It never was really hard to figure out what the March For Life really wanted: restrictive gun control used against law abiding citizens, versus getting tough on criminals who use guns, the people who shouldn’t have guns because of criminal backgrounds and issues that make others a danger to others/themselves, as well as fixing the problems that occurred due to government problems as we saw with the local police, sheriff’s department, school, and FBI in the Parkland shooting case
In Gun Control Marches, Students Led but Adults Provided Key Resources
They were rallies that would not have happened without the fervor of the students: teenage survivors of last month’s massacre in Parkland, Fla., frightened high schoolers in the Midwest, unnerved university students in the Northeast.
But the March for Our Lives demonstrations that unfolded on Saturday, from Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington to the streets of Salt Lake City to a small town in north Georgia, ultimately represented twin triumphs: of organic, youthful grass-roots energy, and of sophisticated, experienced organizational muscle.
Although the events, which together drew hundreds of thousands of demonstrators across the country, were inspired and often led by students, many protests simultaneously benefited from groups with more financial resources and organizational skills than the teenagers had on their own.
“We definitely teamed up,†said Madison Knoop, 18, who organized a rally of 2,500 in Montpelier, Vt., with the support of groups dominated by adults. “They were so helpful for the entire process.â€
Of course, the NY Times’ Jess Bidgood, Alan Blinder, and Vivian Wang attempt to explain all this astroturfing away, then shooting the explaining away down
Skeptics of the marches seized on the roles of major interest groups, suggesting that the students were unwitting participants in political warfare that should be reserved for adults. But organizers and supporters of Saturday’s events have done little to disguise that millions of dollars and thousands of hours were directed toward the weekend’s protests.
Then there’s this
Everytown for Gun Safety, which was founded and financed by Michael R. Bloomberg, the billionaire and former New York mayor, proudly declared that it had doled out more than $1 million in grants to local organizers. A nonprofit led by former Representative Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, Mark Kelly, arranged for more than 200 people from the Parkland area to attend Saturday’s march in Washington, and said it had worked with the owner of the New England Patriots, Robert Kraft, to use the N.F.L. franchise’s plane to bring some people to the capital.
Not really mentioned in the article is the sure notion that the left wing teachers in their schools were placing gun grabber thoughts in their heads, telling them to use their 1st Amendment Rights to get rid of their 2nd Amendment Rights, the very ones which help protect the 1st, 4th, 5th, and most of the others from government tyranny.
“The kids did everything,†said Jenn Hoadley, 36, who helped students organize a march in Anchorage. “All I did was say, ‘You want a stage? Cool. I’ll find one for you. You need a sound system? Cool. I’ll find one for you. You want to march in the park? I do paperwork to help you get that done.’ They planned it all, and they should be given credit for that.â€
So, the kids did everything except for most of the stuff. Who booked the buses? Who payed for them? Drove them?
Certainly, some of the older “kids”, including those in college, did stuff. We can’t completely short-change them. But, most seemed directed by the big leftist groups
Ms. Knoop said Women’s March officials shared their organizing skills and spreadsheets with contact information for politicians, media outlets and other organizations that might want to help out. Ms. Knoop applied for a permit to hold a rally on the steps of the gold-topped, Greek Revival State House in Montpelier and said a group called the Peace & Justice Center handled the liability insurance. And Ms. Knoop worked with Gun Sense Vermont, which advocates tighter gun laws in the state. The group also helped with planning and managed the event’s finances, including one of the grants Everytown issued.
“They handled the finances, any donations we got, they were paying for everything, which was really, really helpful,†Ms. Knoop said.
Oh, good, they were taking direction from a group that is big on gun grabbing (rather than letting women have firearms to protect themselves) as well as being heavily anti-Semitic.
Anyone who wants to give up their Constitutionally guaranteed Rights to government voluntarily is a dumbass. Period.

Funny thing,these ‘activists’ backed by the big gun control lobby,and some corporations like Walmart,Dick’s,and Kroger want the age to own a rifle raised to 21.Yet we’re supposed to allow teenagers to dictate gun laws?Come back when you’re 21,if your ‘fame’ lasts that long.
I think adults mean Dr Evil.