As I have done every year since the 5th anniversary of September 11th, I remember two wonderful individuals, Brook Jackman and Andrew Golkin, who I’ll never have a possible chance to meet and converse with, due to 19 murderous Islamist terrorists and their superiors, who attacked our country on that fateful day.
This is Brooke Alexandra Jackman. She was born August 28, 1978. She was murdered by Islamic extremists September 11, 2001, while working at Cantor Fitzgerald, where she worked as an assistant trader. She was just 23.
After reading so many touching stories and tributes about Brooke, I feel I almost know her. Her smile is infective. It seems so natural, rather then forced, as so many picture smiles are.
But, why listen to me. Listen to her father, Robert Jackman:
Brooke, the Brookster, the baby, so beautiful, so bright, so wonderful. She always made notes of her daily projects; she hated to forget anything. She had to be perfect-to do everything to perfection. She was the best and she always tried to see the best in everyone, always respected the other person’s right to be different. Brooke loved books reading all the time. I would bring her to work when she was a little girl and she would read her books all day in the office until she fell asleep on the couch. Brooke was the baby, the youngest of three, like me. I would tell her that’s what made her so strong, so independent, so focused because she always had to stick up for herself with her older brother and sister.
It seems that everyone who knew Brooke felt the same way. Apparently, she was a huge reader, with her nose always in a book, stopping by Borders everyday on her way to work. A kindred soul, since I typically have several books I am reading at one time. Makes me feel a little closer to this wonderful women I never knew, and now, will never meet.
Brooke was a giver, volunteering her time to work at soup kitchen’s, a school or the disabled, and a thrift shop that benefited cancer patients. She even won an award in 1996 from the Nassau County Executive for “scholarship and service.”
She worked on the 104th floor of Tower 1.
You can access the Brooke Jackman Foundation here.
God Bless you, Brooke, and may He always keep you in His arms.
This is Andrew Golkin. He was a Vice President at Cantor Fitzgerald. Born, 1970. On 9/11, 2001, Islamic extremists killed him. He was 30.
Born and raised in The City, he overcame disabilities to succeed in life, to be a world traveler, and a well respected member of Cantor Fitzgerald as VP of Interest Rates Derivatives.
A graduate of Hobart and William Smith Colleges, he is survived by his parents, Gerald and Janet, and sister Susan, as well as many aunts and uncles.
He worked on the 105th floor of the North Tower on that Day.
His mother, Janet, said “He had a wonderful, sweet disposition. Friends used to say he was the glue that held relationships together.” He was a “vegetarian who liked to box, and preferred a punch in the face over a bite of steak.”
For Andrew Golkin’s family, it wasn’t so much a question of whether to have a service, but what to call it. At 30, he was too young for them to call it “a celebration” of his life, said his sister, Susan, 34, of Manhattan. They called it simply a service in his memory. Five of his friends spoke. The rabbi who conducted his bar mitzvah officiated at the service. “There comes a time when having hope is more detrimental than coming to terms with what happened,” she said.
For her family, it was vital. “So you can know how to live the rest of your life.”
His friends and family have set up the Andrew Golkin Memorial Scholorship Fund, designed to fund and promote educational scholorship for deserving kids in NYC.
Glorified and sanctified be God’s great name throughout the world which He has created according to His will. May He establish His kingdom in your lifetime and during your days, and within the life of the entire House of Israel, speedily and soon; and say, Amen.
May His great name be blessed forever and to all eternity.
Blessed and praised, glorified and exalted, extolled and honored, adored and lauded be the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, beyond all the blessings and hymns, praises and consolations that are ever spoken in the world; and say, Amen.
May there be abundant peace from heaven, and life, for us
and for all Israel; and say, Amen.He who creates peace in His celestial heights, may He create peace for us and for all Israel; and say, Amen.
Where was I? On this 20th year, so many are remembering where they were and what they were doing, so as to Never Forget. The day started out like any other day, getting ready for work. I was in the shower when the radio station I was listening to said a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. I hurried through, shaved quickly, and got out. And was watching the live helicopter coverage when the 2nd plane crashed. And then the mayhem that occurred at the Pentagon, people not sure what was going on, just that there was smoke or something there, till we found out the reality. People evacuating. The Towers collapsing. The horror and pain on the faces of people in New York City. We stayed tune to a little 5 inch TV I had, which I brought to work.
Where were you? Do you remember why it’s important to never forget?

