…are palm trees growing in the North Pole due to climate change, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with a post on the CDC wanting blacks/browns vaccinated over whites.
It’s Santa week!

…are palm trees growing in the North Pole due to climate change, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with a post on the CDC wanting blacks/browns vaccinated over whites.
It’s Santa week!
It’s even worse than that. The left wants 20 year old healthy POC vaccinated ahead of elderly white people with pre existing conditions. I thought taking people with PEC was so fukin important when they were selling that shit pile Obamacare. What happened? What happened to “those most at risk”?
Didn’t you know? The BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of color) are far more likely to have voted for Democrats than an evil reich-wing white person like you, and therefore they must receive the vaccine first.
It’s worse than that. Race hustlers can’t decide if they should be at the front of the line because of historical injustice or at the back of the line due to historical medical experimentation on their community. Too bad the Left can’t possibly consider the personal liberty option to let people decide for themselves if they want it or not, or when they want to be in line for it.
From CBS
The CDC released guidelines today, Dec 20.
“The new proposal comes less than a week after the first Covid-19 vaccines went out to health care workers and people living in long-term care facilities across the country. That group is referred to as Phase 1A.”
“In addition to those 75 and older, the next phase, deemed Phase 1B, would include first responders, such as firefighters and police officers, as well as teachers, day care staff and others working in education. Corrections officers, U.S. postal workers, public transit workers and those whose jobs are essential for the food supply — from farmers to grocery store employees — are also next up to receive the vaccine.”
“The CDC committee also voted Sunday on who should be included in Phase 1C of vaccination. This phase would include adults ages 65 to 74, as well as anyone ages 16 and older with an underlying health problem that would put them at greater risk for complications from Covid-19. Those conditions include type 2 diabetes, chronic kidney disease and certain heart conditions. The committee said people with chronic illnesses should speak with their doctor about their eligibility. Phase 1C also includes remaining essential workers — including those who work in the transportation, energy, public safety and water management industries — as well as those in information technology, banking, media and the justice system, such as judges and lawyers. Waiters, fast-food workers and other people in the food service industry are also included.”
Regarding racial designations we hear:
“A major ethical issue in front of the committee has been how it’s considered racial and ethnic minorities, groups that have been disproportionately affected by Covid-19. But according to data presented at the ACIP meeting, front-line essential workers first in line, in Phase 1B, are more likely to be white Americans, while there is significant representation of minority groups in other essential workers, in Phase 1C.”
According to the article, NC, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Louisiana, Iowa, Indiana, OK, Kansas and Utah, not to mention MI, NV and PA (states the TrumpKult claims Trump won) are included in the states with plans to also prioritize minorities.
Questions: Can anyone find the documents from any state listed in the article? It doesn’t appear the CDC is making recommendations regarding minorities at this time.
Here are the state plans as of Nov 17 cited by MailOnline article.
Here’s the MailOnline take on Blacks over whites bias…
“A recent study from the National Governors Association also showed that ‘many states have incorporated health equity principles in their vaccination plans to varying degrees’.
It reported that California, Louisiana, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Indiana have listed fairness, equity, or both as key principles for vaccine distribution.
Oregon is also emphasizing health equity as a central pillar of its rollout, while North Carolina ‘specifically cited historically marginalized populations as an early-phase critical population group’.”
Is it possible that MailOnline was interpreting “equitY” as preferring POC over white folks?
Is this part of that “fake” news you hear so much about?
Please see if you can find any official reference by any of the states or the CDC preferring POC over whites. Thanks.
Say, why is Russia Don defending the Russians over the cyberattack on multiple US government computer systems? That’s rhetorical. We’ll find out in a few years.
Who said “… saying Russia, Russia, Russia, but I don’t — maybe it was. I mean, it could be Russia, but it could also be China. It could also be lots of other people. It also could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, OK?â€
from a 2010 SPLC document:
“Common scenarios suggested on Patriot discussion boards include economic collapse, followed by massive social unrest; a global (and likely government-created) pandemic; multiple acts of mega-terrorism (again, featuring government collusion); or possibly a fraudulent presidential election, resulting in rioting in major cities around the country.”
Some things never change…