…are leaves falling due to carbon pollution driven climatic changes, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post fact checking the Harris-Biden tax plan.

…are leaves falling due to carbon pollution driven climatic changes, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post fact checking the Harris-Biden tax plan.
The curious incident of the dog that didn’t bark.
The “big guy” is Joe and he’s dirty.
Lock him up!
Ruh-roh. Would paying for an abortion have any impact on Trump’s popularity with the far-right wing? If not, why not?
More explosive revelations from trump’s fixer, Michael Cohen. $1.6 million.,..
You’re gonna need a better source than that. Cohen’s said a lot of things, but only on his word.
That’s why not.
Really, all your my source said stories add up to nothing. Maybe in a time before all the Lefties destroyed a lot of the standards and the norms in this country, but the people have found a fighter and they like his style.
Ruh-roh. The real reason Jeffery is grasping at nonexistent straws. Gropin’ Joe’s campaign manager tells the faithful there is no double digit lead, substantiated by the Gray Lady. Says the race is “a lot closer”.
English translation: Trump’s winning.
Follow up to
Trump did 2 rallies today He flies out to NV for another tomorrow. Will do 2 in AZ Monday. Will do 1 in PA Tuesday. Another in NC Wednesday.
Where’s Gropin’ Joe? Where’s Chlamydia?
Rallies are meaningless to everyone except The Don and his bands of flying monkeys.
What will you do when Trump loses bigly?
Question is, what happens when Trump sweeps the board?
And, yes, rallies do matter. Gropin’ Joe can barely get through one a day with attendance barely in double digits. You think people don’t notice stuff like that?
You do. We both know it.
Forgot. Sibley, the squab who sucks the boils on Porter’s ass, falls for the Biden Team’s play. Nah, there’s no Biden lead, it’s super, super close. Trump has rallies AND flotillas!
Hey, today Trump called the military liars who hid that Osama bin-laden IS STILL ALIVE!!!
Do you think that Osama is still alive?
First, our troops and “losers” and “suckers”. Next, Gold Star families infected him with Covid. Now, the military lied about killing Osama.
Is Trump trying to lose? He and the family are readying their expatriation to Saudi Arabia.
Forgot. Sibley, the squab who sucks the boils on Porter’s ass, falls for the Biden Team’s play. Nah, there’s no Biden lead, it’s super, super close. Trump has rallies AND flotillas!
Sure, private call to insiders and it’s all a play.
And Gropin’ joe has nothin’.
Hey, today Trump called the military liars who hid that Osama bin-laden IS STILL ALIVE!!!
Link? Missing?
You, missing link.
Do you think that Osama is still alive?
Question is, do you think that Gropin’ Joe is still alive?
Myself, I don’t go around calling people I’ve never met by their first names.
First, our troops and “losers†and “suckersâ€. Next, Gold Star families infected him with Covid. Now, the military lied about killing Osama.
OK, so we know the bin Laden story is another of your lies.
Color me surprised.
Is Trump trying to lose? He and the family are readying their expatriation to Saudi Arabia.
Considering the Sauds are grateful for his Jewish son-in-law and him smoothing the way toward a peace with Israel (that would be his 5th nomination, 2nd for next year), I could see a state visit, but he has 4 more years as President, maybe 12, still in the White Folks House.
Ruh-roh. Shoulda listened to Gateway.
WHO says <a href=”https://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2020/10/16/WHO-study-says-remdesivir-has-little-or-no-effect-on-COVID-19/3481602855782/>remdesivir has little or no effect on Birx Barf.
You mean the Deep State Dwarf and all those “experts” were wrong?
That’s the way science works. You test hypotheses to get answers. Did the Gateway Bros run a clinical trial?
Apparently, it doesn’t work that way because all the “experts” you cited were wrong. Of course, they had a stake in Gilead, but that’s just a coinkydink.
And Gateway just listened to real experts without an ax to grind. Who observed actual results.
Could be you should have done the same.
You make shit up all the time.
Didn’t the Gateways recommend hydroxychloroquine? Right now, there are no proven therapies other than the clinical interventions performed by the heroes in the hospitals.
Again Dr. Rimjob doesn’t have a clue.
Get some sleep old man.
Keep telling yourself that.
HCQ has saved lots of lives but you care about that as you do about “the heroes in the hospitals” (and spare us they hype, you hate all those heroes who were against ZippyCare).
Gateway just reported that prominent surgeons found HCQ was useful in keeping patients alive.
They “recommended” nothing.
But you did.
BWAHA!!! Lolgf
Yep, it’s neck and neck. Dem voters waiting up to 11 hrs to cast their ballots show that Dems are worried. Record numbers of early voters and it’s nearly 3 wks out. Dems are scared.
