The Editorial Board doesn’t read their own paper, or apparently, any others. But, they have a Narrative
Trump won’t warn Russia off interfering in 2020, so Congress has to
DID RUSSIAN military spies hack the Ukrainian gas company at the center of the U.S. impeachment trial? Well, why wouldn’t they?
It’s alarming that this has been the reaction to a report from a cybersecurity company indicating that Russia’s military intelligence service, known as the GRU, conducted an email “phishing†attack against Burisma Holdings — and sparking speculation that the Kremlin might use its findings to further foment discord among voters in the United States. Another firm was unable to validate the claim that the GRU was behind the breach, and even if it was, the incident could just be another example of Russia’s routine sabotage of its beleaguered neighbor. But there’s ample reason to believe Vladimir Putin’s agents did this, because their fingerprints are all over it, because they’ve done it before — and because the United States hasn’t given them sufficient reason not to do it again.
The WPEB does understand that America’s intelligence agencies do the same thing, right? We just generally do not broadcast it. It is telling that the WPEB is Very Concerned that Russia might expose the dirty dealing with Burisma and the 2 Bidens, Joe and Hunter. The important one is Joe, who looks to be cruising towards the Democrat nomination.
This last point is perhaps the most appalling. Political campaigns can harden their defenses, and platforms can moderate more aggressively against manipulation, but complete invulnerability is impossible. Russia wins as long as voters believe their democracy is in danger of manipulation, even when Moscow isn’t actively manipulating, by engendering distrust in everything from Facebook posts to vote tallies. It’s precisely this doubt that leads people automatically to assume the Burisma breach was an attempt by the GRU to gather dirt on former vice president Joe Biden to later scatter it on U.S. soil.
Let me ask: which Party and their pet media has been pushing that narrative since even before the November 2016 election day?
Complete invulnerability is impossible, but what is possible is deterrence. If Russia knows for certain that it will pay a high price for meddling, it will be less likely to meddle. Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) last week continued his crusade to pass the bipartisan Deter Act, which would impose almost automatic cross-sectoral sanctions against Russia if it tries its tricks again. ….
And that’s where it needs to be. Congress does Legislation.
It’s outrageous that Russia mounted a full-scale offensive on American democracy in 2016; it’s outrageous that Russia, by all assessments, plans to mount another next time around; it’s outrageous that President Trump won’t speak out against this; and, as Mr. Van Hollen said on the Senate floor, “It would be equally outrageous for us — knowing that is Russia’s intent in 2020 — to sit here and not do anything.â€
Russia caused Hillary to pass out on 9/11, blow off visiting states she needed to win, call half the country “deplorables”, and just be a terrible candidate otherwise? As far as speaking out, here’s the Washington Post
Trump meets Russia’s top diplomat amid scrap over election interference
President Trump met with Russia’s top diplomat in the Oval Office on Tuesday, creating a dramatic contrast as House Democrats unveiled articles of impeachment against him for his actions in Ukraine, an ally fending off a Russian-backed insurrection.
After the meeting, Trump said he warned Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov not to interfere in U.S. elections and urged a resolution to the Moscow’s conflict with Ukraine, the White House said.
Of course, the WP attempted to listen more to Lvrov, who said he only discussed it with Pompeo separately, because the WP wants to listen to Russians more than Trump. No matter what Trump does they’ll criticize him.
Double of course, what exactly did President Barack Obama do to warn Russia off in 2016? Heck, 2015, when it started? Let’s go back to the original Editorial Board article: “Russia wins as long as voters believe their democracy is in danger of manipulation, even when Moscow isn’t actively manipulating, by engendering distrust in everything…” As long as Democrats and their pet media perpetuate “our Democracy (we’re not a democracy) is doomed!!!!!” Russia wins.

Teach typed: And that’s where it needs to be. Congress does Legislation. Regarding Russia cyberattacks on the US.
But isn’t the President supposed to protect America?
From the cited article: Trump said he warned Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov…
The key words are ‘tRump said…’ The American people understand that tRump is a liar who views Americans as ‘marks’ to be conned.
Kind of like how President Obama said to told Vladimir Vladimirovich to “cut it out.”
Americans don’t like tRump and want him gone.
