Who’s surprised by this? Especially with all the anonymous sources. Here’s the NY Times
Lawmakers Are Warned That Russia Is Meddling to Re-elect Trump
Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.
The day after the Feb. 13 briefing to lawmakers, the president berated Joseph Maguire, the outgoing acting director of national intelligence, for allowing it to take place, people familiar with the exchange said. Mr. Trump was particularly irritated that Representative Adam B. Schiff, Democrat of California and the leader of the impeachment proceedings, was at the briefing.
During the briefing to the House Intelligence Committee, Mr. Trump’s allies challenged the conclusions, arguing that he had been tough on Russia and that he had strengthened European security.
And then the Washington Post
Senior intelligence official told lawmakers that Russia wants to see Trump reelected
A senior U.S. intelligence official told lawmakers last week that Russia wants to see President Trump reelected, viewing his administration as more favorable to the Kremlin’s interests, according to people who were briefed on the comments.
After learning of that analysis, which was provided to House lawmakers in a classified hearing, Trump grew angry at his acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, in the Oval Office, seeing Maguire and his staff as disloyal for speaking to Congress about Russia’s perceived preference. The intelligence official’s analysis and Trump’s furious response Âruined Maguire’s chances of becoming the permanent intelligence chief, according to people familiar with the matter who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter.
It was not clear what specific steps, if any, U.S. intelligence officials think Russia may have taken to help Trump, according to the individuals.
Now, this is all meant to do two things: first, both these articles, and many others from other outlets, go on to mention Trump’s appointment of Richard Grenell to replace Maguire, so, it’s meant to say that Grenell is compromised.
Second, this is the Democrat leaning Credentialed Media attempting to position that if Trump wins in 2020 it is because of Russia Russia Russia. It’s Excuse Making, just like they did in 2016. Further, that Trump is Putin’s guy and will take care of Russia (hey, remember when Obama tried to stop the interference in 2016? That’s right, he didn’t).
If Putin is saying this stuff, it’s to cause chaos, just like in 2016, because he knows Democrats will lose their minds. Remember the report that Putin wanted Hillary to lose to anybody because she and Obama interfered in Russia’s elections, a “Senior intelligence officials told Time that a Russian military intelligence officer with GRU said his group “was going to cause chaos in the upcoming U.S. electionâ€.
This is about sewing chaos. And making Trump’s upcoming re-election as illegitimate.
Source familiar w/house briefing @CBSNews says briefers pressed for evidence to back up claims Russia “trying to help POTUS in 2020.” Asked if there was signals intelligence – such as phone intercepts or “SIGINT” – to back up claims, source said briefers had none to offer #DNI
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) February 21, 2020
So, I guess it was just based on a feeling from people who don’t like Trump? If only he hadn’t give Russia that reset button and talked about having more flexibility.

*Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.
The day after the Feb. 13 briefing to lawmakers, the president berated Joseph Maguire, the outgoing acting director of national intelligence, for allowing it to take place, people familiar with the exchange said. Mr. Trump was particularly irritated that Representative Adam B. Schiff, Democrat of California and the leader of the impeachment proceedings, was at the briefing.*
Rather than be concerned by the intelligence briefing describing Russian meddling, tRump and his GOPhers attempted to cover it up and he even fired the acting DNI.
The lesson: No one in government should do anything without checking with tRump. He will have dig deeper into the Deep State, firing people and installing his loyalists. Maybe there’s a job for TEACH!
We understand how challenging it is for a decent conservative to continue to support this man. If America re-elects tRump (by hook or crook) we deserve what we get.
You seem to miss the point that the spooks tried this already and it flopped.
The only people pushing this are the ones who have watched this go south before.
I know Lefties love to belch the phony quote of Einstein that insanity is defined as trying the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results.
Einstein never said that.
Trying the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results is the definition of stupidity.
He will have dig deeper into the Deep State, firing people and installing his loyalists.
Demos do it every time they’re elected.
We understand how challenging it is for a decent conservative to continue to support this man.
No challenge at all. He fights back.
He wins.
He drives you morons insane. Well, insaner.
What’s not to love?
He even has a wife that looks like a woman.
If America re-elects tRump (by hook or crook) we deserve what we get.
You certainly will.
DNI is an obama hold over.
There is no fuking way Russia or china want Trump reelected in 2020. China is taking a beating by Trump. So bad that they are now trying to tank the world economy with this fake flu. They are a paper dragon. They can just print money hand it to their citizens and all is back to normal.
Meanwhile in the world who has sold their fuking souls to CHINA starting with BILL CLINTON and BUSH and OBAMA we now depend on China for everything and our economy is going to crash and burn.