Considering the Rs are outperforming them, yes, they are.
PS How long they wait has nothing to do with how many they are.
I would presume the Rs also have to wait 11 (sure) hours.
Yep, Trump has it all arranged. It’s a done deal. You guys can relax.
If it’s all arranged, why is he busting his ass? Yesterday, he did a speech and a rally in FL and another rally in GA.
The only one who thinks it’s a done deal is you, but those nasty little facts keep ruining your illusions.
Yeah. The national campaign manager doesn’t know what she’s talking about.
Maybe they should hire Rimjob’s polling service.

Interesting side note on the election polling.
One only has to have a degree in statistics and look into the polling to realize that many things are happening which favor Biden. Oversampling democrats. Polling strong democratic bastions of support. Under polling areas of conservative support.
Wonder why the sudden warnings from the Dems? Wonder why Biden is out campaigning everyday for the last couple of weeks after hiding in the basement for Months?
Democrats own polling gives Trump the lead nationally by 3 points as opposed to being down by 11 points. They give Trump the lead in Arizona by 3 points as opposed to being down by 4 points. Michigan is a Trump lead by 3 points. Wisconsin is a Trump lead by 2 points. Minnesota is a dead heat and only in PA is Trump behind by 3/4 points as opposed to 12 points as the national polls have it.
This is why You have seen Biden set up shop in PA. They believe they are going to flip AZ and win PA, MN and WI and MI. As I have mentioned before my polling friends tell me that Biden has a 3 state strategy. Flip AZ, Set up Shop in PA and MI. They do not believe they will lose WI or MN.
In AZ alone a poll that was spot on in 2016 for Arizona just came out showing Trump up by 5-7 points and McSally trailing trump by 5 points. This is actually good news for the GOP as it means coattails might propel McSally to a win in the senate despite being behind.
If the AZ poll is accurate which corresponds to another poll which gave Trump a 4 point lead a week ago then this does not bode well for Nevada, Texas, GA, FL and NC for the Democrats.
A new Zogby poll shows Trumps approval among likely Black voters at 23 percent. If this holds in the election it will be a rout. His support among Hispanics is 37 percent. Both of these groups are in line with constant polling by many different polls the last year. 23 percent blacks and 37 percent Hispanics translates to why Trump is leading NATIONALLY by 3 points in the dems own internal polling.
The route is on as more and more emails come out and the Democrats try to blame all of this again on RUSSIA instead of a drunken Hunter Biden’s whose signature has been verified on the receipt for the computers and you notice the Biden camp is just not commenting now as photos of Hunter in a drug induced state start showing up on the internet.
These are HIS photos, his emails and HIS computer.
Lastly for the day, Wall STREET is lining up behind Biden in a last ditch attempt to throw Trump out of the White House.
The democrats ARE the party of Wall Street and Corporate Greed. They get most of their funding from wall street and 90 percent of the donations by Silicon Valley IE. Google, Facebook and Twitter goes to Democrats.
The party that pretends to be for the little guy takes billions from Billionaires, Wall Street and Giant Corporations.
Progressives hate war. Trump has been trying and mostly succeeding in bringing the boys/women home from the ME for 3 plus years. He has stopped bombing and killing Muslims. The horrible anti-Muslim has killed far, far, far LESS Muslims then the PRO democrats and BIDEN/OBAMA has.
As you can see even the democrats have their own internal problems every bit as much as the GOP does with the never Trumpers who are the last bastion of Globalist/Wall Streeters that have been shoved aside.
Notice these people have shamelessly JOINED the DEMOCRATS which meant they were always RINO’s and never Conservatives.
Just as the left wants to shove moderates to Trump the GOP has shoved Wall Street whores to the Democrats.
No where can you see this more than Nancy Pelosi not wanting to do another smaller stimulus to help the ordinary folks and to keep people employed without HIDING huge money for Wall Street in the form of bailing out states pension fund which BENEFITS BANKS AND WALL STREET.
Democrats own polling gives Trump the lead nationally by 3 points as opposed to being down by 11 points. They give Trump the lead in Arizona by 3 points as opposed to being down by 4 points. Michigan is a Trump lead by 3 points. Wisconsin is a Trump lead by 2 points. Minnesota is a dead heat and only in PA is Trump behind by 3/4 points as opposed to 12 points as the national polls have it.
Clearly, there’s nothing for the Republicans to worry about. Relax. Trump’s got this.
I love the taste of your sour grapes.
Nazi Pelousy is a Democommie therefore her objective right now is to hurt as many working class Americans as she can and blame it on Trump. It’s an election, after all. If these rancid pukes happen to steal this election God help the United States.