NY Times: Know What’s A Scandal Too Far? “Carlos Danger”

You can always rely on the NY Times, be it in their news or opinion sections (which often seem to be the same thing), to provide some progressive silliness to just about everything

A Scandal Too Far? Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton, and a Test of Loyalty

In the summer of 2013, Hillary Clinton had just left the State Department and returned to New York. She planned a quiet year, basking in sky-high approval ratings and enjoying a respite from the media spotlight as she laid the groundwork for a second presidential run.

Then Carlos Danger happened.

Anthony D. Weiner, the husband of Mrs. Clinton’s closest aide, Huma Abedin, was running for mayor of New York when news broke that he had continued to exchange lewd messages with women online after the practice cost him his congressional seat. This time, he used the embarrassing Spanish-inspired moniker.

The tawdry story line and Ms. Abedin’s closeness to Mrs. Clinton made the events explode far beyond New York, dragging Mrs. Clinton’s name into messy headlines about penis pictures, Mr. Weiner’s descriptions of his sexual appetites and his online paramour named Sydney Leathers.

Now, with Mrs. Clinton seemingly on the cusp of winning the White House, Mr. Weiner, who once described himself as “a perpetually horny middle-aged man,” has pulled her into another drama. Federal investigators looking into his sexual messaging with an underage girl stumbled upon thousands of emails potentially pertinent to the F.B.I. inquiry into Mrs. Clinton’s private email server.

See? This is a scandal too far. Apparently, what Weiner did is Bad, and could effect Hillary, potentially forcing her to let Huma go. Too be clear, what Weiner has done is very bad, and potentially criminal. But, it’s apparently not too far when it comes to Hillary not only standing by Bill Clinton when he’s credibly accused of sexual assault and rape, but actively working to destroy the women who made the accusations.

It’s not a scandal too far when there’s a proven pay for play scandal between Hillary, the State Department, and the Clinton Foundation.

It’s not a scandal too far that the Clinton Foundation only spends 6% on actual charity. That they take lots of money from horrible countries that treat women and gays terribly. Selling US uranium rights to Russia after massive donations to the Foundation. And so much more.

It’s not a scandal too far when Hillary implements her own private server outside the government chain, passing national security material through the server which had little security, hiding the server, deleting emails in violation of subpoena, stripping security markings, wiping the server, not turning emails over, and so much more. Hillary, as Sec of State, should have known better. But, she blew off training’s on security.

And so, so much more. Weiner is a scandal too far, though.

Meanwhile, do you know what’s troubling to Hillary?

Treating Mr. Comey as a threat to her candidacy, Mrs. Clinton took aim at the law enforcement officer who had recommended no criminal charges less than four months earlier for her handling of classified information as secretary of state.

“It’s pretty strange to put something like that out with such little information right before an election,” Mrs. Clinton said at a rally in Daytona Beach, Fla. “In fact, it’s not just strange; it’s unprecedented and it is deeply troubling.”

Strange and deeply troubling. Not like her setting up the email server in the first place. Or her husband sexually assaulting women. Getting oral sex from an intern in the White House. Keeping a woman, Huma Abedin, around who has deep links to the Islamic group the Muslim Brotherhood, which treats women terribly. All the lying from Hillary. Etc and so forth.

Crossed at Right Wing News.

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54 Responses to “NY Times: Know What’s A Scandal Too Far? “Carlos Danger””

  1. acethepug says:

    Really? What I find strange and deeply troubling is the willingness of the Left to ignore an unindicted felon and quite possibly a traitor because she is on “their” side.

    And if Hillary were telling the truth? SHE could put all this to rest, now, by releasing all the emails she deleted. After all, none of them were work-related, right?

    Except that it was just another lie in the massive nest of them that is the Clinton Crime Syndicate, of course.

    And because rules, morals, and ethics are just cudgels for the Left to use on the opposition, never things to actually aspire to themselves.

  2. Dana says:

    This morning’s story is that Attorney General Loretta Lynch had James Comey notified that he shouldn’t release the letter this close to the election, but not releasing the letter would be attempting to influence the election the other way.

    However, those two things are not equivalent: releasing the letter would be influencing the election with the truth, while not releasing it would be influencing the election by concealment.