When our economy Crashes, it will open up the way for any democrat to be easily elected.
Trump has so many sanctions on Russia. Now I will say this Russia and China are trying desperately to influence our election in negative ways.
Washington POST takes MONEY from CHINA and prints ADDS that look like News Articles that praises China as a model citiizen.
China is our enemy. Russia is a failing state desperate for attention.
tRump/Putin 2020: Let a real tyrant show Don how it’s done.
We had that 10 years ago.
We didn’t like it.
The “real tyrant” is tiny Bloomberg and everyone knows it. What tyranny has Trump imposed on you Elwood? Is he threatening to confiscate you guns? Limit your free speech? Taxing you to pay for some kids degree? Pay for some illegals health care? Does he want prisoners to vote and felons too? Does he deny blacks shool choice? Has he set up Planned Parenthood abortion mills in black neighborhoods to murder their babies? Has he stuffed ballot boxes, used vote fraud or put Black Panthers at Polls to beat away whites? Has he done any of the things you and your little band of Marxists said he would do when he was elected? Has America slumped into a depression because the markets crashed as predicted? Have millions lost their jobs because of Trumps economic plan?
You hate America so you hate a man who Puts America First. That’s why you hate whites and Christians too. You are for any group that is “oppressed” which to a racist like you would be any group but straight, white, male Christians. That is any group save those who Founded and built the nation. You are one of Hussein’s “you didn’t build that” brigade. You’re a phony.
Trump 2020 Let Freedom Ring and drive the America haters crazy.
tRump is nullifying the votes of millions of Americans and enlisting foreign help in his elections. He calls the free press “the enemy of the people”. He corruptly uses his office to accept payment from foreign nations. He committed several acts of obstruction. He paid a concubine to keep her quiet before the 2016 election. He has interfered with the DOJ pursuit of justice. He has thrown thousands of children into cages and lost many. He has installed family members in government positions. He fires associates who differ with him. He even fired hero Vindman’s brother.
tRump/Putin 2020: Let tyrants be tyrants
Now, if you only had proof of any of that, or even more importantly, any reason why Russia would want Trump elected. Funny, but I’ve never heard anywhere near a valid reason on why that would be. Trump builds up the US military and pushes for energy independence, both things Russia would be against. But it’s typical-assertions without proof
“He calls the free press the enemy of the people..â€. He does nothing of the kind. It’s the slanted fake part, of course, not the free part. And by the way, with a free press he has the right to call them whatever he wants to.
nullifying the votes of millions of Americans and enlisting foreign help
Care to provide any proof of this? Oh, yea, you don’t believe in proof.
Too bad the Demos didn’t, either, because it sure would have helped their phony impeachment.
He corruptly uses his office to accept payment from foreign nations. He committed several acts of obstruction. He paid a concubine to keep her quiet before the 2016 election. He has interfered with the DOJ pursuit of justice.
He has? Proof? Thay will stand up in court?
He has thrown thousands of children into cages and lost many.
That was Zippy.
He has installed family members in government positions.
So did the Kennedys and the Ozarks.
He fires associates who differ with him.
This is illegal where? Also, at least he hires people who aren’t Yes-men (unlike Zippy).
He even fired hero Vindman’s brother.
Hero???? In what war was he a hero?
Parachuted into Little Big Horn with the A-bomb? Came ashore at Antietam with the Regiment of Voligeurs and Foot-Riflemen to hold the line at Kasserine Pass?
None of which has any proof behind it. Cohen, after all, is a convicted felon trying to get off the hook.
Elwood is a liar.
Attention anyone who reads Elwoods posts. He is a Chinese BOT. Its proven. Dont let his lies decieve you.
He is a BOT. Bought and Paid for by China. We can prove it.
I have the evidence and at the right time, I will show it. But right now I need to keep my sources secure and the Elwood whistleblower’s identity must remain hidden. But he tells us that he knows Elwood personally and he is a Chinese bot paid for by China to spread disinformation.
Well you may not know it but Chumpchange’s a spy
He’s an undercover agent for the FBI
And he’s been sent here to infiltrate the Ku Klux Klan
I tell this man has gone as far
As tearin’ Trump2020 stickers off the bumpers of cars
And he voted for Hillary Clinton for president
Well he’s a friend of them long-haired hippie type pinko fags
I betcha he’s even got a Commie flag
Tacked up on the wall inside of his garage
He’s a snake in the grass I tell ya guys
He may look dumb but that’s jus a disguise
He’s a mastermind in the ways of espionage
Do you guys believe that tRump is more trustworthy than the US intelligence community? In your opinion is this just another Deep State plot to smear tRump or is it possible the Russians are actually trying to influence the 2020 election?
