Oh, wait, no, the WP Editorial Board aren’t worried about that, they’re worried about a Muslim Brotherhood defending, Islamist reporter
Saudi Arabia’s trial for Khashoggi’s murder is a travesty. Congress must insist on justice.
IT MIGHT not have been a coincidence that as the new Congress convened Thursday, Saudi Arabia announced the opening of a trial of 11 people charged in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. After all, the U.S. Senate so far has come closest to imposing meaningful consequences on Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who the CIA believes oversaw the 15-member hit team that awaited Mr. Khashoggi when he entered the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul on Oct. 2, 2018. In December, the outgoing Senate unanimously approved a resolution holding the crown prince responsible for the killing, in spite of his denials and President Trump’s attempts to cover for him. Senators also invoked provisions of a human rights law that will require the administration to issue a finding about Mohammed bin Salman’s responsibility in the coming months.
If the Saudi action was meant to head off further congressional action, it was pathetically weak. The government press agency reported that an initial court hearing had been held and that a state prosecutor planned to seek the death penalty for five of those charged. But the court hearing was not public, and none of the suspects was named. By all indications, not just the crown prince but also other senior officials whom Saudi authorities have previously accused of involvement in the murder have not been charged. Instead, a small group of security personnel, who undoubtedly followed orders when they participated in the attack, are being set up as scapegoats. Those to whom the death penalty is applied will be beheaded, in keeping with the kingdom’s barbarity.
While the murder was terrible, it had little to do with the U.S. other than that Khashoggi did some work for the Washington Post. Yet, the Post, like most other leftist media outlets, isn’t particularly concerned over the recent murder off police officer Ronil Singh by a previously deported illegal alien, who was being helped by six other illegal aliens. This was a direct result of the policies of Democrats, including California’s sanctuary city and state policies
Outgoing California Gov. Jerry Brown said the death of police officer Ronil Singh has “nothing” to do with the state’s “sanctuary” status.
Singh, a 33-year-old Newman police corporal, was allegedly killed by an illegal immigrant when Singh stopped him on the suspicion of drunk driving early in the morning on Dec. 26. After a two-day manhunt, Mexican national Gustavo Perez Arriaga, 32, was arrested as he was preparing to flee to Mexico, according to authorities. He has been charged with murder.
Brown was asked by ABC-affiliate KXTV whether California’s sanctuary law was at fault. “I think people now are looking to blame somebody because of the terrible things that happened,” the Democrat told the outlet, adding, “but it had nothing to do with the law of California.”
Brown signed a “sanctuary state” bill in 2017 that limits law enforcement officers’ cooperation with federal immigration authorities.
In this case, the law had everything to do with the murder, as law enforcement wouldn’t have been restricted from taking 5 minutes to pick up a phone or sending an email to ICE to come pick Arriaga up. Yes, many illegal aliens commit crimes that have little to do with sanctuary jurisdiction policies, as the illegal hadn’t been caught and released previously. In this case, the blood lies on the hands of Brown and the Democrats who passed the law, and for law enforcement for refusing to do the right thing and contact ICE about someone who is illegally present in the U.S.
So when will the Post demand justice for Singh? When will they demand that Congress take action to make sure things like this won’t happen again? Take action against a state that is blatantly flaunting federal law? Take action against a state that is providing aid and comfort for criminals?

While Trump tear gases women and babies at the border, murderers kill decent, hard-working immigrants such as Corporal Ronil Singh.
Of course, this is not true. Is it reasonable to believe that 3% of the population commits 25% of the homicides?
Mr Bodine asked:
Well, we already know that just 2% of black males murder 90.1% of all black people killed in the US.
Actually, that’s pretty much the case for every racial group: a very small percentage of them commit the vast majority of violent crimes. Criminals got to criminal, I suppose.
Thing is, if someone is here illegally, he’s already a criminal!
