There’s a couple of interesting nuggets in here
I ended up at Rutgers because the rich kids stole my spot at other schools, N.J teen says
A Rutgers University honors student who had a near-perfect SAT score claims in a class-action lawsuit that he didn’t get a fair shake when he applied to the University of Texas and Stanford in the wake of a massive college bribery scandal that involved some of the country’s most elite universities.
Nicholas James Johnson, a Middlesex County resident, is a plaintiff in an amended complaint filed Thursday in federal court in northern California. (snip)
Nicholas James Johnson claims when he applied to the University of Texas at Austin and Stanford University, he had an SAT score of 1500 out of 1600 and a 4.65 GPA. He said in the lawsuit that he was a varsity hockey player and the star of his school’s math team. The suit does not mention where Johnson attended high school.
The two paid $50 to $100 per application to each of the schools, according to the lawsuit.
“At the time of the application, neither James Johnson nor Nicholas James Johnson was aware of the college bribery scandal and the unfair admissions process,†the lawsuit states.
Getting beyond the notion that someone with that score and GPA could probably get into quite a few other prestigious schools, and even getting scholarships, what’s up with the application fees? Maybe I never knew about it, but I don’t remember paying a fee to apply to colleges back in the mid-1980’s. That’s a pretty good racket for these colleges mostly run by Democrats, staffed with Democrats, and chock full of Democrat voting teachers. How much money did they take in for people they turned down?
And being unfair? Democrat run.
Perhaps, though, Johnson and so many other college age teens should sue for being denied a spot at an institution of higher learning because it was given to an illegal alien. How many have lost spots because an illegal obtained it, often getting all sorts of financial aid from Democrat voting cities and states?

I was made aware of “application fees” by my niece back in the 90’s. Being a product of the 70’s college scene I never ran into a fee whether or not I was accepted. BTW, I was turned down from a college because that year they were under federal order to get their student body “black” enough for AA. I had SATs of 1410 and was denied at Temple all the while they were matriculating people with 950 SAT’s who were the “right” color.
I’m glad this idiot is suing. People who are denied admission because of corruption whether monetary of racial should be compensated for their loss. Reparations for being denied for any reason other than academics.