When did “My body my choice” become “My body YOUR choice”?
While the rest of us reflect on all our nation has lost over the last 20 years in personal Freedom, international respect, economic security, border sovereignty, and how many of us coalesced to government propaganda and now force in the face of a flu I really pine for those pre 9/11 days.
Patriot’s Day isn’t even a national holiday but they want to make George Floyds birthday one. So while most of us will make sure our flags fly proudly we must give time for the “others” (you know who you are) to burn a few in celebration.
Joke of the day:
Not fukin’ Joey either.

Bwaha! Lolgf
We hope you all had the opportunity to hear former President George W. Bush’s moving speech this morning in PA.
Former Presidents Clinton and Obama, and of course President Biden took part in the memorial services in NYC. Former President Jimmy Carter (96 yrs) said that he and his bride, Rosalyn, will honor the fallen privately at home in Georgia.
Ex-president tRump did not respond to media queries regarding 9/11 but has announced being a color commentator at an exhibition boxing match tonight between retired boxer Evander Holyfield (58 yr) and retired MMA fighter Vitor Belfort (44 yr) at a Florida casino. Old men boxing for money, with tRump getting paid to be the commentator… is this the low point in boxing history?
Somehow you commie faggots always seem to make it about Trump. You do realize junta joe is killing Americans as we speak but that doesn’t matter to you.
You’re the one collecting millions from the US taxpayers, you old commie, you! You’re part of crony capitalism/government complex, stealing from your fellow taxpayers.
Who is duly elected President Biden killing?
I fart in your general direction, LOL.
“You’re the one collecting millions from the US taxpayers, you old commie, you! You’re part of crony capitalism/government complex, stealing from your fellow taxpayers.”
You’re absolutely hilarious, you jealous fool. I’m not “collecting” millions like your inner city niggas, I’m EARNING it by providing a service to YOUR ILLEGAL government. My Non profit NGO BUYS the properties we rent to the unvaxxed illegals YOUR senile piece of shit leader brings in her from all over the third world. Murderers, rapists, thieves, the diseased, the illiterate, drug an d human traffickers, child abusers and drug runners and now on top of it your leader is shipping in sand rats who murder faggots, rape children and decapitate everyone who isn’t ready to submit to islam.
But it is good to know that you realize yor liar-in-chief has made a fool of you by using your money to make a company full of Christian conservatives rich. Know what else? We are planning on giving our surplus to ALL CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE groups. So biden is funding us now. HAhahaha.
Furthermore, we’re already collecting $80k per week off of biden and we have a banking opportunity to get another $16+ million for real estate purchases which could multiply that income X10.
I’ve taken the opportunity to transform a 1200 sf. section of my basement which is semi finished but unused into a Wine Cellar complete with temperature and humidity control, a tasting bar and high top tables. At the same time I want to build June a new 4 person sauna on the other side. Just because we can. Thanks Elwood and thanks for actually believing your fake leader is helping ONLY LEFTISTS. Hahaha.
I grew tired of sitting and watching the commies like you get all the benefits from your schemes. Well, my Korean friends are used to dealing with corrupt leftists so they have plans for all your crooked schemes.
Your envy and jealousy do my heart good. Thanks Elwood. Keep up the envy. I LOVE it!!
Commie faggots like you, tRump and the commie faggot Teach are killing Americans.
Looks as if Rimjob, dipshit that he is, is celebrating like his good friends.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Looks as if Bungholio, dispshit that she is, just like her master dipshit, the commie faggot, Teach, is back!
Don’t you have some celebrating to do with your good friends?
Maybe ass rape a small boy?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Don’t you and your master, Teach, have some ass-raping of a small boy on your agenda?
Don’t ever forget the other 9/11 when brave Americans were left to fend for themselves in Benghazi in 2012.
Where was Obama? Where was Hillary?

Bwaha! Lolgf
The real President.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Donald Jackoff tRump WAS president when he made the speech at Shanksville PA because it was made a fugging year ago, LOL. He couldn’t be bothered today.
He is not president today, having lost the election bigly last November to the real President, Joseph Biden.
In fact, tRump has never won an election has he? Biggest Loser!
Funny that they won’t let Joey give a live speech at any the photo ops.
Ever wonder why, Rimjob?

Bwaha! Lolgf
America: Never Forget!!
tRump: I forgot.
He may have just been too busy.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Another great post for today.