That said, besides his obvious willingness to cheat to win, what are his policy options to reinvigorate the working class part of his base that want personal economic improvements?
Ironically, it’s health care reform, student debt relief, increased minimum wage etc. Let’s see what he promises as the election year progresses.
They’ve already experienced personal economic improvements, as shown earlier
Americans don’t like tRump and want him gone.
That’s why his approval among the farmers you say hate him is 83%.
That said, besides his obvious willingness to cheat to win, what are his policy options to reinvigorate the working class part of his base that want personal economic improvements?
Cheating is your thing.
And the personal economic improvements have been coming for 2 years. Pull your head out of your ass.
Ironically, it’s health care reform, student debt relief, increased minimum wage etc. Let’s see what he promises as the election year progresses.
Just what he’s promised all along
And neither Bernie nor Fauxcahontas will get the nod.
“If you ain’t cheatin’, you ain’t tryin’.” — Joe Montana
Was it Russian interference which provided the tipping point that kept Hillary Clinton a private citizen? We can’t know that, but if it was, then we owe Vladimir Vladimirovich a debt of gratitude which can never be fully repaid.
Really? You think cheating is OK? Must be a Republican thing.
If it keeps communist as holes out of the White House it’s patriotic to cheat.
Isn’t your party they party of “Vote early, vote often” and areas where there are more votes than voters? Isn’t that cheating?
We know when you do it it’s not cheating, it’s fighting “hate and cruelty” your latest go-to words.
Since you claim everyone to the left of a moderate Republican is a commie, your advocating cheating is anti-American.
This explains all we need to know about you and your ilk, including Mr. dana.
You’re not patriots you’re traitors.
How do you figure that?
The Hildabeast was the one cheating.
Dana: Was it Russian interference which provided the tipping point that kept Hillary Clinton a private citizen?
In a close election, many factors are involved. The primary issue was the late announcement by Comey that the investigation into Clinton had been reopened, and her poll numbers dropped dramatically the last few days before the election.
Dana: We can’t know that, but if it was, then we owe Vladimir Vladimirovich a debt of gratitude which can never be fully repaid.
When interference by foreign adversaries is welcomed into American elections, then that is the end of American democracy.
Americans didnt like Obama either. Polls on the day before the election showed Romney would win. Or should win. Obama was in negative territory with his ratings. The only thing that pushed him over 50 percent was Trump and HRC both of whom were drastically disliked.
The problem you have to ask youself Elwood is who the Dems are going to put forth and will it even matter?
In short the left has swung to socialism and as the other fellah wrote a couple days ago the blacks are turning up for trump and hispanics FLED SOCIALISM to the USA for another choice NOT MORE SOCIALISM.
So even though any dem will be an avowed Socialist during the primary then LIE LIKE SHIT during the General Election claiming to be this moderate Kum Bye AHHHH liar and THEN IF ELECTED THEY WILL GO WAY< WAY< WAY LEFT AGAIN slapping the voters in the face.
So ask youself does it really matter if people like Trump or not. I personally don’t like him. I will vote for him because he gets shit done and most importantly.
He pisses YOU OFF. You and the millions like you who in your smug little world with your atheism and scientific facts believe you are better than us hillbillies from the midwest.
So yeah. Who cares. Like Nancy said he will be forever impeached. WHO FUKING CARES.
He will also forever put 3 supremes on the court and pack the appeals courts and federal courts with conservatives.
HAHAHAHA….to you and your no one likes Trump MEME.
West Virginia has invited the 2A counties to join West Virginia.
Why is this important. Because it is in the Virginia constitution that it is allowed that counties can leave Virginia if they so choose, just as already ONCE virgina broke apart because of politics it appears headed that way again.
If it happens, scholars say WV could have 10 electoral college voted and Virgina would drop to 9 or 10. Though it probably wont happen because in 2020 Virginia has almost guaranteed the state will flip back to Trump and the GOP, ending this Nordham kill babies after they are born debacle.
Virginia can’t flip this election because the Virginia legislature is elected in odd numbered years. Northam is also secure for a few more years. It would be great if Trump won Virginia this time after failing to do so in 2016, but that won’t make Virginia safe from Democratic party extremism at the state level. Further, those representatives in safe democratic strongholds in the “blue” areas will stay “blue”.
