This is all because the UN IPCC report is coming out. There are all sorts of fear-mongering articles out there, and here’s one
Global health has improved for decades. Climate change could change that.
As temperatures warm, the health risks of climate change are expected to intensify in the U.S. and worldwide.
The effects of climate change have already left millions of people hungry, caused deaths during heat waves and strained some people’s mental health as they are forced to leave their homes because of extreme weather, according to a major report from the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, that was released Monday.
So far, scientists say, world leaders are falling short not only at reducing fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions but also in making their communities more resilient to the health issues aggravated by climate change.
There have always been heat waves, weather has always caused hunger problems, and forced people to move. Interestingly, Humanity moved forward faster than ever during this Modern Warm Period, and the people whining about fossil fuels refuse to give up their own use.
In the decades before the Covid-19 pandemic, measures of human health worldwide largely improved. Now, climate change could put those trends in jeopardy.
“For many aspects of human well-being, we are actually in a period of decades of progress,” said Brian O’Neill, a chief scientist at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory who studies climate change risks and helped author the IPCC report. In particular, O’Neill cited the trend of reductions in worldwide poverty, malnourishment and child mortality. “Climate impacts slow that progress or put it at risk.”
The findings are part of a broad study by the IPCC of the effects of climate change, its impacts and how societies could adapt and prepare for a warmer climate. The assessment, which was written by 270 scientists from 67 countries, represents broad consensus among researchers about how global warming is affecting people and the environment — and the potential consequences of inaction.
Reducing poverty, improving health care and focusing on sustainable development could matter as much for people’s health and well-being as reducing emissions, O’Neill said.
In other words, if Government doesn’t Do Something we are all doomed. And they can fix this with your money and freedom!
BTW, you’ll probably see the UN IPCC and other Warmists use the deaths and health issues from Wuhan Flu in a few years in their doomy reports to say we should Do Something.

Yes, it looks like increased fossil fuel usage has already had an impact on health…