Some important information to note:
The New York Times reports that about 4.5 million illegal aliens in the U.S. drive on a regular basis, many without licenses or insurance, or even the ability to read road signs written in English.
Office of Immigration Statistics reported that of the 188,382 deportations of illegal aliens in 2011, 23 percent had committed criminal traffic offenses (primarily driving under the influence).
The 23 percent criminal traffic offenders figure is only part of the overall picture. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, another 23 percent, more than 43,000 illegal aliens, were convicted of drug offenses. The violent crime category of assault, robbery, sexual assault, and family offenses comes to 12 percent
Pinal County, Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu stated, “Pinal County has followed the trend of the majority of counties across the United States, so we have seen most of our major crime statistics drop during the past few years. The one area we have not seen drop — which has seen dramatic increases in fact — is crimes tied to illegal immigration. Our high-speed vehicle pursuits have rapidly increased each year from 142 in 2007 to 340 such incidents in 2010. Marijuana seizures have spiked from a low in 2008 of about 19,600 pounds to over 45,500 pounds in 2010. My deputies are telling me more and more that they are apprehending guns and high tech communication equipment from cartel operatives.â€
And the recidivism rate is on the rise. An April 19, 2013 story from the Miami Herald reveals that, “New figures show that the number of federal prosecution cases against previously deported immigrants is increasing nationwide.â€
And again, pursue all criminals aggressively! Drugs come in through ports of entry, not by individuals swimming/wading the Rio Grande – so increase funding for detection of drugs.
We have about 11,000,000 residents in the US unlawfully, most of them living here peaceably. How many can we deport each day? 10, 100, 1,000, a million?
This is a ludicrous assertion backed by no facts.
An expose done by BBC.
Four experts spoke to the BBC World Service Inquiry programme about how the smugglers do it.
“[Now] well over 95% of the drugs are moving on the water via container ships, non-commercial vessels, pleasure boats, sail boats, fishing boats. They also have fast boats which try to outrun our law enforcement assets.
They are not smuggling drugs though the gates. Secondly this totally changes the context of the post to drugs as opposed to the people committing the crime of Illegal entry.
So you would build a wall along the entire shoreline to stop the boats? How about the airplanes? Maybe we should seal the US in a bubble.
The drugs come by air, by truck, by tunnel, by boat. Not by smuggling a few kg at a time by foot. It was tRump’s DHS Sec who was pushing The Wall to stop drugs. One reason the Dems told her to take a hike.
My students have the same predisposition to fail to comprehend the sentence structure associated with reading comprehension within the framework of the topic at hand.
The wall of course is meant to keep out illegals. Legal immigration is handed a hall pass and allowed to enter and in fact are encouraged to enter. Even your socialist neighbor to the north encourages highly skilled immigrants and fast tracks them in the process.
You (I can only guess hypothesized) proposed that all drugs come thru checkpoints which is totally false and a fabrication of the facts. I said and I quoted myself that you intended to change the subject from Illegals within the country committing crime to drugs and stopping the drug flow.
Students attempt to do this all the time in their blue books. I must surmise that perhaps you are a student or recently graduated college alumni with the same predisposition to conflate topics in order to make up for your lack of understanding of the subject at hand.
In reality drug interdiction is done primarily by the coast guard, military and ICE on the seas. Criminal apprehension is done by the border patrol. With fifteen hundred miles of border it is impossible to interdict everyone. With sound barriers in place, electronic surveillance and seismic listening devices the number of illegals flooding into this nation would decrease dramatically while still ensuring that legal immigration is a staple and desired outcome this nation wishes to attain.
I didn’t say ALL drugs come through ports of entry, did I?
Perhaps you don’t understand what Port of Entry means. International airports, seaports and border crossings can all be Ports of Entry.
It was the tRump administration who presented drug trafficking “evidence” to bolster their case for The Wall (of The Fence or The Beaded Curtain or whatever they think of next). One assumes they were implying that people were swimming across the Rio Grande with a kilo of coke in a pack. My point was that that is not the primary way drugs come into the US.