It seems that the nuGOPhers are the extremists. Polls show Americans prefer gun control, healthcare reform, immigration reform, impeachment, keeping Social Security/Medicare, Medicaid, public schools…
It’s the far-right threatening violent revolution if they can’t have access to 100 cartridge drum magazines for their AR-15s. Does that seem sane to you?
2 comments down
We understand how angry you are, but we don’t laugh at you, we feel sorry for you.
So your contempt and racism make you the liar you are.
Polls show Americans prefer gun control, healthcare reform, immigration reform, impeachment, keeping Social Security/Medicare, Medicaid, public schools…
Not the first row, and I haven’t heard anybody talking about your straw men on the second row but you.
It’s the far-right threatening violent revolution if they can’t have access to 100 cartridge drum magazines for their AR-15s. Does that seem sane to you?
funny how all the retribution was on the Left yesterday. All kinds of restrictions.
The people with the ARs were the ones who just made their point and went home.
Did you see where the VA Sheriffs’ Assn said they refused to violate the 2nd Amendment?
You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
The only thing that pushed him over 50 percent was Trump and HRC both of whom were drastically disliked.
The only thing that pushed him over 50 percent was 140% turnout in a lot of Democrat districts..
formwiz: The only thing that pushed him over 50 percent was 140% turnout in a lot of Democrat districts.
Can you support that claim?
Even Fake News had reports of ward heelers in the big cities bragging about it.
formwiz: Even Fake News had reports of ward heelers in the big cities bragging about it.
So, no, you can’t support your claim.
I too am a Midwest hillbilly from the Missouri Ozarks. Have never lived in another state. Clearly you’re bigoted against agnosticism and scientific facts for some reason. Are you so angry that you’ll vote against your and America’s interests just to piss other people off? Maybe it’s time to rethink things.
RCP had Obama up by about 1% in 2012 days before the election. Much like Trump he did well in states like FL, WI, MI, OH, PA, but unlike Trump, Obama won the popular vote as well.
I liked both McCain (2008) and Romney (2012) and although I didn’t vote for them, I thought they’d be OK presidents. Trump, not so much.
Whenever someone laughs at your atheism and worship of scientific fact you IMMEDIATELY pull ou the BIGOT CARD. This is why I laugh and love every post you post whining about Trump and losing your lunch when he speaks.
So I have to be a bigot in your mind if I say something negative about atheism and Science. This only proves one thing. The absolutely narrow mind you have and intolerance for anyone who disagrees with you.
You prove that everyday with your narrow minded and etched in stone facts and figures based in science while ignoring that science doesnt have all the answers.
Where is your cure for ALS, Cancer, SARS, Aids. Why havent you figured out how to travel safely to Mars? Why has science not been able to keep a man in space for a year without that man being a wasted mess when he returns?
Where is your science when a doctor botches a surgery? Where is your science when millions are adicted to drugs? Where is your science when it comes to feeding the world? Why do so many starve? Why hasnt science fixed that?
Why hasnt science fixed global warming? Why does it need a tax. A political solution?
Yes I laught AT YOUR SCIENCE. Not science in general and I certainly laugh at Atheists who live in a world without hope. Because as President Snow says, the only thing more powerful than fear is hope.
You would deny hope to so many because you don’t like it. It is why I laugh at you and every post you make because you want misery for the people despite what you say. You want more wars in the middle east. You want more young kids to die because Trump doesnt.
that is why I laugh. Because Orange man is so bad that you have dropped all your beliefs to simply take the other side of the argument. Even if Trump said Ill raise taxes 50 percent you would be screaming it will destroy the economy…………..LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.
Why wasn’t prayer cured ALS, cancer, SARS, hunger, AIDS, murder, accidents, childhood cancer? It seems science has at least made SOME progress.
What prevents humans from traveling to Mars? Any ideas? (Hints: time it takes, radiation, food, cost…). NASA says the greatest hurdle to manned spaced travel is radiation.
Wasn’t it science that brought us planes, trains, automobiles, DNA sequencing, the discoveries of a 14 billion yr old universe and a 4 billion yr old planet, discovery of dinosaurs and evolution, space travel, vaccines, electricity, antibiotics, anatomy, physiology… early humans thought that gods controlled all… now we know better. Science! Are you suggesting that as a nation we should abandon scientific pursuits?
