Let’s first note that the difference between $15 an hour in North Carolina, even a city like Raleigh, is vastly different between $15 an hour in northern and other Liberal states. It goes a lot further. Consider that I purchased my 1,200 square foot townhome for $95k about 10 years ago or so, and, while the floor plan is not my favorite, I have this view out the back door
Obviously, not all the time with the snow. But, it is an elevated deck, and no townhomes (they are all duplexes) behind me. There is a row of them running along the right side of that pic. And the greenway runs on the other side of the trees, and there is a wetland from the Neuse River beyond that. And then the river. Try and get that in NJ, NY, California for less than $200k or more. Regardless
UNC Health Care boosts the pay of 9,000 employees as it raises minimum wage
UNC Health Care is promising a $15 million thank-you to thousands of employees.
The Chapel Hill health care organization said Tuesday it will increase its minimum wage to $15 an hour in the Triangle, a move that will ultimately boost the pay of some 9,000 employees, nearly a third of its total workforce. The organization owns or operates 13 hospitals and employs about 30,000 people.
But UNC Health Care’s beneficence is limited to the Triangle, where it employs 21,500 people.
The health care system’s statement said the Triangle’s “higher cost of living, strong job market and competition for talented co-workers are key factors in the decision to make a living wage adjustment now.â€
UNC Health Care plans to raise its minimum wage to $14 an hour on Jan. 13, and to $15 an hour in July. The employees who will get the raise include housekeepers, cashiers, stock clerks and nursing assistants. No one employed at UNC Health Care in the Triangle currently makes less than $12 an hour, said spokesman Alan Wolf. The state and federal minimum is $7.25 an hour.
“We are committed to providing a competitive living wage to support our workforce,†said Dr. Bill Roper, CEO of UNC Health Care, in a statement. “We are proud to employ the best people to fulfill our mission of caring for patients and their families, and offering a higher living wage is an important step we are able to take.â€
So, what about those skilled workers who are making $15, 16, 17 an hour now? Will they be getting a raise, or will they be paid the same as the unskilled workers? There’s not doubt that the unskilled are necessary to run the business, but, should they make as much as the people who went to school, got a degree, perhaps a masters, and spent time learning to do their craft? Well, yes, those skilled workers will be making more
The pay raise will boost 3,750 employees to $15 an hour. As they move up the pay scale, their raises will push up the wages of employees higher up the ladder so that the organizational pay scale remains relationally intact
UNC Health Care is a not-for-profit integrated health care system owned by the state of North Carolina and based in Chapel Hill. Originally established Nov. 1, 1998, by N.C.G.S. 116-37, UNC Health Care currently comprises UNC Hospitals and its provider network, the clinical programs of the UNC School of Medicine, and eleven affiliate hospitals and hospital systems across the state.
So, guess who is paying for this? That’s right, the taxpayers of the state. They’ll pay more through their taxes, as well as higher healthcare costs. Hooray!

Heaven forbid the poor working stiffs get a raise.
Wages SHOULD rise in an economy at full employment – but it doesn’t happen by magic – somebody has to raise the pay. Conservatives (especially their donor/bosses) hate it when businesses have to compete for those “undeserving” workers.
Elitism on display:
And when all those jobs can’t be sustained at that rate and cuts have to be made through automation or tuition goes up, which means students go elsewhere, Jeffery can tell them they deserved a raise to lose their jobs.
He has yet to learn the basic rule of menial work – artificial pay raises costs working stiffs their jobs.
PS Note the little commie acknowledges we are in full employment. The work of Donald Trump.
I know, economics is hard for some people. In full-employment the worker becomes the commodity that can set the wage scale, and arbitrary decisions like this are stupid(unless they made it in order to retain workers) if it’s just virtue-signaling (a specialty of people who get to use other people’s money). And yes, people who have greater job skills and more education typically have more to offer an employer; that’s not elitism, that’s how the market works.
Does a custodian deserve $15 an hour? And is there really competition for good janitors?
Pay goes up, or should go up, when there is a profit being made and workers have earned it. Not because government weenies want to virtue signal, and that money is coming from taxpayers without their consent.
from the article:
If a CEO “deserves” $8,000,000 a year, why shouldn’t a janitor “deserve” $15 an hour?
If an economy “requires” janitors, why shouldn’t they be paid for their work?
