It’s the time of the year where loopy SJWs nag about costumes and cultural appropriation. Colleges across the country are lecturing on what costumes are Allowed, and which ones are Mean. They’re having lectures and symposiums, putting out memos. This occurs as well in high schools and elementary schools, where some even have said “no costumes.” And, of course, we have nutty articles preaching to teens, like this one from Teen Vogue by Jessica Andrews
Cultural Appropriation at Halloween: My Culture Is Not a Costume
It’s time to change the conversation around cultural appropriation. The term has been reduced to mere internet outrage, and dismissed as a tool devised by the “fun police” to keep people from enjoying Halloween. But the reality is cultural appropriation is a stain on American history. It’s the manifestation of one of the earliest, most enduring racist ideals: the belief that people who belong to marginalized cultures are somehow less than human. Once you’ve dehumanized someone, you can co-opt their culture with ease; their language, dress, and customs aren’t worthy of the respect you reserve for your own. On top of centuries of oppression, marginalized groups must now contend with people mocking their identity, right in front of their faces. And when they speak up, critics rush to attack and silence them.
Pure Victimhood. Whining whiners. People who need to get over themselves. People used to celebrate the differences in culture. It’s a way of bringing us all together. Now? If you speak a few words of Spanish and you’re white, you are demonized by these wankers
In this climate, we asked 6 brave women to explain what cultural appropriation means to them — and how it feels to see their culture worn and discarded. Their answers reveal the painful, human side of cultural appropriation. Gianna Collier-Pitts breaks down why the Afro wig is not just a fun hairpiece to wear and discard after a Halloween party. “Our hair is stigmatized as being untidy and this costume is incredibly insensitive to the real struggles African-Americans have wearing their natural hair.” Through tears, Cashman Aiu explains why it’s hurtful to see people co-opt Hawaiian culture for a night of revelry. “One of the things about Hawaiian culture that not a lot of people know is that historically it was illegal to practice anything that had to do with native Hawaiian culture. My grandmother is currently in her 70s, and she’s finally learning how to dance hula. And she’s been creating her hula skirt and lei for weeks now, and this is nothing like what it looks like. This costume is extremely hurtful, not only for myself but the generations that had to go through this erasure.”
These are simply miserable people who have bought into being Victims, and want to drag everyone else into their miserableness.
With this video, we challenge you to look into the faces of the people whose culture you co-opt. Hear their stories of being shamed for their lei, hijab, and Afro, only to see their peers make a mockery of it. See their reactions — tears, scowls, laughs to “keep from crying” — as they come face-to-face with culturally appropriative costumes, sent to us by some of the world’s biggest online retailers. Watch them triumphantly tear those same costumes apart, a symbolic act and a call-to-arms to young people to end cultural appropriation with our generation. Most importantly, listen to their message. These costumes aren’t funny and harmless; cultural appropriation isn’t senseless outrage. It’s a painful, dehumanizing attack on their culture, their history, their very existence. And it should have no place in our society — at Halloween and beyond.
First of all, fortunately, most people do not buy into this cultural appropriation garbage, and just go on with their lives. They do not feel that they’re doing anything wrong. It’s just a costume. It’s just someone making good food like tacos. They aren’t worried about a call to arms.
Second, though, if they really want to push this, if “cultural appropriation isn’t senseless outrage” (it is), then these same people who are whining about cultural appropriation should not be eating, wearing, speaking, practicing, or using anything that doesn’t come from their culture. For instance……Halloween!
Halloween is an annual holiday, celebrated each year on October 31, that has roots in age-old European traditions. It originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated November 1 as a time to honor all saints; soon, All Saints Day incorporated some of the traditions of Samhain. The evening before was known as All Hallows Eve, and later Halloween. Over time, Halloween evolved into a day of activities like trick-or-treating and carving jack-o-lanterns. Around the world, as days grow shorter and nights get colder, people continue to usher in the season with gatherings, costumes and sweet treats.
If we apply the foundation of (the insane) cultural appropriation meme, then, if you are not of Celtic descent, then you may not celebrate Halloween. Period. Full stop. That’s fair, is it not?
What’s that you’re saying, Little SJW? That’s not fair? That’s mean to force you to stop celebrating Halloween? Tough. Having you celebrate Halloween is painful and dehuminizing. It’s extremely painful. It’s racist!!!!!! So, stop it!

Virtually everything in the last 500 years was created by Western culture.
Therefore, if you drive a car, wear glasses, use a computer, or telephone or wear western clothes such as a suit and tie,
and you do not hail from western culture are you then appropiating western culture. Of course not.
Most peope wear these costumes as a sign of respect and also gives them an opportunity to walk a mile in their moccasins, sandles, clogs, or shoes.
Does he speak Gaelic, or any other substantive part of the Celtic culture? Or did he read the wikipedia page on Halloween and decide that well hey, I think that I had a an Irish great great great grandmother, so I own the legal rights to a holiday? Screw that guy.
Would you concede his point if he spoke Gaelic, painted himself blue, and worshiped in oak groves? Would it be sufficient if he hung mistletoe?
Nah, I’d still tell him pug mo thoin.
Pug is a type of dog so you’re wanting someone to go doggy style on your arse?
Pog mo thoin is how it’s spelt. Or better: póg mo thóin.
You can’t win with these assholes. When white girls want to dress as Disney’s diverse princesesss it’s cultural approriation. If they prefer Snow White or that one from Frozen then they’re racist for not liking the diverse princess.