    The real problem for Hillary Clinton is simple: she is a fundamentally dishonest person. If she were an honest person:

    1 – She’d never have set up the private server in the first place, but relied on the State Department system. The only reason for her to have done this was to attempt to evade public record laws;
    2 – Given that she had set up and used the private server, she should have turned over all e-mails, everything, with no censorship, no reviews, when the existence of the private server was revealed;
    3 – Given that she did have things ‘reviewed’ before turning them over, she should have instructed Huma Abedin and all of her other staff to turn over everything, including every laptop, desktop or other personal device to the State Department.

    All that she had to do was be honest and truthful, at a time when she knew that political opponents were looking for any and all signs of deception, and she wouldn’t be having any problems. Trouble is, Mrs Clinton cannot be honest and truthful, even when being so would be to her advantage, because she is simply too f(ornicated) up in the head. She would rather tell a lie than the truth, even when the truth won’t hurt her, and exposure of the lie would; that has happened so often that the only conclusion I can draw is that is just her nature.

    It’s pretty bad when you’re less honest than Donald Trump, but Mrs Clinton has managed that!

  3. Liam Thomas says:

    And to think I simply dont like Trump because of his inability to heed advice going for the one job in the world that requires advice from 100’s if not 1000’s of people on a daily basis.

    Wow I feel silly that my only reason for not voting for Trump is because he simply has a character flaw I loathe…..and now Im almost embarrassed by the fact that Trump looks like a Saint compared to HRC who has surrounded herself with BAFOONS who cannot separate fact from fiction. Are career criminals who simply believe that they are above the law and depend on their mafia henchmen the MSM to do their dirty work and keep the coppers at a distance.

    Really America….JFK and Robert Kennedy the champions of the left and people I HIGHLY ADMIRE AND RESPECT devoted their political lives going after the MAFIA….followed by Johnson and then NIXON….Crime families were a big problem in this nation……..

    And just when we thought we had driven them to the sea…..Another Crime Family is trying to inherit the WHITE HOUSE…..

    I had never ever looked up nor questioned who Huma was until yesterday and what I read was so disheartening that it was frightening….She quite honestly is Al Queada/Muslim Brotherhood moving into the White House.

    When I found this stuff out I seriously have changed my vote…..I will now vote for Trump without hesitation….without remorse and without pause…..HRC should be in jail not in the White house and 90 percent of her mafia henchmen should be with her……

  4. Liam Thomas says:

    Remember folks….Who is HRC’s top aid and confidant for decades?


    The New York Post ran a detailed investigative piece over the weekend about Ms. Abedin’s work at the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs from 1995 through 2008, a Sharia law journal whose editor in chief was Abedin’s own mother.

    This is not some accidental association. Ms. Abedin was, for many years, listed as an associate editor of the London-based publication and wrote for the journal while working as an intern in the Clinton White House in the mid-1990s.

    Her mother, Saleha Abedin, sits on the Presidency Staff Council of the International Islamic Council for Da’wa and Relief, a group that is chaired by the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

    AND NOW we know why they cant say Radiacal Jihadist….why Obama wont do anything of note in the middle east, why he has let the russians literally take over the middle east, why he supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt during their coup and why he refused to even say anything during the Iranian Revolution….ALL OF THIS WHEN HRC WITH HUMA AT HER SIDE was RUNNING THE STATE DEPARTMENT.

  5. Rev.Hoagie® says:

    What should really worry you is the shear number of fools who are willing to vote for a corrupt, lying, traitorous criminal for President. They must really, really hate this country.

    If you’ve read some of the racist and bigoted comments her subjects have posted here you can only fear for our nations future under this despot if only for the type of neo-Nazi people she attracts.

  6. Liam Thomas says:

    The Hon. Kent Ekeroth, deputy of the Sweden Democrat party in the Riksdag, the national parliament, revealed that 35,000 unaccompanied youths now constitute 50 percent of students in the country’s high schools.

    Community leaders in Germany, Norway and other locations in the broken borderless Schengen system have advised young women not to dress provocatively effectively adhering to Sharia demands of domestic Imams.

    Dar al Hijrah immigration wave has literally swamped Sweden resulting in thousands of instances of lawlessness, sexual assault, and murder by hordes of Muslim young men and unaccompanied minors.

