No, I did not watch the debate. I preferred to be abused by watching the Giants play Green Bay. From the clips I’ve seen of the debate and the transcripts, it seems Trump was on the attack, responding back the best way he knows how. And, quite frankly, in a manner the Republican base has asked the elected class to engage in for decades. Take the gloves off. Democrats will attack attack attack, and Republicans will whimper. The media enables this, as well as piling on Republicans. When you back an animal in a corner, it just may fight back
(Washington Post) The presidential campaign took a dark turn here Sunday night as Donald Trump leveled a stream of harsh charges at Hillary Clinton during their second debate, claiming she attacked women who accused her husband of sexual abuse and promising to send the former secretary of state to jail if he is president. (WT note: she did attack those women.)
Reeling from the release of a 2005 video showing him crudely bragging about using his fame to force himself on women, Trump sought to salvage his candidacy by going on the offensive against Clinton.
He repeatedly interrupted the Democratic nominee. He lashed out at her with a multitude of falsehoods (none of which are stated in the article) over her foreign and domestic policies as well as her judgment and character. He called her “a liar†and “the Devil.†And as Clinton answered voters’ questions in the town-hall-style debate, Trump lurked just an arm’s length behind her with a grimace on his face.
So many in the Leftist media are utterly shocked that Trump, the (so-called) Republican, would stop being politically nice and go for the throat. At one point during the debate, Trump complained that it was three-on-one, the two moderators and Hillary. Any Republican is going to face this. Politics is a dirty, nasty business. The Leftist media and their Democrats are going to work hard to hit any Republican with massive amounts of muddy feces: Republicans should attack back, and Trump did. Is it any wonder, after the media spends all its time going after Trump and going easy on Hillary that Trump would go on the attack and make it a barroom brawl?
The NY Times editorial board said that Mr. Trump Goes Low
When Mrs. Clinton called Mr. Trump out for his failure to apologize to the minorities, immigrants and women he’s offended, he responded by promising vengeance. Should he win, he said, he would unleash a special prosecutor to investigate her.
Sniffing and glowering, Mr. Trump prowled behind Mrs. Clinton as she presented herself again as the only adult on stage, the only one seeking to persuade the great majority of Americans that she shares their values and aspirations. Mr. Trump, by contrast, fell back on the tricks he has learned from his years in pro wrestling and reality television, making clear how deep his cynicism goes.
Obviously, they aren’t big fans. Yet, they utterly fail to hold Hillary accountable or even criticize her. And then seem upset that Trump would dare to attack back.
The videotape disclosed Friday provided gruesome evidence that the Republican standard-bearer has for years used his powerful status to prey on women. Other revelations followed, including that in 2005 he told Howard Stern on his radio show that, when he owned the Miss Universe pageant, he made a practice of “inspecting†naked contestants backstage. “You know, they’re standing there with no clothes. … And you see these incredible-looking women, and so, I sort of get away with things like that.â€
Yet, when the media deigns to even mention Bill Clinton’s sexual assault accusations, ones which are credible, and Hillary’s role in the incidents, they defend the Clintons. As ugly as Trump’s comments might seem to people with delicate sensibilities, the same Leftists slamming Trump while excusing the Clintons help destroy any male accused of sexual assault on college campuses, even when all the facts say “nothing illegal happened.” They’ve generally been supportive of the college kangaroo courts.
The end question, though, is “will this make a difference?” Snap polls, some of which show Trump winning and others show Hillary winning, are great, but it’s how people feel a couple days later after they digested it all. But, quite frankly, Trump really should have been doing this months ago, when he wrapped up the nomination. It could be a case of too little too late.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

It may be that, too little too late. But it was so refreshing to hear someone FINALLY give the Clintons a little bit of push back. They have gotten a free pass for so long, it made me smile…
I agree with Trish. It was great to see someone pointing out how sleazy the Clintons really are.
As for the media…..any time a republican candidate fights back and doesn’t roll over, they object to the “tone”, the “charges” or some such nonsense.
Trump beat her like a hungry Eskimo clubbing a baby seal.
By THE MEDIA do you mean Breitbart and Fox News and the Daily Caller???
aren’t they part of THE MEDIA?
What about Rush the most listened to radio head. IS he part of THE MEDIA?
Teach Americans have a wide choice in news related media, the fact is you don’t like the fact that most Americans choose media that you don’t like.
You seem to think that Americans be forced to consume what you think they should. Do you think that the government should make sure that the conservative viewpoint gets equal time? I don’t. I like media as a free market
Based on Hillary’s Foreign Policy Spokesman tweeting out “Go Fuck Yourself” to Trump, you gotta believe the Donald did pretty well.
I like media as a free market
Of course you do John…thats because 80 percent of the media is run by Leftist Socialists.