We understand how angry you are, but we don’t laugh at you, we feel sorry for you.
Does science have all the answers? Of course not. But science works to find the answers. Do you have better solutions?
Trump’s personal appearance, although bizarre, is not what makes him unfit to be President. It’s his lack of experience, hubris, explosive nature, inability to learn, cruelty etc.
Teach, you and all the right-wing commenters here are getting more and more angry by the day. If things are going so great for you and the nation, why are you so angry? It’s almost as if trump is a religious figure similar to how Muslims view Mohammad.
My beliefs have been pretty consistent over the years.
Why wasn’t prayer cured ALS, cancer, SARS, hunger, AIDS, murder, accidents, childhood cancer? It seems science has at least made SOME progress.
And Who guides science? Hunger has pretty much been alleviated. Most of the time, war moves hunger.
And accidents aren’t God’s bailiwick. We’re given intellect and free will. You want to run around saying, “Hold my beer”, that’s your lookout.
Man has been given a choice since Adam and Eve.
What prevents humans from traveling to Mars? Any ideas? (Hints: time it takes, radiation, food, cost…). NASA says the greatest hurdle to manned spaced travel is radiation.
How would they know? They spent 8 of the last 10 years reaching out to Moslems.
Wasn’t it science that brought us planes, trains, automobiles, DNA sequencing, the discoveries of a 14 billion yr old universe and a 4 billion yr old planet, discovery of dinosaurs and evolution, space travel, vaccines, electricity, antibiotics, anatomy, physiology…
Again, Who inspired that science? Left to man, he still be living in caves, looking for chicks to bang.
early humans thought that gods controlled all…
Show us He doesn’t.
now we know better. Science! Are you suggesting that as a nation we should abandon scientific pursuits?
I believe it was Darwin who postulated, “Ignorance is always sure”. You’re always sure.
If you’re talking global stupidity, Yes.
We understand how angry you are, but we don’t laugh at you, we feel sorry for you.
Spare us the fake sympathy. And, yes, you do laugh at us.
Trump’s personal appearance, although bizarre, is not what makes him unfit to be President. It’s his lack of experience, hubris, explosive nature, inability to learn, cruelty etc.
He’s still a better man than you are, Gunga Drain.
Teach, you and all the right-wing commenters here are getting more and more angry by the day. If things are going so great for you and the nation, why are you so angry? It’s almost as if trump is a religious figure similar to how Muslims view Mohammad.
The only anger we see is yours. Calling everybody names. Trying to foist on us doctrine based on faked data and throwing tantrums when we don’t buy it.
My beliefs have been pretty consistent over the years.
Sure. You follow that ever your overlords tell you.
If an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent supernatural being “guides” science why hasn’t he/she/it cured cancer, heart disease, SARS, ALS, AIDS etc?
Why does an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent supernatural being allow children to suffer and die by disease? If he/she/it takes interest in college football, why not intervene in fatal childhood disease?
Liar. You thought Zippy was the greatest thing since sliced bread because he was a racist Commie, just like you.
Chumpchange: Polls on the day before the election showed Romney would win. Or should win.
Polls showed a close election.
Chumpchange: the blacks are turning up for trump and hispanics FLED SOCIALISM to the USA for another choice NOT MORE SOCIALISM
Current polling shows Trump continues to be in very negative territory with minorities.
Chumpchange: most importantly. He pisses YOU OFF.
Ah yes, the trolling “own the libtard” vote.
WAH….WAH…WAH….goes Jeffies alter ego.
You cite a WAPO poll that shows blacks dislike Trump. Yet 3 other polls show him with 30 percent approval rating and………..
538 blog gives each of these polls an A+ A- and C+ as far as accuracy.
You cite a WAPO a partisan hack poll as your only evidence. Good one.
Rasmussen Reports and Emerson Polling, each in a survey conducted over the last week, had Trump more than quadrupling the eight percent support among black voters that he had in 2016.
Rasmussen has over a 87 percent accuracy record despite the left considering them a partisan hack polling firm. Emerson is very high too with an A- rating from 538 blog.
