Funny that they aren’t advocating that Warmists give up their own use of fossil fuels and go carbon neutral, eh?
The climate solution no-one in Davos will be talking about
At the World Economic Forum in Davos this week, the world’s economic elite will make much of the climate crisis and their desire to green global capitalism; yet one of the most powerful economic tools available will barely be mentioned.
In an influential 2017 proposal, the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition, led by Nobel-laureate Joseph Stiglitz and former World Bank chief economist Nicholas Stern, put forward a globally coordinated carbon tax as the best policy to address climate change.
The basic idea of carbon taxation is that the costs of carbon emissions would be added onto the cost of a gallon of gas, or a BTU of heating gas, or a kilowatt hour of electricity. Currently fossil fuels receive huge subsidies, especially as their costs don’t include the health impacts, ecological damage, acid rain, and most ominously, the trillions of euros in damage from rising seas, droughts and storms that are expected.
Most economists agree:Â raising the price of fossil fuels and lowering the relative cost of renewables would efficiently shift consumption and investment towards low carbon of energy more cost-effectively other policies. If carbon taxes are as appealing as these economists say, then why is this so hard?
The article provides a bunch of reasons why it is so hard, but, misses a few.
First, how many nations are willing to give up their sovereignty for this tax? You can link this to one of the stated reasons, “what will the money be spent on?” Do we want the U.N. running, a hotbed of scumbag dictators, Islamists, and other terrible people?
Second, it’s hard because polls show that even Warmists are unwilling to pay more than a few bucks.
What this really shows is the globalist impact of Warmists, under the banner of their Progressive (nice Fascism) beliefs.

Maybe if a tax on solar panels reduces renewable energy use then maybe a carbon tax will cut down on carbon pollution!
Or, maybe get just get rid of solar…
Davos is a luxury ski resort in the Alps. To get there, the conferees, attending such noble panels as “Rethinking Climate Change and Work-Life Balance in the Sixth Industrial Revolution,” had to fly into Zurich, and then take ground transportation, the train or — more likely — a limousine 152 KM, so billionaires could hobnob with other billionaires and lecture other people on their carbon footprints, and ‘direct’ the economy. They got to listen to intellectuals like Cate Blanchett and Elton John trash President Trump, whose election has only led to a 43% increase in the Dow.
You know what the left really can’t stand? It’s not that Mr Trump, an elite like themselves, understands the working people of this country far better than they do, but, that on most things, he has proven to be right in his policies. They’re all waiting for the horrible failure, which hasn’t happened yet.
Remember all of the very intellectual economists, the ones who told us that if Mr Trump won the election, the markets would plummet? How about the left, who told us that tax cuts for corporations would mean nothing for workers? Not only were the intellectuals and the left wrong, they have been proven wrong in remarkably short order, short enough that everyone can see it.