The vaccine makers and all those who support the vaccines have nothing to hide, right? They should welcome an inquiry as to how well the vaccines work, right?
DeSantis’s request for COVID vaccine probe denounced by health experts
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R) petition for a grand jury investigation into COVID-19 vaccines, in which he decries the ongoing vaccine campaign as “propaganda” by the Biden administration, is drawing fierce criticism from health experts.
Physicians and public health experts say his request betrays decades of established procedure designed to ensure the safety and efficacy of the vaccines, and only serves to stoke further immunization fears.
DeSantis’s petition for a grand jury investigation was approved by the Florida Supreme Court on Thursday, clearing the way for what his office described as a probe into “wrongdoing committed against Floridians related to the COVID-19 vaccine.” (snip)
In his petition, DeSantis expressed suspicion over the COVID-19 vaccines’ ability to prevent transmission of the virus, as well as public statements made on the subject by officials like President Biden and outgoing chief White House medical adviser Anthony Fauci. As has been previously stated by physicians and researchers, no vaccine is 100 percent effective, but studies have consistently shown the coronavirus vaccines offer strong enough protection for recipients to prevent severe disease, hospitalization and death.
“It is impossible to imagine that so many influential individuals came to this view on their own. Rather, it is likely that individuals and companies with an incentive to do so created these perceptions for financial gain,” DeSantis suggested in his petition.
Rather than showing the data that proves that the Wuhan Flu vaccines are safe and protect people from getting COVID, the “experts” would rather demonize DeSantis and bloviate
Brian Castrucci, president and CEO of public health group the de Beaumont Foundation, said DeSantis “appears to be focused on creating fear around vaccines that have been shown to be safe and effective,” rather than protecting the lives of Floridians.
“These vaccines have been tested and scrutinized more than any other vaccine, and they continue to save lives. Vaccine safety is not a partisan issue and attempting to make it one puts lives at risk,” Castrucci added.
Um, the majority of people who are dying with COVID were vaccinated. How many people do you know who were vaxxed and caught COVID?
Joshua Sharfstein, vice dean for public health practice and community engagement at Johns Hopkins University and former principal deputy commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), said in a statement to The Hill that while there are legitimate avenues for evaluating vaccine recommendations, DeSantis’s investigation request was not an example of one.
“This is turning a matter of health and science into a political wedge issue, with the likely consequence that many people will be misled into placing themselves and their families at risk of serious illness and death,” Sharfstein said.
Right, because the vax Fascists didn’t use the vaccines as a political wedge issue, with all their mandates, firings, forced vaccinations, vaccine passports, and so forth.

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Candidate DeSantis was “for” vaccines before he was “against” them.
This is a political stunt aimed at his low information base. Anyway, this is the new nuGOP strategy. Revenge, fight, retaliation, blame, attack, investigate, delay, win at all costs.
Conservative voters just cannot be humiliated. tRump, Rudy, DeSantis, Gaetz, Marjorie Traitor Greene keep dishing shit and you keep eating it. Republican elites saw how you chowed down on Bush and Cheney and thought “These guys will eat anything!”, including tRump!! And ZOMG, tRump still has uber-con supporters!
Is there any BS a white, Christian nationalist won’t tolerate as long as their guy signals support for a white, Christian ethnostate?? How low will you go? LOL.
Can you actually point to someone we have that supports a White, Christian “ethnostate”? Can you name any “ethnostate”? And if so is it a White Christian one?
I think you’re full of hate and shit and I can’t figure which is more. You make shit up to fight and hate people who don’t exist.
Dear Elwood:
“Candidate DeSantis was “for” vaccines before he was “against” them.”
I was for smoking until I found out how bad it was. Then I changed my mind.
Here’s the highlights of the petition.
5. The federal government, medical associations, and other experts
have created an expectation that receiving a COVID-19 vaccine is an
ethical or civic duty and that choosing not to get vaccinated against
COVID-19 is selfish and harmful to others. 1 “
“For example, on November 30, 2020, the Chief Executive
Officer of Moderna told the public that a study “confirms the ability
of our vaccine to prevent COVID-19 disease with 94.1 % efficacy.” 11
12. Pfizer similarly stated that its vaccine was “highly effective with
91.3% vaccine efficacy observed against COVID-19 … through up to
six months after the second dose.”
The problem was that the government, and others, created a belief that the vaccines were silver bullets when in fact the manufacturers had said otherwise.
The Biden administration had two ways to go.
1. Concentrate on those most affected. The elderly and immune compromised along with the health care workers needed the vaccine. The young and healthy, even if they became ill, would survive. This approach would spread herd immunity fairly quickly and defer any need to shut the country down. No Left winger wanted that. They wanted control! They knew what was best and if people got hurt, well, that’s tough.
2. Biden opted to say that everyone must be vaccinated and required mandates, etc., etc.
What will the Grand Jury find? Will they decide that the manufacturers overstated the need? Why give the vaccine to children is just one of the questions that need to be answered.
But we already know one thing. The wrong approach was taken. The country didn’t need to be shut down. Children didn’t need the vaccine.
What else? It’ll be fun watching.
Are you implying that YOU didn’t “support” the vaccines that Trump himself pushed through at warp speed?
Before we had vaccines, NYC had 3000 deaths in one day. That is more than 9/11
Also remember that in the beginning masks ran out, there were only enough for healthcare workers. This was 1 month after Trump told the USA that it was all under control.
So New York had 3000 deaths in a day, does that mean you support war with China, as that is the intentional origin of the illness?
Johnny-was that at the same time when Brandon and Pelosi called Trump’s policy of restricting flights from China “racist and xenophobic”?
Always follow the science. Ignorance can kill you! But of course DeStupido knows better. Nothing but a con’s political stunt. Another gasser!