The Hill’s report on the recent Hill-HarrisX poll highlighted the statistic that 85 percent of black voters would vote for any Democratic presidential nominee over Trump – but omitted reporting on the surge of black male voters who now side with Trump over a generic Democratic opponent.
But the surge in black support for President Trump is real – so real that even the far-left NAACP discovered it in a poll, though that poll (perhaps with a differently worded question) put the support at 21%.
New Polls: Black American support for Trump
Rasmussen: 34.5%
Emerson: 34%
Marist: 33%
Now quick run and find an obscure poll that says blacks hate trump.
As for trolling the left. Absolutely. He has been so good at it that he has pushed your party to Karl Marx and you only care about impeaching the guy rather than helping people.
I feel great that snowflakes like you lose your lunch everytime Trump speaks. Your heaving is music to my ears as you try to lie your way out of poll after poll showing surging support from the BLACK YOU>>>YOU>>>YOU>>>want desperately to keep on the plantation with promises to help them and then do fuking NOTHING AT ALL PERIOD. End of story.
blacks are working. Their number of new black businesses under trump are at historic levels. Their unemployment is like the rest of America and YOU WANT TO HEARD THEM BACK ON THE PLANTATION and tell them to stop dreaming, that MLK was a liar.
the Dems hate black people and right now their own candidates are now calling black people racist because guess what the debate stage doesnt have any minorities and they dont count Yang. So the left is calling their own base racist.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL….must suck to defend this clown car rolling off the cliff!!!!!!!
And they won’t know why he’ll win in 2020.
Bwaha! Lolgf losers
Brad Parscale, the manager of the Trump campaign, is very data-driven and, following most rallies, he reports statistics about the attendees.… On average, 23% of rally goers identify as Democrats. For Toledo, OH, this number was 21.9%.… The really stunning stat from this rally, which Parscale has never reported on before, is that 20.9% of attendees identified as Independents.… This means that 42.8% of the 22,927 voters were either a Democrat or an Independent.
Bwaha! Lolgf losers
Chumpchange: Emerson: 34%
We don’t see an Emerson poll on Trump approval in the last week. Please provide a citation.
Another new dem talking point:
*Not because the dem candidates have no winning ideas…
Bwaha! Lolgf losers
From ‘49 to ’53 I lived across the Potomac from DC. I read the “Ugly America†lie “reportingâ€, KGB controlled Post daily, natch! As a grammar school kid I knew not what the KGB was. But I clearly new and understood: bigotry, lies, hate for America, USSR conniving, and fraud!
All the nouns the last sentence fairly described the Post 70 years ago. There may be new owners but the hate mongering is the same as it (probably) always has been.
By ’54 I knew and understood NKVD, KGB + MGB WERE! They were the men running: NYT, Post, CBS + LATimes.
Since you claim everyone to the left of a moderate Republican is a commie, your advocating cheating is anti-American.
If you and your crowd are claiming to be good Americans (I laugh), then cheating is all-American because you can’t win without cheating.
This explains all we need to know about you and your ilk, including Mr. dana.
Ilk? Ilk? No one here ilks, except maybe you.
All you do is ilk, vote fraud, out of state voters, lies, phony impeachments, ilking all day long.
You’re not patriots you’re traitors.
You’re the expert. Who else levies war against the US, adheres to their enemies, and gives them aid and comfort?
If an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent supernatural being “guides†science why hasn’t he/she/it cured cancer, heart disease, SARS, ALS, AIDS etc?
Standard Commie rant.
Maybe we’re not ready for the knowledge those cures would impart yet.
Why does an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent supernatural being allow children to suffer and die by disease? If he/she/it takes interest in college football, why not intervene in fatal childhood disease?
Maybe because it’s the only way some people will value human life.
The Commies murdered more than 160 million people in the last century, many of them children, and yet people like you still want Communist world domination.
If you’re as smart as you think you are, why haven’t you figured out Communism isn’t healthy for children and other living things?
“If an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent supernatural being “guides†science why hasn’t he/she/it cured cancer, heart disease, SARS, ALS, AIDS etc?”
For the same reason He hasn’t cured old age or in your case impotence. He likes fukin’ with you.
Trump 2020 He’ll cure cancer just like Obama healed the earth.