone and shared numerous online posts on GAB that were anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, anti-American. He promoted the conspiracy tale that the Jews and Muslims together were trying to take over the U.S.
from Bowers’ GAB account:
So you believe Bowers is a leftist? Whatever lets you sleep at nignt…
The US far-rightists pick and choose from the Bible but yet hate Muslims, liberals, Democrats, American Jews, Blacks, foreigners, non-Christians, LGBTQs… fortunately, here in civilized America the far-right is prevented from doing their worst.
We have long understood that as the far-right attempts to assimilate into decent America they reject their spiritual leader Hitler, yet every far-right get together has neo-Nazis and swastikas. “Jews won’t replace us!” sang some of the “good people” at the Unite the Right Rally. Why does the far-right have an affinity for Nazi symbols?
Why do you believe the US “founding fathers” rejected making the US a Christian nation? Were there a lot of Jews, Muslims and atheists to vote it down?
Mr Jefferson wrote a letter to the Baptists in CT:
Said Gen Washington:
Thanks again Karen (aka Rimjob).

Ask your mom to read it to you.
Ask your mommy to read it to you.
300 Jews wearing black shirts with Jews For Peace were just arrested in NYC for blocking one of our major streets
Israel is deeply divided in the Gaza attack, even before it turned out to be a failure in the States sin of destroying Hamas. The occupation of Afghanistan created more Taliban than it killed, this has happened in Gaza also.
Here’s a movie for you, you Muslim loving communist. See if you can get through it without crying or throwing up. These are the people you’re signing on these are the people that all the Democrat party is siding with right now. As usual you side with the genocidal maniacs so attractive to leftists and communists all over the world.
muslims HATE communism lol You think the Saudis are commies? what a bizzaro world you must live in
obviously you were badly “triggered” by my posting show that many Jews both American and Israeli do not approve of the Israeli government’s actions in Gaza. Israel and the current Israeli government are 2 distinctly different entities. Many of the most conservative orthodox Jews are anti Zionist because they believe the Torah teachings which say that the real nation of Israel will not come until the Messiah has arrived.
Teach you get so upset when I post things that shatter your reality
First of all Muslims hate everybody who’s not Muslim. I hate when I post things that shatter your reality. Secondly I never said I think the Saudis are commies please stop putting words in my mouth. You constantly tell me about things I never said and things I don’t believe in. You need to cut that shit out.
So now we got another atheist who not only is an expert on Christianity but is an expert on Judaism, the Torah, and Islam. You nonbelievers sure think a lot of yourselves don’t you.
Non-believers aren’t blinded by the “teachings” of Imams, priests and preachers.
Some Muslims believe all not-Muslims are infidels. Most do not.
Some Christians believe homosexuals are perverted and should be outcasts. Most do not.
One dedicated to such investigations can find quotes and interpretations in the sacred texts to defend whatever bigotry they wish.
Too funny-Johnny’s trying equate “Jews for peace” protesters with “Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth” protesters. Brilliant!
“Sad: College student so caught up harassing Jews he forgot about term paper on inclusion…” BB
William Teach: Rep. Ilhan Omar is seen shaking hands with Khymani James, who openly said that “Zionists don’t deserve to live.”
Mr James said later, “I misspoke in the heat of the moment, for which I apologize.”
What would the Jan 6 rioters have done if they had cornered VP Pence?
While the rioters were rampaging through the Capitol shouting “Hang Mike Pence!”, President Trump (2:24PM) tweeted “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify, USA demands the truth!”
Do you know what the mob would have done if they had found an unprotected VP Pence? Maybe just take him hostage until Congress declared Trump the winner? Or Speaker Pelosi?
Karen (aka Rimjob) just can’t help herself.
Stupid is as stupid does.

Bwaha! Lolgf
VP Pence is straight so he would resist you blowing him. As a cowardly insurgent what DO YOU believe the brave insurgents would have done with VP Pence?
Line up to have the pictures taken with him? Get his autograph? Protect him from the crazier insurgents??
Again putting words in my mouth. I never said the government of the United states is founded on the Christian religion ever. I have said I do believe that the United States was founded on basically Christian principles.