The Fight Against Hotcoldwetdry Can Only Succeed If All Citizens Are Forced To Comply

OK, that’s not quite the specific quote, but, that’s the meaning

(EESC) “The fight against climate change can only succeed if all citizens are included. But it is not enough to convince people that we need to change our lifestyles: it is also important to give them the necessary support,” said President Georges Dassis at the start of a side event on “Just transition to low-carbon economy” organised jointly by the EESC, King’s College London, Foundation for European Progressive Studies and Fondation Jean-Jaurès during the COP23 in Bonn on 8 November. “The transition towards a zero-emission society must be designed in a way that does not aggravate inequalities or create social fractures, but instead helps to balance differences. In calling for a fair transition, the EESC has always refused to play employment off against environmental protection. These two objectives are closely linked and should be pursued with equal determination.”

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) used this event to present its opinion on Climate Justice. The concept of “climate justice” frames global climate change as a political and ethical issue and not just an environmental one. It recognises that the poorest and most vulnerable in society often have to suffer the greatest impact from climate change. Climate justice has been traditionally dealt with as an issue of emerging economies. The EESC wants to apply these principles also to the EU Member States. Therefore the EESC calls for a debate on an EU Bill of Climate Rights that encapsulates the rights of EU citizens and those of nature in the context of the challenges of the global climate change crisis. “We call on institutions and governments to ensure climate justice at all levels – global, EU, national, regional and community level, in this way we can make climate policy more human centered,” said Cillian Lohan, rapporteur of the opinion.

Notice a few things. First, the only way this occurs is for people to be forced to comply.

Second, the mask slipped a bit when they started saying that this really isn’t about the environment, it’s about far left Progressive (nice Fascist) political beliefs. Frame it however you want, be it Marxist, Communist, Socialist, Progressive, Statism, whatever, it’s all about increasing the power and scope of the Government, forced adherence to the State, control of economies, people, and energy by the state, controlling food, travel, you name it, all while increasing taxes and fees. They throw this under the banner of “climate justice.”

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19 Responses to “The Fight Against Hotcoldwetdry Can Only Succeed If All Citizens Are Forced To Comply”

  1. mr. deplorable says:

    When rich elitists change their lifestyle, I might consider changing mine.

  2. Some Hillbilly in St Louis says:

    I don’t know how these progressive have the time for climate change advocacy when so much of their time goes to raping, kiddie diddling, and moral preening.

    • Jeffery says:

      Progressives like Dotard tRump, Roger Ailes, Clarence Thomas, Steven Seagal, Bill O’Reilly, Herman Cain, Charles Payne, Roy Moore, the British Cons (aka Tories), FOX News Network?

      • Jeffery says:

        Child molester Moore has another woman stepping forward alleging sexual assault as a teen. The GOP is afraid Moore will lose this rock solid seat, although Alabamans are holding steady in their allegiance to the serial child molester. It’s more important to win the seat even if the winner asked permission to molest their daughters. The moral hypocrisy of the American right has no upper limit.

        Also, another woman came forward alleging George H.W. Bush grabbed her butt during a photo session.

        Damn progressives. AmIright, Hillbilly?

        • drowningpuppies says:

          You should talk about child molesting, you little perv.
          How’s that grandson?

          • Jeffery says:


            Other than his debilitating chronic disease he is fine. Thanks for asking.

            When are you and TEACH coming to St. Louis to make your charges to the local police? In fact, TEACH has my full name so it should be easy for the two of you to report me to the St. Louis County police. You and TEACH can Google their phone number and turn me in. As I’ve said many times, if you clowns want to come in person, I’ll pay your one-way First Class airfares. You won’t need a return flight.

          • drowningpuppies says:

            Oh, so now little tough guy perv gets upset about allegations of child molestation (which he never denied).
            Wonder why? Touching to close to home?
            Huh, little guy, why so upset?

        • david7134 says:

          What woman was molested by Moore? How do you define any of the women as children? Did anyone report him 30 years ago? If not, no crime, and allegations don’t exist. Now, I am sure that I can find any number of women who have been molested by you, just give your name and I will come up there with several thousand dollars and they will be coming out of the wood work. But you likely know that, so your protestations are junk.

          • Jeffery says:


            We’re not surprised that you would defend a child molester, as he is a Republican from the confederacy. You don’t consider 14 yrs old a child? Alabama does.

            Are you suggesting the woman is lying now? Why would she? Why wouldn’t a shy 14 yr old being molested by an assistant DA report it at the time? Ask all the gold medal winning Olympian gymnasts why they waited until now to disclose that the team physician molested them for years.

            Why now? Have you noticed all the outrage the past year against Weiner, Weinstein, Ailes, Bush, O’Reilly, Cosby, etc? Women feel empowered not to put up with this sh!t any longer. Do you blame them? We know, we know… men like you consider this all to be fake – just women telling lies. Do you even believe that women can be sexually assaulted?

          • david7134 says:

            Where is the police report???? Maybe some of those people in your head can figure it out.

  3. Rotterdam says:

    Well no matter your political views. I think everyone needs to do some research into the Amazon rain forest and the over used of Nitrogen fertilizers(two separate but deadly issues) and then get behind a few of the groups trying to work to fix these problems.

    I’m not going to advocate for which groups, but there are a few. Start your own. Fix the real problems this world is facing or risk true and unalterable razing of our own planet from which there is no return in a 1000 lifetimes.

    Or spend all your time preening about how awful co2 is and ignore the real problem facing this planet. Its up to all of you and your friends, children and grand children to realize the awful truth being hidden in plain sight by an agenda that is as sinister as any movie plot ever imagined and then turned into a movie.

  4. Jeffery says:

    The actual article title was: The fight against climate change cannot be won at the expense of ordinary citizens not the false one TEACH made up.

    The article did not describe forcing everyone to comply. A carbon tax would apply to everyone though, just as all Americans are “forced” to comply with tax laws, “forced” to comply with traffic signs, “forced” to have their children vaccinated…

    And of course, something as damaging and global as global warming involves all aspects of societies. You can call it communism if you like, but that’s just more of your namecalling. The crux of their argument was in the title you ignored and in the quote: Stop unfairly penalising those who have no alternative – EESC calls for a genuine polluter-pays principle.

  5. The actual article title was: The fight against climate change cannot be won at the expense of ordinary citizens not the false one TEACH made up.

    Apparently, Jeff never made it to the first sentence of the post.

  6. Rotterdam says:

    King’s College London, Foundation for European Progressive Studies

    A school of higher learning. Part of the three major UK research institutions in which the entire agenda of learning has been over taken by PROGRESSIVE thought and discourse.

    Its very difficult to find honest intellectual debate on colleges these days as the leftist agenda is so perpetuated throughout the entire academic and elitism in the EU.

    part of the reason why the UK voted to OPT out of the EU by the ordinary man no longer a part of the world elitist view that you should shut up and let the elites run the world.

  7. Jeffery says:

    david7134 naively asks:
    November 13, 2017 at 6:55 pm
    Where is the police report???? Maybe some of those people in your head can figure it out.

    In the late 70s/early 80s in Etowah County AL it would be hard for a child to get the police to pursue a molestation charge against a hometown boy who was also the Asst District Attorney.

    Do you suspect many molestation and rape victims don’t report their attacks out of misplaced guilt or fear of the system?

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