Dont you run your life by polls…..well the MSM ranks below congress in favorability….and the reason why they do is because everyone knows that everyone now has an agenda….and that agenda is not the freedom of Americans but an agenda that ensures their OWN POLITICAL VIEWPOINTS are front and center.
I personally dont want someone telling me how great the right is and how bad the left sucks…..
I want someone proving it……I want the same newspaper to bring down the thunder on anyone and everyone, left, right or center that screws the pooch……
THE MSM no longer does that now and so….that is why they rank below Congress…….Whats sad is that they laugh about it and think its funny that the press which used to protect the freedoms of America is now nothing but another reality show with an agenda.
(Free Market Media)
Cocker MAn do you feel that Americans should have a full range of media to choose from or only one politically correct and fair level of journalism?
Do you think American media corporations should be allowed to make as much profit as possible by catering to what they believe the American people most want ?
There was NO post debate bounce for Trump sorry about your disappointment but of course SOME media will cater to your need to hear what reinforces your own reality
yeah polls are, well, scientific and I can see where a lot of people just don’t want any conflicts with their own “gut” reaction Certainly a lot of people didn’t want to believe what those pointy headed scientists had to say about smoking (and now climate change)
Myself? I tend to like to listen to what smart people have to say even when it conflicts with my own gut reaction
Uh, sorry retard, I don’t have an app to translate your retardspeech.
Says the guy that trots out polls that support ObamaCare because he likes it (despite it causing skyrocketing costs) because he likes it and then ignores polls that says people should be required to show ID to vote.
A lot of “smart people” that you listened to and agree with thought Venezuela’s government was a great idea.
How did that turn out?
The bottom line is that you don’t listen to anything that people say that goes against your own beliefs. Time and time again you have been caught using citations that are actually contrary to what you want them to say. That leads people to one inescapable conclusion: you don’t know what in the heck you are talking about.
Really? So if a “smart person” wants you to do something and lies to get you to do it you’d rather listen to them than when your gut warns you? Obviously you’re not one of the “smart people”.
So then you tend to listen to manipulative, evil smart people rather than good average people. Now we’re beginning to understand why you’re so phuked up. Not only are you a snob, but an easily manipulated one at that.
Hoagie & GC,
Thanks for the translation.
Where can I download that app?
No doubt Trump did great with his base. He didn’t shit himself or physically assault Secretary Clinton so that’s a big win against expectations. He may well have slowed the desertions around the margins of his support. He said he would put Secretary Clinton in jail which plays well with the troglodyte right. An effective dictator would have her killed. He missed the Aleppo question althogether (but Clinton was hardly better). He told so many lies it was impossible to refute them all in only 90 minutes. He threw his VP under the bus. And he didn’t grab any women by the pussy. Winner!!
But his steady drumbeat of attacks on women, Blacks, Hispanics, gays, Muslims… in fact anyone except closeted christian males will not gain him many votes. The only poll post pussygate but before the debate showed him down 14 points! But it’s only one poll.
RCP has her up nationally by almost 6 points. Fivethirtyeight has her likelihood of winning at 84%.
Hoagie to whom do you listen to? Stupid people ?
Or people like Heartland Institute who tell you that climate change is a hoax (and yes they also told you that smoking didn’t cause cancer)
Hoagie most people believe that humans are generally honest honorable people. perhaps you don’t, I do
The Chief Oceanographer of the US Navy (and his predecessor and his predecessor) have all stated that they believe in AGW
The freakin Pope believes in it
Margaret Thatcher believed in it and so did Ronald Reagan
Maybe Obama made them do it, or SOROS
Don’t get fooled by those smart people Hoagie your gut is smarter than all of them, right?
Hoagie what do you think of the German legislature stopping production of internal combustion engines in cars after 2030?
Think you are smarter than them?
–that little guy who’s more retarded than john making up shit again
No john. No one listens to you.
Climate change is not the issue john, cause is.
Even when you read the memos in the articles, you see that they are position papers proposed to Bush and Reagan, and not that they personally believed in AGW.
Once again, the smart people know the difference between the climate changing and the cause of that change.
You don’t see the difference.
I don’t know them but anybody banning something 16 years in the future doesn’t sound too smart to me. But then I presume you think they are smart. The same country who thought it was smart to have Hitler as their leader. Yeah, they’re real phuking geniuses.
BTW, the U.S. will gladly take all manufacturing facilities Germany wants to ban. Let them “ban” German jobs nobody cares. By that time they’ll be all moslem and our enemy anyway.
As gitarcarver said, we are not disputing “climate change”. Hell, we’re not really even disputing global warming. We are disputing whether humans are responsible, if so for how much and can it be fixed and at what cost. If you pansies could keep that in mind we could actually have a discussion but all you want to do is lecture.
BTW, why are you “true believers” not for nuclear power? Seems nuclear would answer a lot of questions.
john, what does that statement have to do with AGW?
Trump finally took the gloves off! Those tiny, tiny gloves. — Stephen Colbert