You all sound pretty elitist to me.
Ahhhh….there ya go…the ol’ leftist class warfare gets trotted out.
Is this company not paying janitors? The people are showing up, doing a job and not getting paid?
Do you have any proof of that assertion?
I suspect you don’t but instead only want to make statements that are not factual. After all, all the left has is hate.
Defending janitors is hate?
You need a new schtick.
Why do you want janitors, clerks, nurses aides and housekeepers to make less money?
Healthcare in America does not cost twice what it does in every other advanced nation because we pay housekeepers too much.
Except you didn’t defend janitors. You made a fraudulent claim.
Tell me Jeffery, should janitors get the same pay as a data entry clerk who is responsible for the medical records or payments to people? Should pay reflect the market rate? Or should all people be paid the same?
Are your minimum wage janitors paid as much as you are in your company?
You want management to make less money, don’t you?
But clearly you are deliberately missing the point. If the job the person provides within the market justifies the pay, that’s fine. However, raising pay artificially is not the correct way to run anything.
So salaries have nothing to do with health care costs?
Got it.
There is no need for me to point out the idiocy of that statement.
Once again, you are unable to address simple points that show the fallacy of your position. That could be because all the left has is hate.
If a CEO “deserves†$8,000,000 a year, why shouldn’t a janitor “deserve†$15 an hour?
Because the CEO is worth more to the company than a janitor? How much talent does it take to sweep a floor?
If an economy “requires†janitors, why shouldn’t they be paid for their work?
They are, but menial labor is plentiful and $15/hr is a bit on the extravagant side.
You Lefties must really hate working stiffs if you want to see all of them lose their jobs. Roomba technology is 2nd year computer science, so I’ll bet a lot of those jobs are hanging by a thread.
I would agree with you which is why wages should be based upon the value 1) within the marketplace for that worker and 2) the skills that the worker brings to the organization.
Instead, what raising minimum wages does is arbitrarily lift up the wages of workers and says to deserving workers that their work is now undervalued.
The organization stated they raised wages to better compete for workers.
A rising tide should lift all boats, not just the yachts.
Except raising the minimum wage doesn’t compete for workers. What it does is say “we are going to pay this much no matter if you are valuable to the company or not.”
A rising tide does lift all boats, which is why raising only the minimum wage is wrong because it doesn’t lift the wages of other within the company.
A rising tide doesn’t make all boats equally more valuable.
The organization stated they raised wages to better compete for workers.
No, they wanted to polish their Lefty halos. Let’s see how long they can afford it.
For the folks that have never made their living managing a P&L (profit/loss) statement, or don’t have any idea how businesses work. Virtually all businesses make less than 10% profit, most make 3-5%. Service ind. businesses spend 42-48% on labor, 42-48% on product, facilities, compliance and other costs. Profit is what is left over. Guess what happens when labor costs double?
How much should assistant football/basketball coaches at UNC state schools be paid?
What’s your guess? $30,000, $50,000, $100,000, $200,000?
or none of the above?
David Huxtable, assistant football coach at NCSU was $489,000 in 2016. Chris Kapilovic at Chapel Hill received $436,000. Joseph Pierre, NCSU, $416,000. There are dozens of similarly paid coaches and administrators across the system.
Head football coach Larry Fedora at UNC made $2.3 million in 2017 (he was just fired for losing too many games). Fedora’s current contract was set to run through 2022, and he has a buyout of just over $12 million. If a UNC janitor gets fired for not cleaning a toilet does he get a few years pay?
A state that can pay an assistant football coach $400,000 can pay their janitors $15 an hour.
Why do you choose to attack the poor? “Lack of virtue” signaling?
Bad analogy. IN the case of NC football it is the one sport beside Basketball that rakes in millions of dollars for the school. In this particular case all across the nation, Football definitely and basketball usually bring in huge sums of money to their respective schools as a result the coaching staff is well paid in order to keep a good and viable product on the field.
So even though I understand what your trying to say this was a poor example. Thats like saying why should a doctor be paid 200 dollars an hour when the vocational bed pan cleaner is only paid 12 dollars per hour.
It is of course the intrinsic value of each laborer which sets the goal posts and never should be the federal government.
Just like in 2007 when the democrats got back in power the first thing they did was raise the minimum wage on top of a staggering economy burdened by the housing bubble and 4.00 per gallon gasoline.
