It’s almost like all the open borders liberals in D.C. like illegals/migrants in theory, but, not practice, at least when they end up in the liberal sanctuary cities, eh?
DC attorney general opens investigation into migrant buses that arrived in capital
Attorney General Karl Racine (D) has opened an investigation into whether migrants sent north by southern governors were misled when they boarded transportation taking them hundreds of miles away.
The Texas Tribune and ProPublica co-published an article on Friday that Racine’s office is looking to determine if trip organizers deceived the migrants into getting on buses that took them to D.C. in recent months.
Racine told the outlets that migrants have “talked persuasively” about being misled with promises of “services” to be provided in interviews with investigators. He did not provide them with more specifics about the probe, including whether it is a criminal or civil matter.
Deceived? You mean like how the open borders advocates have essentially enticed hundreds of thousand, if not millions, to head to the U.S. for easy money, housing, clothing, food, education, medical care, and citizenship, even though that is against U.S. law? That all these illegals/migrants are super-welcome, as long as they go to non-Democrat cities? How about all the illegals Biden flies in the middle of the night and dumps in small town America?
Abbott’s press secretary told The Texas Tribune and ProPublica that no deceit was used in sending the migrants north. She said the migrants signed a voluntary consent form that was available in multiple languages upon boarding.
A spokesperson for (Arizona gov) Ducey told the outlets that Arizona is working with a regional health center to ensure the migrants are treated well and get to their destinations.
They dotted their i’s and crossed their t’s, and sanctuary cities like D.C. are just upset that they’re getting a small taste of what border cities have to deal with. And the more they whine the more Florida, Texas, and Arizona will send the illegals to sanctuary cities.

Not only must the Democrats be defeated but they must never be allowed to have a voice in government again. These people are no longer pro-democracy, pro-America, pro-family, pro-intelligent in anything they believe or do.
The left used to have valid ideas that while the right did not agree with them at least they were in the same ballpark as mainstream America. The left’s ideas were hard to digest but the end result of most of those ideas was to make America a better place.
No longer. Today the left wants criminals to run rampant in the streets. They value rat-infested, disease-ridden mentally unstable TENT CITIES to thrive next to any small, medium business in this country.
The left opens the borders and hides behind the cloak of Sanctuary cites but, in reality, it is just a position they take to make sure the country is overrun by illegal and illiterate people who while seemingly are not bad people, do not share the values of America but rather bring their own version of humanity with them which is exactly what Democrats crave.
Mass CONFUSION and solid subscribers to Cloward and Piven which of course is the strategy to OVERWHELM the Government until it collapses.
AGW, Illegal Immigration, Student loan forgiveness, Banning of fossil fuels, EVs, Inflation, and Heavy Taxation are all trademarks of a party that hates what America is and wants to “FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE” America from within.
To end your misery, end tyranny by voting Democrats out of office. If you are afraid of the DO NOTHING REPUBLICANS then you of course believe that a single issue like abortion which is still and will still be legal all across the USA is your fear.
Your fear should be no food, no gasoline, no jobs, no money, and no home. Your fear should be moving into a high rise with 10,000 other down and destitute Americans as we all open our hands to the government for handouts.
Your fears should be of BILL GATES who is buying up all the farmland in the USA or as much as he can. Your fear should be of CHINA which is buying company after company in the USA and moving them to China. Your fear should be of a Democratic party that is pressing hard to encourage PUTIN to launch a few nukes, and then we launch a few and then a few more until the world is radioactive.
Your fear should not be a few molecules of CO2. Fossil fuels will long be gone before our world is too uncomfortable to live in. Your fear should be a world with no power as the world is racing toward its NEXT GLOBAL ICE AGE which is on the horizon. Neither of those scenarios is in you, or your kids, or your kids kids lifetimes but the left tries hard to convince you it will happen in a few years.
IN A WORLD FULL OF LIES THE TRUTH IS A CONSPIRACY. Under Democrats, you will eat bugs, own nothing, and LIKE it or else.
Vote Republican or forever regret it for the rest of your what the Democrats promise will be one miserable future.
Americans should fear the ignorance and dishonesty of the anti-democracy forces trying to overrun the United States of America.
Commenter: Democrats… must never be allowed to have a voice in government again
In other words… The dem/lib/left are so dangerous to America that we must end American democracy so the “grown-up” MAGA/nuCon/right can “fix” America.
We’ve allowed the left to “play” with America long enough. But now this sh*t is real. It’s time for hard-working white, christian, straight men to TAKE BACK AMERICA and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!! MAGA!!
I am waiting for Trump to be convicted of anything by the democrats who now have a new strategy of arresting their political opponents.
The left used to be anti-war and anti-establishment.
No longer. Now they crave war and love them some DOJ and FBI and CIA especially if they go after any Conservative patriot who tries to stand up for American values.
I agree with FACTS….don’t go voting for no lying, I BELIEVE IN THE POLICE, DEMOCRAT who ONCE ELECTED WILL THEN TELL YOU TO FUK OFF AS THEY ONCE AGAIN TURN THE THUGS and MURDERERS lose and laugh at your stupidity.
Martha’s Vineyard Migrant Update!
10000$ reward being offered for the location of Pearl Huerta, the woman who lived and coerced the migrants to fly to MV (at a cost of $12300 per seat)
Migrants have left the state shelter on Cape Cod and are dispersed in MA.
Some have been reported to have returned to FL for work on hurricane clean up
The migrants are applying for U class visa as criminally trafficked victims this will allow them work authorization during their 6 year wait for a court hearing
The MA National Guard LtCol who followed and harassed the bus load of tourists from TN thinking they were “illegals” all while live streaming his support for Desantis was disciplined and retrained. The Falmouth police who responded to the incident said he appeared to be suffering from a mental health problem, as reported by The Military Times
There are 11 million job vacancies in the USA, should the migrants be either allowed or forced to work while awaiting their years long wait for their court hearings?
Your entire comment is bullshit H. Only a true believer like yourself would brelieve such nonsense without full documentation from reliable sources. If all you consume is radical leftist propaganda then that’s all you know. If all you have is a hammer, everything becomes a nail. Ya can’t get all your opinions from CNN and it’ll fuk up your brain and you’ll start sounding like a dowd rant.
You really do believe everything they tell ya. Wow.
Yes-“defund the police” has morphed into “support your local FBI”.