    Islam is not a religion like Christianity, but rather a totalitarian political ideology. Its goal is primarily political. Islam wants to make the whole world submit. It aims to establish a worldwide Islamic state and bring everyone, including “infidels,” such as Christians, Jews, atheists, and others, under Sharia law.

    On and ON this goes….HRC wants open borders like EUROPE…which is in revolt and fearing for their lives as 1000’s of NO GO ZONES have sprung up and even the politicians are telling traditional westerners to obey Sharia law or face the consequences…..BEING RAPE< MURDER OR PERSONAL DANGER….


  7. Rev.Hoagie® says:

    Hey Liam, how long do you figure it takes before Klepto-Killary throws her lover Huma under the bus, and how long before Huma is found to have committed suicide with three bullets in the back of her head?

  8. Zachriel says:

    William Teach: It’s not a scandal too far that the Clinton Foundation only spends 6% on actual charity.

    That is incorrect. The Clinton Foundation is independently audited on an annual basis, and their expenses are public records.

    Program Percentage: 88%

  9. Liam Thomas says:

    Hey Liam, how long do you figure it takes before Klepto-Killary throws her lover Huma under the bus, and how long before Huma is found to have committed suicide with three bullets in the back of her head?

    Actually I think we underestimate the power of HUMA…I think she is running Clinton not the other way around and with a state department and the DOJ and the FBI full of Clinton cronies…..no worries….she will just pull a few strings and that lap top will mysteriously disappear and all will be forgotten.

    Meanwhile Islam marches on around the world unchecked and soon we will all be under sharia law….Oh not you and me Hoagie but our children? Perhaps but certainly our Grandchildren for sure.

  10. Liam Thomas says:

    That is incorrect. The Clinton Foundation is independently audited on an annual basis, and their expenses are public records.

    Program Percentage: 88%

    AND HOW MUCH ZACH DOES THE CLINTONS PAY TO ENSURE THAT THEY GET THIS 88 PERCENT RATING? And even more important as Chelsea Clinton discovered and began ranting and raving about “”how much of the actual cash is reported? See heres the rub Zach….how much is actually reported….was all that that went into Bill and Hillaries pockets reported?

    Stop defending these mafia thugs….it makes you look as bad as them.

  11. Zachriel says:

    Liam Thomas: how much of the actual cash is reported?

    The false claim about only 6% being spent on charity is due to a faulty reading of the publicly available filings.

  12. Rev.Hoagie® says:

    I find it hard to believe that a “charity” that failed miserably and very publicly in Haiti, twice, would have an 88% rating by any legitimate and unbiased organization. And there in lies the rub. When the names “William Jefferson Clinton, Hillary Rodam Clinton and Chelsea Victoria Clinton Mezvinsky” are involved you can believe political and legal pressure is used to realize their desired outcome. It’s their nature.

    So whether or not Charity Watch intends to be honest and legitimate, when dealing with criminals like the Clintons they may find it impossible to do so. After all, the Clintons know where the children are and anybody can be “Vince Fostered”.

  13. Zachriel says:

    Rev.Hoagie®: I find it hard to believe that a “charity” that failed miserably and very publicly in Haiti, twice, would have an 88% rating by any legitimate and unbiased organization.

    The Clinton Foundation only represented a tiny proportion of the funds raised for Haiti relief. Most of the funds came through the Red Cross and United Nations.

    Yes, at least half the money was wasted. Half the money is always wasted. What else is new?

    Rev.Hoagie®: So whether or not Charity Watch intends to be honest and legitimate

    Program Expenses (Percent of the charity’s total expenses spent on the programs and services it delivers): 86.9%

    The false claim about only 6% being spent on charity is due to a faulty reading of the publicly available filings.

  14. Liam Thomas says:

    @Hoagie…..Zach is a paid Clinton supporter whose sole function is to spread disinformation on the internet….Obama started this in 2007 and totally destroyed Hillary Clintons campaign…..Along with McCains as well…..

    he will twist the truth………such as this……..The Clinton Foundation only represented a tiny proportion of the funds raised for Haiti relief. Most of the funds came through the Red Cross and United Nations.

    Where its revealed in the Wiki Leaks that the money raised then went back to the donors in the form of contracts not to mention a large portion of monies raised went into Bill Clintons pocket……


    It does not matter if they raised 1 percent or 100 percent….the activity was still CrIMINAL….period.