Bwaha! Lolgf

Bwaha! Lolgf
Former President George W. Bush today in Pennsylvania:
Bush’s speech was excellent.
And those of us who remember the days following 9/11 remember how Bush was attacked for his words and response to 9/11 by the left who hated Bush.
Trump visited NYPD and NYFD stations and was met with cheers from those first responders. He spent several minutes with them, talking and answering questions.
Biden, on the other hand, made no live comments and was told only to release a pre-recorded statement that lasted 70 seconds.
The left will attack Trump as we have seen here because they hate Trump.
Biden will get a pass from the left because their hatred of Trump and Bush.
After all, all the left has is hate.
Twenty Years ago I was the Active Duty Manager for a Texas Air National Guard Special Operations Weather Flight.
– I had just gotten back to the office from our Ops Group weekly meeting. I heard on the radio that there had been an explosion at the World Trade Center. I remember the last explosion and wondered if it was another Terrorist bombing. I went down to storage and pulled out a small TV from one of the Team kits. I had it set up and tuned in just in time to see the second plane hit live on TV.
I called the Boss at his job and said “We are at warâ€
He had been watching as well and we started discussing plans for the next two weeks.
I hung up that call and started the Recall Roster…
I notified my unit members to tell their employers to prepare for their absence, and to pack their bags, triple check their gear, and prepare their families.
I then called AFSOC and notified them that all unit members are accounted for and prepared for 72 hour deployment as required.
My first team went out the door in December 2001, our unit had at least one person deployed in support of OEF and OIF from 2001 until I was medically retired in 2010.
While I was in Kabul in 2003 the backstabbing POS that I voted for in 2000 changed the ROE to handcuff the Heroes who won the war, and installed Islam as the government of Afghanistan,
AND started the purge of our military leadership to install the Pro-Islam brigade that runs it today.
I was NOT surprised when bush voted for Hillary or when he voted for biden.
We as a Nation have forgotten 911…
The proof is that we have actual Terrorist sympathizers elected to congress,
We have a Dictator that actually said for the record that he is losing patience with Law Abiding American Citizens, and not only that…
BUT this Dictator (or more likely those controlling him) GAVE a Terrorist Army 89 BILLION in the latest US Taxpayer Funded American Military Hardware.
AND our Military Leadership supported and assisted every TREASONOUS step of the way…
And we haven’t Tarred and Feathered him and Strung up those who are controlling him.
We as a Nation HAVE FORGOTTEN 911
Just Imagine a World WITHOUT Islam.
Then and only then can we forget 911
If you do some serious looking the fourth turning began with 911. It was and will be the downfall of the United States.
A plague was turned lose on the world, Terrorists blew people up all over the world. The internet ushered in world wide anarchy….which leftists fails to grasp since they are sole focused on a few USA MSM outlets who do not tell you anything except LEFT IS GREAT AND RIGHTIES ARE ALL DOMESTIC TERRORISTS.
Wokeness is a plague sweeping the world further dividing people along ethnic and political lines all across the world.
The end is nigh. I predict it, I point out signs of it, I cannot tell you how many millions and millions of people all over the world are right now as we speak protesting violently. Starving to death and have no medicines even in non third world nations.
911 was just the start. When those planes hit, it was a dagger. Bin Laden knew what he was doing and he concluded with a woke military pulling out of Afghanistan in a rush to the exits trampling anyone that got in their way.
We are headed for a cultural dark age. Bank it.
The woke military says that China will invade Taiwan in 6 years.
I have been pointing out for months that they will invade within the next year.
The USA will do nothing. China has filled its border with North Korea with troops as well as flooding the cross straits invasion staging grounds on Taiwan with 100’s of thousands of troops.
FORBES July 27, 2021. Thousands Of Ships, Millions Of Troops: China Is Assembling a Huge Fleet For War With Taiwan
Aug 17, 2021 · China dispatches warships and troops towards Taiwan while world’s back is turned CHINA has taken advantage of the world’s current focus on Afghanistan to launch a series of intimidating military …
I predict that China will unleash a weaponized biological weapon in the USA prior to them Attacking Taiwan.
The USA’s response will be to deny China was involved, give them Taiwan and ask them if they would like Australia and New Zealand as well. After all our Government is infiltrated with communist Chinese agents and those that are not commies are on the dole for billions to turn the other cheek…This includes deep staters, Pentagon, Republicans and Democrats.
When Hamas started lobbing stuff at Israel in early 2000, Bush encouraged the Israelis to respond. They launched an attack in which the Israelis were ROUTED by the Hamas forces. An interview conducted of a Special forces ISRAELI operative showed he was afraid, cowardly and soft. This is too hard he declared. We were assured we would win by just showing up.
That my friends is the USA military today. Woke, afraid and in disarray as the BLM leader in the Pentagon leads a PURGE of fine officers, fighting men and true soldiers and replaces them with snowflakes who are looking for benefits and a job rather than to serve.
The USA could not beat China in a war. PERIOD. They hyper-sonic missiles they have would sink the entire fleet before they got anywhere near Taiwan to help.