You typed the pedantic “word salad”:
which is certainly circumstantial evidence that you teach a humanities course somewhere. But why not say it clearly? Even in the science classes I used to teach, I’d correct a sentence such as that.
It was recently revealed that tRump’s campaign handlers inserted “The Wall” into his speeches because they recognized his penchant for talking about his construction background and it would trigger his anti-immigrant diatribes.
Today he lied about the living past Presidents telling him they wish they had built The Wall.
Your initial post was this.
After realizing you failed to understand the problem and no doubt enlisted the help of google you presented the following.
I can only respond to your words. In this case it is quite obvious you are not at all informed on the subject or else your intitial post would have been informed and sound in its argument. Instead you choose to attack the presented information as wrong with false facts.
As for telling the DHS secretary to take a hike well I personally have not read the results of that meeting but I can only guestimate the outcome was preordained before the meeting even took place.
Would that we could deport a million a day; this’d be over in eleven or twelve days.
But just because we can’t deport them all doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to deport every one we can find. That they might be living here peaceably doesn’t mean that they are not criminals. You make it sound like we shouldn’t track down and punish rapists because they’ve been living such good, peaceful lives since the last time they raped a girl.
Miss Delaney equates rape with being unlawfully present in the US, demonstrating what the right thinks of women.
Nailed it.
An FBI crime study also shows heavy illegal alien involvement in criminal activity revealed these statistics:
75 percent of those on the most wanted criminals list in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.
One quarter of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals, as are more than 40 percent of all inmates in Arizona and 48 percent in New Mexico jails.
Over 53 percent of all investigated burglaries reported in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens.
63 percent of cited drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that number, 97 percent are illegal aliens. 66 percent of cited drivers in New Mexico have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 66 percent, 98 percent are illegal aliens.
“United States is stupid … I come back every time,†asserted Mexican national Rolando Mota-Campos to a Virginia-based immigration agent after his 11th arrest — for crimes ranging from abduction, assault, four DUIs, vehicular assault, attempted robbery, and domestic violence. Mota-Campos has been deported three times and has vowed to return again.
Yes I would agree. The Democratic party who used to DEMAND BORDER SECURITY is stupid for not wanting to fix this scourge. It is not Racist to demand CRIMINALS be arrested. We do not ignore murders and rapists if they are White or Asian. We do not discriminate if a black man or White man rapes a woman or sells drugs.
but for some bizarre reason the left wants to defend hard core criminals sneaking into our country. It fits the narrative. The right is racist because these hard core illegals thugs are NOT WHITE THEREFORE WE MUST DEFEND THEM.
One of the better-known illegal alien gangs is the violent MS-13, the abbreviation for Mara Salvatrucha (loosely translated as “street smart cliqueâ€) — dubbed the “The World’s Most Dangerous Gang†by usually restrained National Geographic. Michael Sullivan, a former director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, says the Salvadoran gang’s use of brute force to keep control of its operations has kept MS-13 from being infiltrated. “MS-13’s foothold in the U.S. is expanding,†Sullivan says, with known affiliates in 42 states, up from 33 in 2005.
LAW AND ORDER have been abandoned by the Democrats. They continue to defend, protect and hide these criminals from justice, while real American citizens pay the price. Absolutely insane.
“Is it reasonable ….that 3% commit 25%….?â€. Of course. Blacks at 13% population commit over 50% of all homicides. If one resonably figures those would almost all be males, then we have 6-7% committing 50% of homicides. If one further resonably figures almost all of those are committed by a certain age group- young males between, say, 15-28, then we have 3%-4% of the population committing not 25% of all homicides but over 50% of all homicides
Math is confusing for the little negros fella.
Racist too.
I hope that if I am ever murdered, that I happen to be a police officer, so that people will care about my death and actually pursue the killer, “with every resource at their disposal”. Sadly, us ordinary people will get the “sucks to be you, but if someone confesses, we will make a note of it in your file” treatment.
