I generally avoid reproducing entire articles as a matter of good blogging form. It was established early on that, unless you’re talking about a short article, you should avoid full copy and paste, simply take excerpts, and always link. Some ignored this, and shame on them. People work hard on their content, and that’s not what blogging is about. That said, there are times when it’s necessary for full context. Here’s one, a letter by David Kraner to the Bradenton Herald, which is shocking in that it was published
Really? Climate change? Here are some real threats
When a sharp knife slices across your throat or is plunged into your heart or that of a loved one… is climate change danger what comes to your mind as an existential threat?
When the airplane you and your loved ones are on disintegrates into fragments and plunges all of you to a horrible death after a terrorist bomb explodes… is welcoming all refugees, immigrants, legal and illegal, what comes to mind?
When a bright flash and a mushroom cloud from a North Korean or Iranian nuclear bomb vaporizes your city and you and your loved ones… will Russian election influence be what comes to your mind?
When your Internet crashes, your cell phones and landlines go dead and your electricity goes out in an EMP event, all in the dead of a freezing winter and the temperatures in your home plummets while you freeze to death… will CO2 and the Paris Climate Accord be on your mind?
When terrorists enter your children’s school and begin to execute them… will the gun ban (you favored) in school that prevented abiding staff and teachers from saving your child, come to mind as a good idea?
If the answer to any or all of these and many more reasonable questions, is “yes,†then you may be a delusional liberal, and likely a coward, and almost as big a threat to our nation as the terrorists who are at war with us.

Global warmingclimate change is something worried about by those with few other concerns. Paul Krugman is a multimillionaire, with positions at both The New York Times and CUNY; he isn’t worried about from where his next meal will come, and he doesn’t associate enough with commoners to be a likely victim of terrorism. His neighbors could one day be Muslims, but they’ll be wealthy, Westernized ones.Governor Tom Wolf (D-PA) criticized President Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris agreement, but he was right there when a new coal mine opened in the Keystone State. It seems that people who have to worry about supporting their families today care more about jobs than they do about a possible temperature rise in a hundred years.
When a sharp knife slices across your throat or is plunged into your heart or that of a loved one… is getting getting your kid into a good college what comes to mind?
If the answer is “yes,†then you may be a delusional liberal, and likely a coward, and almost as big a threat to our nation as the terrorists who are at war with us.
–David Kraner
Well, one of your thoughts might be how will my family make it without me.
And Con Men are always afraid. Always. You are motivated by your irrational fears. You feel safe with a gun in your home although you’re more likely to have a loved one shot than an intruder shot.
Nearly a thousand innocents a year, many of them children, are killed in the US by the accidental discharge of firearms. How many do jihadists kill in the US?
You’re more likely to die from a tornado, a flood or heatstroke than from a Jihadist or White Nationalist terrorist.
You’re children are much more likely to be harmed by teacher, a preacher a police officer or you than from a terrorist.
You may be a delusional Con Man, and likely a piss your pants coward, and certainly more a threat to our nation than any foreign terrorist.
From the expert his little self.
Speaking of other liberal white cowards:
Jeffrey, who wrote this: “And Con Men are always afraid. Always. You are motivated by your irrational fears….You may be a delusional Con Man, and likely a piss your pants coward, and certainly more a threat to our nation than any foreign terrorist.
Later wrote this: “Your [sic] using a well understood tactic that demeans your opponent but doesn’t advance your argument even a bit.
Which is why no one takes you seriously about anything.
Wasn’t it Jeff who was complaining about being attacked a few weeks ago? Have you given up your own use of fossil fuels yet, Jeff, and gone carbon neutral?
We complained about being attacked by terrorists? We don’t think so.
We will match our fossil fuels use against yours any day.
And anyway, do you really consider that a fair argument? That those that understand global warming must stop all fossil fuels use before you’ll take it seriously? ALL fossil fuels use?
What’s the cut-off? 10% of the US average? 50%? Or your oft mentioned 0% fossil fuels use?
Your using a well understood tactic that demeans your opponent but doesn’t advance your argument even a bit.
That’s like us insisting that fiscal Cons give up ALL use of federal resources, stay off the roads, stop breathing clean air, using clean water, refuse Medicare, unemployment payments, Social Security etc.
Yes, yes I do. Warmists are complaining about the use of fossil fuels, they say it will kill all life on the planet (yeah, they do that), and they yammer on about getting people to stop using fossil fuels, yet, the majority refuse to do this in their own lives.
I’d be careful challenging me on our use of FFs, Jeff. While I drive a low MPG Jeep Liberty, I actually do not drive all that much. I bought it in 2009 with just under 10k miles, and I just now approaching 92k. I’ll probably keep it for another year or two, then looking at a CRV.