TEACH blamed the media for the story but it was the Intelligence community that briefed Congress.
“The Russians are coming, THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING!”
–little sissybitch continues to flail…
Bwaha! Lolgfy Jeffery
Do you guys believe that tRump is more trustworthy than the US intelligence community?
he seems to be right a whole lot more often.
In your opinion is this just another Deep State plot to smear tRump or is it possible the Russians are actually trying to influence the 2020 election?
To ask the question is to answer it.
it was the Intelligence community that briefed Congress.
Same ones who tried to frame him.
— little sissybitch
“Is this the same intelligence community that told us it was a spontaneous reaction to a video in Libya and the same intelligence community that promised us weapons of mass destruction and the same intelligence community that relied on the dossier?â€
— Trey Gowdy
BWAHA! Lolgfy jeffery
Last night on CBS They reported:
Follow along here people. This was a reporter with a severe case of TDS.
He said that his sources in the intelligence community have been telling him since 2018 that despite Trumps outward blustering over these reports which continue to accuse him of being a Russian spy that inside, deep in the bowels of the community they are working very hard and very diligently to stop Russian hacking and election interference.
Wouldnt Trump STOP this if he was Putin’s Running MATE? Yeah, we all know that he would not allow this to happen.
RUSSIA 3.0. Now it is not good enough for these MF’ing liars to accuse Trump. They have to accuse Bernie too of being a Putin lackey as if PUTIN in charge of a crumbling nation has some magical power over YOU and ME.
He does. ITS called the DNC. Not progressives who think this is all Bullsheet even when they were going after Trump but the establishment who has sold us down a RIVER to China in the form of massive
GLOBALIZATION. Thank you, Clinton, Thank you Bush, Thank you, Obama. Now you get to see what your blood money is going to do to the world because CHINA has all the products in the world and 100’s of millions of people are fixing to be out of a JOB because YOU SOLD US DOWN THE RIVER FOR CHEAP GOODS and a pocket full of money.
You sniveling coward bastages.
On the bright side” Even Bloomberg news is reporting that this China thing has effectively put a full stop on Globalization as over 5 million companies are shutting down and are going to be laying people off because of supply chain disrutpions.
1/2 of all container ships are now sitting in ports instead of moving goods.
China said hey you dont have to go back to work until March 11th. Thats going to be 3 months including their New Year Time off in which nothing has been produced.
Company after company is struggling. Recession if not worldwide Depression is on the way guys. Be ready. THANK YOU GLOBALIZATION. You can bet if we survive this that companies will be pulling at least some of their production and dependence on China to the USA or at least other countries.
The wikileaks story yesterday about Trump offering to pardon Assange if he COVERS US RUSSIA INTERFERNECE.
ITS A FUKING SMEAR CAMPAIGN against TRUMP by the deepstate and ELWOOD is all about breaking any laws necessary to get Trump out of office.
CHINA IS OUR ENEMY and yet the Democrats are obsessed with Russia who trump has put so many sanctions on they can barely do anything.
The reckless use of impeachment, removing the leader chosen by the American people at the ballot box because of policy differences and partisan hatred, is itself a threat to national security. It eviscerates the national comity and puts civil war on the horizon. Leftists take exception to the notion that the trial and removal of the President is a “draconian measure.†To them it is really not that big a deal — Congress chooses “to fire the chief executive.†No, the people of the United States do that themselves if they wish, after four years, with the members of the Electoral College their only representatives.
Still in Federalist Number 65, Hamilton refers to the “awful discretion which a court of impeachment must necessarily have†and foresees “the greatest danger that the decision will be regulated more by the comparative strength of the PARTIES than by the real demonstrations of innocence or guilt.†What regulated the Democrats’ decision in the House of Representatives when they impeached President Trump? PARTISANSHIP! What will regulate the decision to impeach in the future, if the machinations of Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler form the precedent?
Trump 2020 Make impeachment safe, legal and rare.
Hamilton saw the flaws in having the Senate as the “jury”, understanding the potential for partisanship. Would a jury of 100 federal judges have acquitted tRump? Doubtful. PARTISANSHIP. The House resisted impeaching tRump until his actions were shown to be too egregious to ignore.
You are a lying sack of shit, Elwood. From the moment the House became majority Democom all they did was talk impeachment and you know it. Those lousy fuking traitors have done nothing but work on impeaching Trump on a pack of lies and a very unconvincing fantasy story by Schiff and nothing else. Well, except trying not to lose their set come November.
Trump 2020 The best has yet to come.