One can tell the troll had to so some serious googling studying on the subject to respond to the other guy. Then he resorts to his own brand of Isolating the poster and trying to destroy his credibility. Troll is indeed Mr. Jethro’s purpose here. He is a paid shill by either the Russians or the Chinese because he doesn’t know jack about the nuances of progressivism or neo-leftist policies.
Secondly he isolated DRUGS as his only defense against keeping illegals out of the United States. Here we understand the difficulties of the drug war and he uses this to his benefit once again showing he is not even a United States Citizen. If he were he would know that drug interdiction is only partially successful but mostly inconsequential given the United States has thrown billions upon billions of dollars at it.
We even named a drug czar to combat illegal drugs flowing into our country. The democrats according to the troll are willing to throw billions and billions of more dollars at border security in the form of ONLY GOD KNOWS conflated to mean the drug war when in fact the drug war has largely been a stand off given the near trillion dollars already spent on it.
IF>>>>IF>>>>>>IF the US customs and border patrol along with US Marshals and the FBI did not have to guard a 1500 mile border they could in fact concentrate those resources on Ports of entry.
BUT we cant have that according to the troll here to spread anger and division with in the borders of the US. We must throw more money at a lost cause and pretend its border security and we are looking out for AMERICAN CITIZENS.
I would guess that the Russian and Chinese agents are looking out for their Russian or Chinese agents who are easily smuggled into the USA and a secure border wall would make getting into America so much more difficult that it is cheaper to pay hacks and shills then it is to find new and exotic ways to destroy America from within.
Or maybe I’m paid by BOTH the Russians and Chinese! On other minor-league right-wing blogs maybe I’m known as Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub, Beetlejuice, The Slanderer, The Son of Wickedness, Devil, Prince of Darkness, Demon, The Tempter. Look for me! Maybe I’m paid for EACH direct response to me, rather than by my comments! SAY MY NAME!! Rubles and $$$, and renminbi, oh my!
Anyway, the problem is with the administration blitzkrieg of lies and misinformation in support of tRump’s campaign promise of a beautiful concrete Wall. IT IS TrUMP AND HIS MINIONS SHREIKING ABOUT DRUGS AND TERRORISTS!! They have lied and continue to lie constantly about terrorists, drugs, murderers and other violent criminals storming our southern border to kill and rape white people.
Understand this, if nothing else: as a money-grubbing globalist tRump cares little about this Nation, he cares only about how he’s perceived – and he’s looking for a way to save face. He may well declare a state of national emergency tonight amid his flurry of lies about DRUGS, DISEASES, TERRORISTS AND MURDERERS. Believe me. Mark my words. Say my name.
Jeffery Keene.
You’re welcome …
Are you sure of that? Has TEACH confirmed that for you?
Hey you asked. Just going by what you already stated on this site several times.
If you had any money, someone would be able to take it all!
Are you sure, though? There are thousands in the US alone with that name.
Did you and TEACH post the correct address, or might you have endangered the wrong person? Are you sure you were attacking the right negro?
Well you did confirme it yourself. Several times in fact. Pretty sure there are not thousands of nignorant angry little negro fellas with your name.
Do not drag me into this, Jeff. I have never posted your email address that you use nor given it to anyone. Nor do I have any sort of address for you, nor posted anything like that. If you two want to fight, have at it. Do not drag me into it making claims about me that are false.
… it’s out of his hands, Captain.

My mistake, Teach. I thought it was your blog.
Puppy: I confirmed nothing.
Well you did confirme it yourself. Several times in fact. Pretty sure there are not thousands of nignorant angry little negro fellas with your name.
What do you have against Negroes?
Why do you hate whitey?
I love white folks! I even married a white woman.
Why do you use a slur for white people?
The hazard is when one attributes unfavorable characteristics to an entire group or class of people. Most Black people are not violent druggies, just as most white people are not violent white supremacists.