Experts Start To Push Masking Again

They can piss right off

Should we wear masks again? Covid guidelines experts recommend

The uptick of Covid transmissions this summer has raised questions about whether or not certain safety measures such as wearing masks should be brought back.

Several companies and schools nationwide decided to reinstate Covid mask mandates in light of the rising hospitalisations including Morris Brown College in Atlanta, Lionsgate headquarters in Los Angeles, Kaiser Permanente across all California locations, and several hospitals in the state of New York. Workers and attendees at these locations are now required to wear masks upon entry.

“It is ticking up a little bit, but it’s not something that we need to raise any alarm bells over,” Dr David Dowdy, an infectious disease epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, told the Seattle TimesAlthough many health experts like Dr Dowdy don’t believe people have cause to worry, some have expressed their concerns.

While many people have forgone wearing masks, UC San Francisco infectious diseases expert, Dr Peter Chin-Hong, cautioned the Los Angeles Times that swearing off masks for good would put people at higher risk of contracting the virus, elaborating: “Right now, when things are heating up all around the country with Covid, you might want to think about [masking at] public transit and airports.”

No. Just no. People aren’t buying this stuff anymore. Well, most aren’t, there’s always a few. We all know masks do not work. Study after study shows this. If the Powers That Be try this again, most will refuse.

As new BA.2.86 COVID variant emerges, America lifts middle finger to the same old mandates

“We’re at an inflection point,” said CNN chief medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

More and more public-health officials are dusting off their old face masks and encouraging Americans to do the same for the new BA.2.86 variant of COVID-19, he explained.

Hearing that, Meghan McCain went to social media and spoke for an entire nation: “Uh no, we ain’t starting this s— again.”

McCain isn’t some right-wing reactionary. She’s not QAnon. She’s not a wrapped-in-the-flag freedom marcher. On this issue she is very much mainstream.

Her point is that the COVID-19 endemic will be much different than the pandemic. Americans are a lot wiser now about this pathogen and the people who tried to manage it the last time around.

Yes, we are wiser. Most of us, anyhow. Virtually nothing they forced on the public made a damned but of difference.

Will the New COVID-19 Vaccine Work Against the BA.2.86 Variant?

Well, the others barely worked, so, should we expect better with this one?

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12 Responses to “Experts Start To Push Masking Again”

  1. […] HMMM, we hear from the Cult of Climate Change that over population is a big part of the “problem”, so losing a billion people would help solve the CLIMATE CRISIS, at lest in part. So, do they want to solve the “crisis” or do they wanna make MAJOR MONEY? HMMMMMMMM! Or, wait maybe if we all wore masks? […]

  2. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Doctor Teach: the others (previous Covid vaccines) barely worked

    Not exactly true. Unvaccinated Americans were 14 times MORE likely to die from Covid than the fully vaccinated (including bivalent boosters). Unvaccinated Americans were 3 times MORE likely to die from Covid than the singly vaccinated. So, in fact, Dr Teach is gaslighting you.

    We know, we know, cons don’t believe anything from scientists, CDC, NIH etc.

    We know, we know, cons believe/feel that the vaccines kill more Americans than Covid.

  3. Dana says:

    Do as we say, not do as we do! The Washington Post’s Taylor Lorenz rips commenter who said he went maskless, when he didn’t know he had contracted the WuFlu, saying:

    That’s horrific and you spread death and disability. That’s why everyone should wear a mask in public while transmission is high and we should demand free and easy testing, public transmission data, upgraded ventilation etc.

    Then she was photographed at an afternoon tea party at Kathy Griffin’s house, along with the mentally ill man male who thinks he’s a girl, and several others, with nary a mask in sight.

    No, you should mask to protect others. It doesn’t matter if you personally have had 5, 6, 7 shots. You can still spread covid and are even more likely to be asymptomatic, which is a major way covid spreads. Also the vaxx doesn’t prevent long covid, which everyone is at risk for.

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      Is there some sort of a law of nature that states all leftist women have to be ugly freaking dogs? I mean just look at that picture is there one broad there that you would screw?

      Leftists, as ugly on the outside as they are on the inside. As my father says leftists are so ugly and so stupid they are the babies they should have aborted. And mean too.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Is there some sort of a law of nature that states all right-wing men have to be ugly freaking dogs?

        You’re lucky you still have your daddy to advise you!

        My god, conservative men are soooo ugly inside and out. So mean-spirited and so stupid they’re hard to mock!

        No wonder the God of the right, Fat Donnie, has to either rape women or pay them for sex!!

  4. Reverendken says:

    What part of NO don’t they understand? I have never worn a mask and never will! I was raised if you wear a mask you’re a thief of some type.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      So true!! The last guy I saw with a mask on knocked me out and stole my tumor!!!

  5. Jl says:

    “Ugly people rejoice over return of mask mandates..”

  6. Jl says:

    I used to love the good feeling I got from wearing my mask walking into a restaurant 6 feet apart and then taking it off when we sat down about a foot apart. Science!

  7. […] very good electronic friend, William Teach, from whom I stole borrowed the image to the right, noted on Thursday that the Usual Suspects and Fearmongers are once again calling for masking […]

  8. […] release of the next variant of the booster? I guess that she should’ve masked up, the way the worry-warts and panic-stricken have been […]

  9. […] release of the next variant of the booster? I guess that she should’ve masked up, the way the worry-warts and panic-stricken have been […]

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