The truth shall set you free. While some Reps were eager to impeach tRump early on, the Dem House leaders held off until tRump tried to coerce Ukraine into attacking Joe Biden. Fortunately, Ukrainian President Zelensky is a more honorable man than tRump.
We note your increasing anger.
The truth will set you free you little lying rat. Here is the EXACT transcript of the telephone conversation in question. Tell me where Trump tries to coerce Zelenskyy to do ANYTHING? You and the idiot traitors in the House and the media from which you get your talking points have done nothing but lie about this since day one. Schiff even made up his own “version” of the call which was a total fabrication and which I’m sure a partisan hack like yourself believes to be authentic.
“”(S/NF) The President: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike… I guess you have one of your wealthy people… The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you’re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it’s very important that you do it if that’s possible.
I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what’s happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States, the woman, was bad news and the people she was dealing with in the Ukraine were bad news so I just want to let you know that. The other thing, There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it… It sounds horrible to me.””
What you are noting is my frustration at a numb nut such as yourself who when tripping over the truth, stands up, dusts himself off and continues on the way learning nothing.
However, we here do note your increasing anxiety and fear in the knowledge that you haven’t got one person in that shit pile of candidates that can win. From the fag with a commie father to the two Billionaires who shouldn’t even be in the race to the lying Indian they are all lying shit people. That’s all you got is haters.
There is not ONE of your candidates that has anything good to say about America. Not one. Just like you. You all hate the country that gave you freedom and wealth. You’re all ungrateful, unpatriotic quislings.
Trump 2020 Stand with we who love America and want to take her into
God’s future
Of course you’re frustrated by the truth. You and the other tRumpBots continue to defend the indefensible tRump.
You also again conflate tRump with America. Criticizing Fat Donnie is not criticizing America.
Why does Fat Donnie want to prevent the publication of John Bolton’s book?
Try again.
No proof in Mule Ears’ report to impeach him, so they had to try a Hail Mary and make something out of a phone call to Ukraine.
Too bad they couldn’t.
We note your increasing anger.
Projection, thy name is Jeffery.
We note your anger. As in Chairman XI?
We have held secret meetings in the basement and everything Elwood says is lies meant to destroy the social fabric of the United States. He is a Chinese Agent whose sole intent is to troll the internet. We have many witnesses who claim this to be true. One day we will provide the evidence but for now just know that he is guilty of Botting the internet for Chairman XI.
The truth is in plain sight, Evidence is overwhelming. Any impartial person can plainly see the evidence is overwhelming.
Care to document that?
The House resisted impeaching tRump until his actions were shown to be too egregious to ignore.
The House resisted impeaching tRump until Pelosi’s Botox started eating at her brain and she began listening to the crazies. They had to have their way and now the Demos are sinking by the bow.
PS Gropin’ Joe’s latest is his son was Attorney General. This is why the nonsense about Gropin’ Joe being Trump’s most dangerous possible opponent makes people laugh.
The whole problem is that when first presented the story was told as if it were settled that Russia had interfered. The actual story is that Russia merely implied that they could work with Donald Trump-Period! The news media took it and ran with it, running stories that Russia was trying to get Trump re-elected. Nothing of the kind, and the media knew it.
As for the Democrats wanting Trump out of office, not only the Democrats, but also many career diplomats and other life long insiders in DC. This includes not only those who work within the White House, but also some who work nearby doing contract work for the government, but who are still part of the quagmire that is the swamp of Washington.
The Democrats want Trump out so bad that they are willing to cheat, lie, and probably steal to get him out. We know that they are willing to leak,since that seems to be the M.O. of nearly all of DC now. Adam Schiff even left a meeting, and got on the phone, and leaked to the press, WHILE the meeting was still in progress! He is what I would call a swamp creature, and should be gone. I just don’t understand how people can elect some of these lowlifes. But I guess that money is more important than doing what is right.
Of course you’re frustrated by the truth. You and the other tRumpBots continue to defend the indefensible tRump.
You also again conflate tRump with America. Criticizing Fat Donnie is not criticizing America.
Why does Fat Donnie want to prevent the publication of John Bolton’s book?
Classified info?
And Trump is America. He’s lived the American Dream and wants everybody to share in it. That’s why you hate him so and are so afraid of him. If everybody lives the American Dream, then no welfare, which means the Welfare State and all the welfare pushers (such as yourself) have no power.
And I’ll bet Trump is no fatter than you.
[…] hired hookers to pee on a bed, that he remains to this day some kind of a Russian asset, and that Mother Russia wants him re-elected. Some of those may be true! And I’m not saying which ones, that is not the point. The point […]