The system collapsed. The left is at it again. Raising all these wages BECAUSE EVERYONE DESERVES IT. Yeah everyone does deserve it but that does not mean the system can support it.
However to remain consistent if this is a case where a state decides to pay everyone 100 dollars per hour. That is their right. Just don’t be passing laws by the federal government DICTATING TO 50 states how much to pay their workers when many states cant afford that even if they want too.
States rights should and always must TRUMP the federal government. IMO.
So the big sports programs at state schools are raking in billions of dollars, yet the schools are raising tuitions like crazy? Where does the money go? Nick Saban makes 11 million.
Should the college players be paid as well? They do all the work. If not, why not?
These schools are essentially running an entertainment industry (and feeder system for pro sports). Where does all the money go?
The gap between the rich and the poor is increasing and it’s catastrophic for America. Conservatives hate the poor (except for their votes) and believe that the Jared’s and Ivana’s of the world “earn” their millions.
See what’s happening in France? We’re not far behind. And it will happen suddenly. How much longer do you think the working masses will tolerate barely scraping by when assistant football coaches make $400,000 of taxpayer monies?
How do we get more money into the hands of the working classes so that we can have a thriving middle class once more?
Talk to Obama under whose administration the education bubble happened. Schools raise tuition because they have.
They are compensated, or perhaps you missed that.
Into other sports so other people who would not be able to afford college can go to college based on athletic scholarships.
Yes. People are tired of taxes for programs that do not work. Sound familiar?
It is amazing that now your hatred has extended to students in schools.
Jeffery ignores reality and keeps up his class warfare rap. The players get all kinds of goodies for going to these schools, so they ‘re paid in kind.
The gap between the rich and the poor is increasing and it’s catastrophic for America. Conservatives hate the poor (except for their votes) and believe that the Jared’s and Ivana’s of the world “earn†their millions.
Actually, the people who were poor when Zippy was trying to run things are doing better, thanks to the Trump economy. And Jeffery proves he’s the best projector in the world trying to con people Conservatives hate the poor.
Leftists hate the poor because they want to keep them poor. And Jared and Ivanka do earn their keep. Jared’s been very valuable in nailing down the trump foreign policy.
It’s Jeffery who has yet to earn his keep.
See what’s happening in France? We’re not far behind. And it will happen suddenly.
No, it won’t as long as we don’t buy into Jeffery’s global warming scam.
I SAID millions. Not billions. Additionally the college athelete is getting a FREE COLLEGE DEGREE which he can then use to have a pretty comfortable life if he does not go pro, which 99 percent do not go pro.
The gap between the rich and the poor is a result of democratic policy. Not Republican. While republicans have been slow to realize this unfettered support for globalist corporations and billionaires they have never the less started coming to their senses in 2015.
the democrats on the other hand have doubled down and are encouraging the mass immigration into America which only Further depresses wages.
We bring manufacturing jobs back to America to help the middle class. The united states and the golobalist elites aided by the MSM have handed our jobs over to China and others. In the meantime the Democrats who blamed the GOP for this are now doubled down and jumping in with both feet because Trump showed everyone WHY the middle class was dying.
He is trying to fix it and what is the result? Everyone calls him a racist, a communist and wants to impeach him because hes a rude, crude and obnoxious billionaire.
Your post here is nothing more than a rant at something that is being addressed by both sides. If you want to be on the side that is trying to help the middle class I would suggest to you that that is NOT the democrats.
Sir. 15 dollars per hour does not put you in the middle class. It only takes away the amount of welfare you can receive because its basically dollar for dollar. Just like at age 62 you can collect social security and keep on working but every dollar over 17000 per year is deducted from your SSI. 17000 is poverty, yet the old are punished for working and collecting at age 62. It is not until 66 that this penalty goes away and in 2021 the new rules for social security goes into effect. Meaning anyone born after 1959 will always make less than their predecessors.
Jobs and not 15.00 per hour will help the middle class. This 15 dollars per hour is nothing but a bone and a bane to companies who cannot afford to pay this. It will only hurt 99 percent of those companies that have to pay it and result in another recession. Which IMO is exactly what the DEMS want because they only care about power. Not the middle class and not the blacks and not Hispanics.