  15. Liam Thomas says:

    The false claim about only 6% being spent on charity is due to a faulty reading of the publicly available filings.

    Clinton Foundation Amends Tax Returns, Discloses Millions In Foreign Contributions

    Deflection and disinformation long enought to get thru election day. Its the Clinton way….you look Silly Zach trying to defend your mafia boss.

  16. Liam Thomas says:

    In regards to the Clinton foundation:

    Band detailed how he set up for-profit deals for the former President, both involving money and “as appropriate, in-kind services for the President and his family — for personal travel, hospitality, vacation and the like.”
    Band’s memo covers 2001 to 2011, during which time “President Clinton’s business arrangements have yielded more than $30 million for him personally with $66 million to be paid out over the next nine years, should he choose to continue with the current engagements.”
    He sent the memo to Podesta in mid-November 2011 for feedback.

    When Chelsea stepped on board she was aghast and ordered an audit.

    The anxiety — centered around the nexus of Clinton Foundation fundraising, paid speeches and requests for access to former President Bill Clinton dubbed “Bill Clinton Inc.” by a top aide — dates back to late 2011, when Chelsea Clinton began to take on a greater role in the family foundation and spearheaded an effort to clean house.

    Keep on Zach….Its a losing battle trying to defend the Clintons…but I guess you have to do what you have to do in order to get paid.

  17. Liam Thomas says:

    Dozens of lawyers of all persuasions are calling this so egregious that it is the EXACT definition of the RICO act or organized crime….they literally fulfil every criteria of the RICO ACT and dozens and dozens of clinton supporters including the Clintons themselves minus Chelsea I think who has actually tried to clean up this mess….should be in jail.

    Thats what might very well be our next president…..the only way out of this is for Obama to literally pardon everyone of Clintons team and bear the brunt of the act….

    His legacy will go down the toilet and if Hillary can last long enough to not be impeached before taking office she can pardon herself and others…..

    What an awesome candidate the left has….but then that is what the left is all about……while pretending to always take the high ground in every debate…….lolololol.

  18. Rev.Hoagie® says:

    Aside from their “foundation” which may or may not be a money laundering business (wink, wink), the Clintons have been surrounded in treachery, dishonesty, deceit, lies, corruption and perversion and even death since as long as I can recall their sullied and despicable name. They are the type of people you don’t want your kids to associate with yet millions of mindless fools will vote for this disgusting pig. We know what kind of people will vote Klinton, we see them here. They are religious bigots, racists and election fraudsters who by their own admission cast multiple illegal votes.

    As usual the ones who screamed the loudest about there being no need for an ID because voter fraud didn’t exist have finally admitted not only does it exist but it is they who are its perpetrators. The same ones who accuse others of racism but go on anti-white racist screeds while using minorities as throw-away props and low class criminal thugs or pull out minorities for the vote then stuff them back into the ghettos the leftists have created to hold them until they are needed to exploit the next time around.

    Now the party of slavery and black exploitation is quickly becoming the party of Islam and Mexican exploitation. Same Nazi impulses just different people.

  19. Liam Thomas says:

    POVERTY is the Democrats DRUG OF CHOICE.

    Keep em addicted…

    Trump is offering to rebuild the inner cities and help the blacks out of the victimhood status….I am 100 percent for this and once the guy got off of calling Hillary clinton names for 90 minute rallies and started talking substance and issues My perception of him has changed.

    Clinton will promise the same….The difference is that her version…which has been the lefts modus operandi for decades is to offer up money to victimhood preachers like Sharpton, Jackson et all and then let them determine what to do…..and the result is NOTHING….and once again the blacks are poor and 4 years later the Dems return and beg for their vote……

    Promising that just one more time vote for us and we will bring you to the promised land….all the while calling republicans racists.

    No we are not racists….we are people who believe that everyone deserves a shot….Even Blacks…Even Hispanics….Even Muslims….we just believe in a nation of laws and the left can abide that….

    that is clearly evident with HRC who has broken about every law on the books in her lifetime…..LAWS MEAN NOTHING TO THE LEFT….what matters is the lefts agenda no matter the cost to the country.

