The problem here is that the Cult of Climastrology members have turned every real environmental problem into on involving ‘climate change’, which gets people to tune out
(Daily Caller)  Only 3 percent of Americans listed “environment/pollution†as their most important issue in 2016, according to a new Gallup poll.
The poll is part of Gallup’s annual survey, which ranks the issues Americans say are the most important to them each month throughout the year. While public opinion on the 25 issues listed on the poll varied from month to month, “the environment†ranked consistently as the lowest in national importance for most Americans throughout the entire year, tied with “guns.â€
Gallup’s results found that “the economy†was the most important issue to Americans, with 16 percent of those polled saying it was their top concern. “The government†came in second at 13 percent, while “unemployment/jobs†came in third at 9 percent. Race relations and immigration competed for the fourth spot with about 7 percent of respondents considering both as the top issue.
So, people do not care about ‘climate change’, and they do not care about grabbing guns. They also find little concern for income inequality. Heck, people with “no opinion” ranked higher than all three.
Despite the heavy media and political pressure, Americans aren’t very concerned about global warming compared to citizens of other countries, according to a Pew Research Center study published in December. Thirty-six of the forty industrialized nations surveyed were more concerned about global warming than America.
When it comes down to it, most citizens aren’t really concerned with the things Democrats push. This is one of the reasons Trump won. He talked about what mattered. The bread and butter issues. Hillary talked about non-important stuff.
Sadly, these Warmists have done more harm to real environmental issues than helped with their insanity.

Wow. When President Obama took office 39% of Americans were concerned about the economy, now only 16% are. Trump should thank President Obama for delivering an improved economy!
People will always be more concerned about their jobs and the economy than about future global issues.
In 100 years that may change.
Jeffery, I have a feeling they either phrased the question in a leading manner or they only asked Brentwood and Manhattan.
“When President Obama took office 39% of Americans were concerned about the economy, now only 16% are. Trump should thank President Obama for delivering an improved economy!”
Nice deflection, or simple dishonesty.
According to polls, the top concerns for the 2016 election were the economy, terrorism, foreign policy and health care.
And 84% of voters were concerned about the economy.
Trump should thank Obama for……..pretty much nothing.
Seems like the more the bed-wetters put out their dooms-day stories that never come true the less people listen.
Soooo, there’s that 97% thingy about what Americans think…
More fun with numbers.
84% of Americans believe in gods, angels and miracles, but that doesn’t make them real.
Many climate scientists might not list the environment/pollution at their most important issue, either.
We suspect that the threat of nuclear annihilation and nuclear winter will move up a few notches.
Thanks, Donnie!