God you are stupid. You go on about elites yet you can’t see Hillary and group for what they are. Then please tell me what is wrong with wealth gaps as long as restrictions are not placed on us, like liberals desire, then we are free to be as rich as we desire. And, France is coming apart because of the global warming hoax and the socialism you crave.
What’s wrong with the poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer? It’s unfair for one thing. And it’s counterproductive. Societies can’t tolerate this sort of inequality.
And the inequality is engineered by policy. Since around 1980 our tax, labor, fiscal, monetary, regulatory, patent/copyright, immigration policies have favored the wealthy over the working classes.
Americans favored Don John and Bernie Sanders because they were tired of being abused by the wealthy and the DC ‘swamp”. Unfortunately, tRump has turned out to favor the polices of the post-1980 GOP, which favors the traditional wealthy GOP donors – Tax cuts that favor the wealthy, threats to the safety net, collapsing infrastructure, cuts in education, anti-labor regs, and on and on. In addition, he’s increasing the debt.
How much money does a football coach make for the school? That’s the basis of all wages.
Arbitrarily setting a figure so community organizers can start protests about it only means fewer minimum wage jobs. Look at McDonald’s. They automating like crazy.
And how many football coaches does the state hire opposed to how many janitors? I’ll bet there’s a point of diminishing returns in there.
And you Lefties are the ones who attack the poor. You want them on the street so you can use them next time you need a rent a mob. And “Lack of virtue†signaling is exactly what it is.
You guys are truly evil. You don’t give a damn about people.
I hate to agree with Jeffy but isn’t this exactly what should happen in a booming economy with full employment? If what the article says is true, and this is what they have to offer to get quality employees, then this is a perfect example of the free market at work.
The State decreeing prices is not what the free market looks like. In Northern Virginia, it would be hard to find a job that pays only min wage because the free market does demand higher prices for labor and businesses have to pay it to compete. In fact, it is a very common practice here for employees at every level and in every profession to skip around from one business to another getting a raise each time. Obviously, there are still some people who have a lot less value. illegal immigrants for example. There are a lot of them here and they are forced to work for less than the market demands. labor prices would be even higher for citizens if they weren’t competing with the immigrant class. We just don’t need that many Uber drivers.
Defending janitors is hate?
You want to throw them out onto the street, don’t you?
You need a new schtick.
Jeffery doesn’t like it when his rap is used against him.
One of the great things about Christianity is the prohibition against coveting. Once you grasp this, you no longer care how much money other people make or think you have a right to force them to make the amount of money you think is right for them.
Christianity is like a drug for the masses. The elites (including especially religious elites) keep the money and goodies, all the while persuading the masses that money is not important.
tRump covets. Is he a good Christian?
Christianity is like a drug for the masses.
Wow, talk about original. Except Father Karl said it was the drug.
Little liar can’t even quote his wet dream right.
The elites (including especially religious elites) keep the money and goodies, all the while persuading the masses that money is not important.
Sounds just like Communism, don’t it? Except Christianity has done a lot of good over the millennia.
Communism has to show any.
Trump covets what, exactly? He’s lost money running for and being President.
“Christianity is drug for the masses.†As global warming is a drug for the gullible
I believe Karl Marx claimed religion to be the opiate of the people. Leftists always seem to have a problem with religion. I guess because when God is the ruler of the universe then communist government can’t be. I’m amused at how well they seem to get along with Mohammedans. I guess I can see why though. Leftism is a religion disguised as a political belief and Islam is a political belief disguised as a religion and they both hate Christians and Jews. Makes sense when you think about it.
Many liberals are Christian. Most atheists/agnostics find no evidence to support the concept of gods, demons, angels, miracles, heaven and hell.
Another’s belief in myths and magic doesn’t affect me unless social policy is directly affected.
Except when the POPE embraces Climate Change and then suddenly Christian Cathlics are A-OKAY in yours and the lefts book. What a cynical move by the pope to delve into politics to take heat off his perverted priests who the LEFT PROCLIAIM from the rooftops that the victims must be avenged.
How short becomes the memory of the left when an enemy becomes a friend.
It’s much simpler than that. Support or criticism is on a case by case basis.
Both liberals and conservatives find child abuse abhorrent. The cover-up by the Church was roundly criticized by all.
Only far-right Republicans refuse to accept the evidence of global warming.
You mean the warming going on since 1850 or so? No, they don’t regect that, sorry.