  20. Zachriel says:

    Liam Thomas: Zach is a paid Clinton supporter whose sole function is to spread disinformation on the internet

    That is incorrect. Our positions are our own, free given, and generally only concerning objectively supportable claims.

    Liam Thomas: Where its revealed in the Wiki Leaks that the money raised then went back to the donors in the form of contracts not to mention a large portion of monies raised went into Bill Clintons pocket

    You might want to quantify that. How much went directly into Bill Clinton’s pocket. Keep in mind that the Clinton Foundation files annual reports, that are independently audited, and that the Clintons have made all their tax returns available for decades.

    Liam Thomas: Band detailed how he set up for-profit deals for the former President

    That’s right. Band’s activities show the close nexus between money and power.

    Liam Thomas: When Chelsea stepped on board she was aghast and ordered an audit.

    That’s right. When Chelsea came on board, she imposed stronger constraints on Band’s activities. Eventually, Band left the Foundation.

    Liam Thomas: Dozens of lawyers of all persuasions are calling this so egregious that it is the EXACT definition of the RICO act or organized crime

    There has to be an underlying crime. What you have shown is the legal nexus of money and power.

    Rev.Hoagie®: Aside from their “foundation” which may or may not be a money laundering business (wink, wink)

    There is no evidence of money laundering. Both the Foundation and the Clintons have made their financial dealings public. It does show the close nexus of money and power.

  21. Zachriel says:

    Edit or preview would be nice.

  22. Rev.Hoagie® says:

    There is no evidence of money laundering. Both the Foundation and the Clintons have made their financial dealings public. It does show the close nexus of money and power.

    That’s what the (wink, wink) was for, Zachriel. But would I be too far off if I suggested that if a Koch brother was in a political office and the pair put together a “foundation” that became worth billions in a short time with almost none of their own money wouldn’t you be a tad curious as to who was paying for what from whom? I would.

    I don’t like corruption Zachriel, especially in our highest government institutions. And I don’t give a rats ass if it’s a Republican like Nixon or a democrat like Klinton. Just the appearance of impropriety is enough to turn me off since there are plenty of good, moral, decent people who can do the job. When corruption and investigations have followed these pigs their entire career it behooves the Democrat Party to find a better candidate unless the end of law and the Republic is their goal.

    BTW, the old saying “Where there’s smoke there’s fire” is generally correct and when there is constant puffs of smoke for decades an underground tire fire must be burning.

  23. Jeffery says:


    It is public record that Liam Thomas works for Koch Industries, the GOP, two conservative PACs and recently, the Trump campaign. He is paid to disrupt and counter any criticism of the conservative bloggers to whom he is assigned, and Republicans and conservatism in general.

    He has been supplied with an unbelievable backstory of business success, world travels and claims to be a scientist, none of which adds up.

    He routinely “feeds the beast” by clumsily distributing disinformation harmful to Democrats and liberals.

  24. david7134 says:

    Agree, Zach is a shill. But note that he always refers to himself in the pleural which means either he is royalty, which is possible in our country with the ascension of Hillary, or that it is several students trying to work spin. As stupid as they are, I vote for students. But old Zach has not had much presence her or on the other sites until Hillary took the hit. Now they are working the spin big time.

    Big question for all liberals, why do you want a liar, corrupt, crooked, incompetent as our leader? Do you realize she is so bad she likely will start a war, like WWIII. And note, we now know that they are investigating the Clinton foundation. So she is likely going to jail for life. Can’t wait.

  25. Dana says:

    Mr 7134 asked:

    Big question for all liberals, why do you want a liar, corrupt, crooked, incompetent as our leader?

    Hillary Clinton’s greatest accomplishment is making Donald Trump look honest and trustworthy in comparison!

  26. Liam Thomas says:


    He routinely “feeds the beast” by clumsily shrewdly distributing disinformation Information harmful to Democrats and liberals.

    There fixed that for you

  27. Dana says:

    The lovely Mrs Clinton said:

    It’s pretty strange to put something like that out with such little information right before an election. In fact, it’s not just strange; it’s unprecedented and it is deeply troubling.

    While I’m sure it’s ‘deeply troubling’ for her, it’s hardly unprecedented, as her husband benefited from a special prosecutor’s indictment on Iran-contra matters four days before the 1992 election.

