Psychology Needed To Combat ‘Climate Change’ And Capitalism Or Something

I’ve been reliably told by Warmists that this is all about science, and has absolutely nothing to do with politics

Critical Psychology Needed to Combat Capitalism and Climate Change

In our current era of intensifying climate change, the fields of psychology and climate justice may seem an unlikely pairing. However, a new article in the Review of General Psychology argues that the two are deeply intertwined. Its authors contend that critical psychology — a branch of psychology that challenges mainstream, individual-focused approaches — could be instrumental in our fight against climate change.

In their paper, “Climate Justice, Capitalism, and the Political Role of the Psychological Professions,” Abiodun Omotayo Oladejo, Nick Malherbe, and Ashley van Niekerk, from the University of South Africa, offer an incisive critique of mainstream psychological approaches to climate change, arguing they risk perpetuating the very factors driving the crisis.

“There is overwhelming empirical evidence that climate change is a product of the capitalist mode of production,” they write, citing multiple sources. 

They assert that mainstream responses to the climate crisis, including those from the psychological professions, have largely failed to acknowledge these capitalist origins. They argue this blind spot contributes to an oversimplified and depoliticized understanding of climate change, focusing primarily on individual behavior and ‘responsible consumerism.’ This approach, they argue, inadvertently props up the very system causing the crisis. (snip)

The authors begin the paper by exposing the intimate links between capitalism and climate change, underlining capitalism’s role in exacerbating our global climate crisis. While empirical evidence affirms that climate change results from human activity, labeling this period as ‘the Anthropocene’ risks downplaying the real culprit: the capitalist mode of production. The authors stress that not all humans share equal blame; industries driven by capitalist interests disproportionately contribute to carbon emissions.

You get the point: Warmists tend to be far left wackos, more similar to Socialists/Communists (in practice. Theory is quite different) who hate capitalism (for Other People), and want the Government in full charge of economies. The exact main point of the Socialist theory in the Democracy Model (political science 101) is that the government is heavily involved in all matters economic, including owning the means of production. Of course, that theory also states low governmental involvement in citizen’s lives, which is why it’s on the left. These Warmists are really way to the Right, into the Authoritarian models.

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2 Responses to “Psychology Needed To Combat ‘Climate Change’ And Capitalism Or Something”

  1. drowningpuppies says:

    The world’s mean temperature of 58° F or 14.5° C, averaged over land and oceans from 1975 to 2008.

    The Earth’s Temperature

    Currently: 57.48°F/14.16°C
    Deviation: 0.28°F/0.16°C
    Stations processed last hour: 67425
    Last station processed: Cheju, South Korea
    Update time: 2023-06-30 20:47:12 UTC

    What climate crisis?

    Bwaha! Lolgf

  2. drowningpuppies says:

    There are three great things about the truth:

    1. The truth exists regardless of
    whether anyone accepts it.

    2. The truth exists independent of
    anyone’s opinion of it.

    3. The truth exists whether “science”
    agrees with it, or not.

    — The Vat of Butter —

    Bwaha! Lolgf

Pirate's Cove