…is an Evil book made from killing trees, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on a dude suffering from a failure of the victim-selection process.
If you think I’m kidding on books, there are actually discussion, such as this, on whether paper books are Bad for ‘climate change’.

Orange is the new black

Bwaha! Lolgf
She does look extremely well educated!
Looks like the leftists are gearing up for a traditional book burning huh? They never give up on their old ways.
I had a fantastic experience at church this past Sunday. Seems the entire congregation is now pro Trump. To think a year or so ago I was one of about five people that were pro t. Trump. Now I couldn’t find anybody coffee after service that was for biden.
The icing on the cake was one of the guys had a whole bunch of T-shirts he was selling with the new picture of Trump on the front. I bought several of them for myself and the family. I was very happy let’s see how many of my fellow negroes have come to their senses and dumped the Democrats. Now we’re not even voting Democrat local let alone presidential. Nobody supports these God hating fascists any longer.
President Trump like Moses himself lead us to the promised land. Hallelujah!
While this may be true, the Democratic party no longer needs voters.
True dat. There are already many more Dems than Repugs.
Outstanding, Mr. White.
Good people everywhere are waking up.
Here’s some more good news.
Talk about your “first world problem”… the ebook vs paper books is an extremely silly issue. Paper is made from trees harvested on managed forests. Book paper at least. One e-reader or laptop can hold thousands of books. That’s a lot of trees saved. Still, sometimes paper just feels right.
I could warm right up to that!