  28. Liam Thomas says:

    That’s right. Band’s activities show the close nexus between money and power.

    Defending corruption.

    There has to be an underlying crime. What you have shown is the legal nexus of money and power.

    Defending criminal activity.

    There is no evidence of money laundering. Both the Foundation and the Clintons have made their financial dealings public. It does show the close nexus of money and power.

    Just stop Zach….your making yourself look foolish as you defend criminal activity by a Criminal enterprise that meets all the requirements of the RICO ACT.

  29. Liam Thomas says:

    You know perhaps its time for the right to have 100,000 man marches on Washington D.C. demanding JUSTICE.

    This is a nation of laws which the left routinely breaks night and day.

    Clinton going to jail is laughable….they will not prosecute her no matter what she does if the Dems own the white house because they get to nominate the leftist DOJ and a sympathetic FBI director and with the communist MSM in tow they can pretty much do what they want…..

    FUCK ALL OF YOU….that should be HRC’s campaign slogan.

  30. Liam Thomas says:

    New poll that included Friday the day that the FBI email probe broke….Hillary up by 1 percent and Two races in which the Democrat was Way ahead is now either a tie or the GOP is in the lead….PA and NV.

    Weekend polls that come out monday are going to be dire for HRC and the Democrats…..

    Remember this is the group of people who trashed the Bernie Sanders wing of the Democratic party already alienating them somewhat.

    Now all we have to do is wait for the tremendous lie the left will drop on the Donald this week….like he murdered a 100 illegals or raped a 1000 women on the ms universe pageant….

    Its coming they just want to wait till about thursday to drop it….so that the Trumpetes dont have time to deal with it and debunk it.

  31. Rev.Hoagie® says:

    FUCK ALL OF YOU….that should be HRC’s campaign slogan.

    And if you’re not into her Madonna will blow you.

    It must make people proud to belong to a political party that thinks that way.

  32. david7134 says:

    Hillary is going to jail. I was trying to figure out why her aide would send emails to herself over her husband’s computer. Then it dawned on me, Hillary’s server would keep emails from being archived and bleaching them would definitely remove them from any scrutiny. Huma was clearly aware of that, but by sending them to herself, she established a record that could not be erased. Thus, the emails would be in the Microsoft cloud or similar for Apple. Now, why would she do that? She states it was to facilitate printing. Why does she need to print them, especially all 30,000. And, she would have been required to give those papers to the FBI months ago or provide evidence of their safe destruction (I have to do this for medical records).

    So, why keep the emails? It is clear that this was Uma’s get out of jail card. This was her little hide that would be used to negotiate her position in the future if a really true criminal case was developed. But the FBI stumbled upon it. These emails will have the dirt on Hillary and the foundation. It is what the public has been trying to get for years and what Hillary has been trying to hide, as well as Obama and Justice.

    What does this mean? Hillary is going to jail (I am doing my happy dance). She might be elected as we have very stupid people in our country, but immediately a special prosecutor will be arranged, and she will go to jail. Her crimes are so extensive that I don’t think Obama can pardon her, and that may mean that Obama will be looking at time as well, and even Lynch. If Trump gets in, then he can use this as a spring board to clean house of both the Republicans and Democrats.

  33. Rev.Hoagie® says:

    According to John Kass at The Chicago Tribune (no conservative icon here):

    The Clintons weren’t skilled merchants. They weren’t traders or manufacturers. The Clintons never produced anything tangible. They had no science, patents or devices to make them millions upon millions of dollars.

    All they had to sell, really, was influence. And they used our federal government to leverage it.

    And it’s completely true. Like many democrats, they produce nothing but pain, sorrow, envy, corruption and crime. And people who thrive on just that will vote for the pig.

  34. Liam Thomas says:

    Prior to Impeachment Hillary can pardon herself and trust me she will….And DOJ which would be owned by HRC would be the ones who would call for a special prosecutor and thats not gonna happen.

    However if Trump is elected he can order the DOJ for a special prosecutor to look into HRC….this is why the left quite honestly is frantic….they know that if that happens that the EX PRESIDENT OF THE USA ALONG WITH HRC AND PERHAPS CHELSEA and 30 or 40 other people might be going to jail for a long time…..