Again. Horrendously evil response from you. Linkage. This is perhaps the most evil post I have seen you post in my short time here. I will leave it up to you to try and figure out what is so evil with your post.
Soo now not only is your wife mentally ill for being a Christian, she is on something akin to a drug (in your opinion)?
Such devotion and love you have for your wife.
The problem with this statement is that in some instances, it is true. However, like many of the things you say applying the statement to all Christians and all Christian leaders denies reality.
But that is part of the hate the left has. Even when it comes to religion, people on the left hate religion so much that they are willing to lie about it.
Make sure to say “hi!” to your wife Jeffery and remind her that she is an addict and you think she is mentally ill.
Actually, I question whether you are a drug addict or mentally ill. I see your recovery allows you to type but do little more than spread your hate. Attacking someone’s family… how Christian.
You claimed my statement was true, and a few typed sentences later call it a lie.
If you don’t understand the societal objectives of organized religion and the way its interwoven with government elites, you’re not paying attention. Note “elites”. In both religion and government.
Just a few days you were dropping veiled threats about defamation and now here you are doing the exact same thing. How strange is the world you live in. Certainly trolling is your hobby and most likely your job. I am still analyzing every word you write to determine if it is China, Russia or the DNC paying your salary.
Making an observation based on your own statements and beliefs doesn’t show hatred of anyone other that you.
I fail to see how declaring that all Christians are mentally ill as you have stated is part of any discussion. The fact of the matter is that I have always discussed things with you. You just fly off the handle when your positions are shown to be false.
And that is what passes as a “discussion” from you. Just nothing but attacks and name calling without basis.
You’re upset that someone like me never brings up race because I don’t care about race. You’re so upset that one, like Christ, can strive to be color blind.
You’re projecting your own hatred onto others, Jeffery.
Hate is all the left has.
1) You have said that you are not a Christian.
2) You prove that daily in your actions.
3) You attacked your wife not me.
Reading comprehension problems again? As I stated in SOME INSTANCES where people claim to be Christian, they do seek riches. Your statement condemned all Christians. Your statement is not true.
Of course I am paying attention Jeffery. Many of us that write here are paying attention which is why we respond to your hateful speech. We are paying attention to the lies that you spread. We are paying attention to the fact that you think your wife is mentally ill and addicted to something akin to a drug because she claims to be a Christian.
We all get it, Jeffery.
You have nothing but hate, loathing and hypocrisy in your soul and in your life.
And proud of it, honky.
–Nignorant angry little negro fella in st. louis
Just more of the same right-wing Christianist hatred from you.
You have nothing but hate, loathing and hypocrisy in your soul and in your life.
I DO express hate and loathing for many of the positions taken here by TEACH and his minions. Of course that sends you into blind rages, and you naturally attack rather than discuss.
Maybe you’re neither mentally ill nor addicted. Perhaps you’re still a bit conflicted about accepting the full-boat of hatred needed to sustain a far-right world view. In fact, you may just have an iota of conscience left, which could explain your hatred – born from guilt. Perhaps you’re panicked that your white Christianist privilege is being eroded year by year – born from fear.
Oh but you love it so. You thrive on trolling people. You are paid to incite to riot. I am still trying to figure out who pays you though. I have added a few names to my list. Google stands out.
Now why does one suspect you are a paid troll and shill? Because of the inordinate amount of posts you make on this website daily. Its pretty simple. The MO of a shill can be put in Wikipedia as Jethro from the Pirates Cove.
Actually, it’s little jeffery keene of st. louis.
He told us so… several times.
If you find out who’s paying me, let me know, and I’ll send them an invoice!
Who cares?
Anybody dumb enough to pay an ignoramus $15/hr to type Lefty talking points and then expect him to try to justify them is below the radar.
No, our man Jeff is just a stupid little man child that gets some bizarre sexual pleasure out of being a racist and deplorable jerk. Part of it is that little liberals like him think that they are intellectual in taking very stupid positions. But Jeff has some deep seeded issues with security due to poor academic performance in his early years. We run into guys like him that could not make it in premed and would go to pharmacy school like jeff did. In later years these guys really act out. And that is what our man Jeff is doing.
Obsession! by dave…
That’s it?
That’s the best you got?
Not only is it lame, it’s so old even you should be ashamed.