Yes, the fight starts with the Dreamers but the goal is to legalize their parents, their siblings and the majority of the 11M undocumented immigrants. This is the REAL immigration reform (not what Trump and the GOP are proposing).
— JORGE RAMOS (@jorgeramosnews) January 30, 2018
In other words, the Dream Act has always been just a marketing gimmick to sneak thru a general amnesty, rather than a targeted measure to fix the problem of a unique sliver of the illegal population.
— Mark Krikorian (@MarkSKrikorian) January 30, 2018
And that’s pretty much it in a nutshell. This is why they want a “clean” DACA bill, whereby all the Dreamers are given legalized status up to free citizenship with no border or interior security measures. That way the open borders continue, and then they want more amnesty.
And, again, why would we give any legalized status to the parents who brought the kids illegally? If they were the ones who “sinned”, and we shouldn’t punish the kids, then we need to punish the parents.
So, maybe it’s time to just move on from all this silliness, and just enforce federal law, and start deporting all of them. Democrats do not want to work in good faith. The Dreamers are demanding. Deport them all.
(Via Twitchy)

“Free” citizenship? After college and/or military, living an exemplary American life, paying taxes for 10 or 12 years? How much have you invested in your “free” citizenship?
No border or interior security measures? In fact, the “Dreamers” and their supporters are willing to trade legal status (Google Dream Act) for $10s of billions in Walls, fences, agents and other added border security.
TEACH typed, in frustration:
Which was his honest position all along.
Why does little guy hate white Americans?
Because hate is all the Democrats and liberals have, DP.
They thrive on divisiveness and hatred.
I just took his ridiculous hashtag to be either “make America whole again” or more likely, a pathetic trolling attempt on his part.
It’s the Republicans who want to deport the “Dreamers”.
Who garner the support of the KKK, white supremacists and neoNazis.
Who oppose equal rights for LGBT members.
Who support cutting Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.
Who oppose healthcare for poor children.
Who hate scientists, government, foreigners, Muslims, Blacks, womens, gays, liberals and on and on and on..
What you have is projection.
“It’s always projection”
So, little guy, why do you hate white Americans?
Following the law is not hatred.
Conservatives don’t support those groups and you know it. Liberals and Democrats, on the other hand, support groups that hate based on gender and race.
The only thing that most people on the right oppose is gay marriage, which is not a “right.” Of course,. the left supports hating anyone who thinks differently than they do and demand more rights for LGBT people.
So you think that cutting inefficient programs is hatred? If anything, the left hates people who work hard and have more money than they do so they want to steal others money, goods, and labor.
I have never met anyone on the right who is for denying health care for anyone. Your hatred of the right means you have to make up lies.
There is not a single group you listed that is “hated” by the right. Perhaps you need to understand that there is a difference between hatred the is from the left and disagreement from the right. Nah. You won’t understand that because that would cut your entire premise and allow you to think that the left doesn’t hate.
More specifically, you have exhibited more hatred here than the rest of the people combined.
I agree. It is projection and a lack of self-awareness from the left.
He also hates blacks and brown people. What he does is to tolerate their bad actions. Tolerance is one of the worse forms of bigotry. It implies that the target is incapable of holding values that the rest of us accept as normal social morals and that the target can not and should not change, only that we accept there behavior as normal via the stereotype. The he assumed the mantel of a god to ride above the rest of us and show his tolerance and moral superiority.
[…] « Say, What’s The Dreamer Fight Really About? […]
“Who oppose eaqual rights for LBGT members..â€. They have equal rights, J. But care to tell us which rights in the Constitution they don’t have, in your mind? Good luck. Anyway, you must be talking about Muslims when you allude to those opposing “rights of LBGT membersâ€.
My apologies. Maybe you’re right. It could be that conservatives just seem hateful because they only care about themselves. They have no caring in them. Perhaps it not that you favor human suffering, but that you just don’t care about it unless it impacts your comforts.