    And without a pardon in site for 4 years….they would try to prolong this for 4 years till they hopefully win back the White House….

    nah I dont think HRC goes to jail….Obama will pardon her if nothing else…its how the left works…..screw the pooch then get a pardon and let the MSM lie to the public until their ears fall off.

  35. Zachriel says:

    Rev.Hoagie®: But would I be too far off if I suggested that if a Koch brother was in a political office and the pair put together a “foundation” that became worth billions in a short time with almost none of their own money wouldn’t you be a tad curious as to who was paying for what from whom?

    Curiosity is a good thing, even skepticism; however, making claims without evidence, or even contrary to evidence is not. Since 2001, they have donated about 10% of their income to charity, most of it to their Foundation.

  36. Rev.Hoagie® says:

    Zachriel, as I noted above Mr. Kass outlines my skepticism. I made no “claims without evidence”, I merely wondered how people with no perceivable skills can make so many hundreds of millions of dollars so quickly doing very little. I would ask about political favors made but it seems the emails were lost, the servers wiped and the phones and iPads destroyed. So I guess after all What Difference Does It Make?â„¢

  37. Jeffery says:

    As I’ve said many times, I support Dems over Repubs because the GOP has gone nuts. They consider the radical Paul Ryan a moderate!

    A Democratic president is much more likely to support policies that I favor: progressive taxation, social welfare (ACA, SS, Medicare, unemployment pay etc) civil rights, gay rights, women’s rights, trade policies that benefit all Americans, choice, education, AGW etc etc. Please read Bernie Sanders platform and tell me what a Repub prez would support.

    Trump is unfit for office. That said, I would vote for any Dem over any modern Repub, who have slid so far to the lunatic fringe right to be unsupportable by libs or moderates.

    Secretary Clinton is no more corrupt than any of our wealthy elites – and she is more likely to support policies that I support.

  38. […] William Teach notes the Times having a case of Selective Outrage Syndrome […]

  39. Jl says:

    If Hillary is smart, which of course she isn’t, she should be working on that pardon from Obama.

  40. drowningpuppies says:


  41. Rev.Hoagie® says:

    Yes indeed. The Republicans, while wanting to obey the law and the Constitution are far right radicals.


  42. Liam Thomas says:

    Thats right Hoagie…good find…..

    I am one that is all for helping, empowering and making strong our black communities….they are every bit as american as I am…..giving them a welfare check every month is not doing that…hasnt done that and wont do that….

    As I claim and I believe firmly the lefts drug of choice is poverty….keep em poor and keep em voting for dems while screaming the right is racists.

    And everytime those inner city people pull that handle for DEMS they just lost another chance at being emancipated all over again…..This time around they really have a choice as trump who is more Democrat than Republican will I believe actually work to help the blacks without just handing a block grant to the Black victimhood preachers who will then buy new homes overseas and give 10 cents on the dollar to inner city friends and 4 years from now…..do the same thing…over and over and over again.

  43. Dana says:

    Jeffrey justifies corruption:

    Secretary Clinton is no more corrupt than any of our wealthy elites

    Aren’t you supposed to be one of our wealthy elites?

    However, the justification here is easy to see: everybody knows that Hillary Clinton is a nasty person and fundamentally dishonest, so you have to say, well, see, everybody else is just as bad.

    Yet there was never any hint that George Bush — either one — was corrupt, never any scandal that Ronald Reagan was a crook, and even though I despise Barack Hussein Obama and his policies, there has never been any scandal which tells us that he is personally corrupt. All of those guys were Presidents, which means that there were always people looking for evidence of corruption, yet it was never found.

    Hillary Clinton’s greatest accomplishment has been to make Donald Trump look honest and trustworthy in comparison.

  44. Dana says:

    Jeffrey tells us:

    A Democratic president is much more likely to support policies that I favor: progressive taxation,

    Meaning: taking more money from people who work harder and are more productive

    social welfare (ACA, SS, Medicare, unemployment pay etc)

    Meaning: taking money from people who work to give to those who will not

    civil rights, gay rights, women’s rights,

    Meaning: favoring certain groups of people, under law, due to their color or sex or ethnicity or sexual perversions

    trade policies that benefit all Americans,

    Seems to me that Mrs Clinton has moved toward Mr Trump’s trade policies now, opposing the Trans-Pacific Partnership she once supported


    Slaughtering unborn children. Of course, that’s the only choice you favor: the left are pro-choice on exactly one issue


    In other words, greater federal control over local functions

    AGW etc etc.

    Meaning: taking more money out of the pockets of working people.

    That’s the problem, Jeffrey: you say that you support people who make less money, but every actual policy that you support takes money away from working people, for benefits that they don’t see, for things that don’t make their lives better, to reward elites and the indolent and the quacks and the perverts.

  45. Liam Thomas says:

    Today will tell the tale…..Today polls will be released for over the weekend that tell us how much of an impact the FBI thing had….

    Personally I think the FBI was wrong in the way they handled it…but then it would have been leaked anyways…and a leak is just as bad as an official letter.

    Comey is now in CYA mode….he knows this FBI investigation was a sham and is going to cast a pale on the whole FBI after this election is over….when his own agents are in full blown mutiny over the handling of the investigation…..

    Im not even saying they think Hillary is guilty…they are just incensed at how this whole thing was handled meaning it was politically motivated from the start to finish…I mean Comey spends 12 minutes laying out a rock solid case against Clinton then says oh but she didnt mean to break the law…..

    Well drunk drivers dont mean to kill people but they do and they pay…….That mother or father who left their kids in the hot cars didnt mean to do it…but they did and they PAY…..

    Two different standards in this country has led to Americans on both sides losing faith in our own government….comey is trying to fix that and he only made it worse.

  46. Dana says:

    Mr Thomas wrote:

    Personally I think the FBI was wrong in the way they handled it…but then it would have been leaked anyways…and a leak is just as bad as an official letter.

    Well, perhaps not: there had already been leaks that the FBI agents were in near-revolt over Mr Comey’s decision to close the investigation earlier, but the mainstream media ignored those stories, hoping that they’d die in the conservative blogs, mostly sight unseen. The MSM would probably have tried to do the same thing this time, but no one knows if that would have succeeded. It would have taken a series of resignations and going public by FBI staffers to force the MSM into covering this.

  47. Dana says:

    Jeffrey wrote:

    Secretary Clinton is no more corrupt than any of our wealthy elites

    What, I wonder, do you believe was Mrs Clinton’s reason for going with the private server rather than using the secured, State Department provided system, if it wasn’t deliberately to evade the public records laws?

  48. Zachriel says:

    Rev.Hoagie®: I made no “claims without evidence”, I merely wondered how people with no perceivable skills can make so many hundreds of millions of dollars so quickly doing very little.

    You certainly did more than wonder, saying about Clinton, “a corrupt, lying, traitorous criminal for President,” as well as calling Clinton supporters neo-Nazis who hate their country (which is self-contradictory).

  49. Rev.Hoagie® says:

    Dana, I wanted to respond to Jeffery’s ridiculous comment but every time I engage with the guy I feel dirty, soiled afterward. It’s like wrestling in the mud with a pig while it craps. After I hit “Add Comment” I have to go wash my hands. He’s admits his wealth and “white privilege” nonsense he tags every other white person with. He has admitted to voter fraud and personal corruption. He has racially slurred whites, blacks and Mexicans and launched bigoted remarks and innuendo about Christians. He then tells us why he supports the pig Klinton, because “Republicans are radicals”. No, it’s because just like him Klinton is a corrupt, anti American narcissist and a money grubbing hypocrite.

    But you missed one thing, Dana, this:

    “Please read Bernie Sanders platform and tell me what a Repub prez would support.”

    That’s a doozy. Bernie Sanders platform read like a 21st century version of the communist manifesto and was meant to. It was directed at young minds full of stupidity and void of reality or the very basic knowledge of human nature. America, though imperfect, was built on the idea of Freedom. Freedom of the Individual, not the collective. Freedom for those individuals to enjoy the God-given Rights to Life, Liberty and Property. Communism, and by extension Bernie Sanders is against the Individual, against Gods gift of Liberty and believes the government has a right to steal a mans property. Therefore, agreeing with anything in Sanders platform makes one an enemy of All America Stands For so there is NOTHING any Republican perz would support.

    There is nothing “radical” in believing people should be as free as possible from government oppression. Just as there is nothing honorable about supporting a corrupt, hypocritical liar for president.

Pirate's Cove