Quite frankly, it would be nice if Warmists would have no children, which would make it harder for them to pass on their insanity to youth, hopefully starting with Travis N. Reider
Bioethicist: The climate crisis calls for fewer children
Earlier this summer, I found myself in the middle of a lively debate because of my work on climate change and the ethics of having children.
NPR correspondent Jennifer Ludden profiled some of my work in procreative ethics with an article entitled, “Should we be having kids in the age of climate change?,†which summarized my published views that we ought to consider adopting a “small family ethic†and even pursuing fertility reduction efforts in response to the threat from climate change. Although environmentalists for decades have worried about overpopulation for many good reasons, I suggest the fast-upcoming thresholds in climate change provide uniquely powerful reasons to consider taking real action to slow population growth.
Clearly, this idea struck a nerve: I was overwhelmed by the response in my personal email inbox as well as op-eds in other media outlets and over 70,000 shares on Facebook. I am gratified that so many people took the time to read and reflect on the piece.
Having read and digested that discussion, I want to continue it by responding to some of the most vocal criticisms of my own work, which includes research on “population engineering†– the intentional manipulation of human population size and structure – I’ve done with my colleagues, Jake Earl and Colin Hickey.
Of course, if we don’t population engineer, we are totally doomed, as the rest of the article notes. And, since this is science, we’re treated to
How bad will things get?
Some comments – those claiming climate change is a hoax, devised by those who wish to control the world’s resources – are not worth responding to. Since 97 percent of all relevant experts cannot convince climate change skeptics of the basic scientific facts, then nothing I say will change their minds.
First, consensus is not science. Second, it’s cute how he adds “relevant”. You can figure out the meaning of that one.
Fortunately, we are shown what an unhappy family from carbon pollution looks like
If I had Leftist Cult of Climastrology parents, I’d probably unhappy, as well.

The left were unable to openly praise China’s forced abortions and one-child policy openly before; now they’ve found a reason.
They’ll call for voluntary reductions now, but if such prove ‘insufficient,’ then you can count on it: mandatory reductions will be in order.
Then they’ll discover that, surprise! society cannot support the elderly and the invalid on an ever-declining workforce.
It would ssem Dama especially here in the USA that we on the left are actively outbreeding the cons. Of course the left had a definitely age advantage.
Tell us Teach how many conservative raised offspring you have brought into the political arena.
“It would ssem Dama especially here in the USA that we on the left are actively outbreeding the cons.”
Sure John, then you abort them.
All in all Hank_M, the democrats keep more than they kill. Remember, they own the uneducated, ignorant, low information voters in the ghetto’s, barrio’s and mosques from sea to shining sea. So even though they’ve managed to infuse Margaret Sanger’s ideal of eugenics to debase the black community they still have the advantage of supplying money from the rest of us to support low intelligence child bearing. And bear they do. They blow away the pale faced middle class in pumping out babies. The middle class after all, has to support their own children as well as those in the democrat lower class. Besides, whatever they can’t breed they will import as illegal or legal aliens or their “pull on the heart strings” favorites the lovely refugees.
What Travis N. Reider must do to achieve his goals is to go to the low- income minority communities and convince them to stop having babies. These are the highest fertility demographics in the country, and generally the world. Jump right in there, Travis. Do your righteous work in the ghetto and the barrio and the farm labor towns. Tell them no more hanky panky because there is a higher cause, that this is the one cult with the true prophecy.
The highly educated, high income people already have very low fertility rates, regardless of ethnicity. They’re the ones who read your bullshit now. Go forth into the unwashed!
Democrats dont breed……THEY IMPORT THEIR VOTERS….
DEMS too busy being gays, lesbians and Abortionists to want to have kids….hence why they Import illegals to keep their voting machine in tact.
Liam the total amount of undocumented people in the USA has decreased by about 10% from 12 million to 11 million under Obama
The GOP as a party is literally going extinct. About 1200 more Republicans die off than do Dems EVERY DAY!! And they die off in a higher ratio in 2 battleground estates Ohio and Floridahttp://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/05/the-gop-is-dying-off-literally-11803
John, even if we “document” them, they’d still here illegally. What a fool.
Which of course is more based upon the terrible Obama economy rather than any other factor.
Of course, john cites an article that is over a year and a half old. Hate to break it to you john, but the GOP is gaining voters in minorities.
Sucks to be you.
Liam the total amount of undocumented people in the USA has decreased by about 10% from 12 million to 11 million under Obama
How would you even know this statistic…..IF THEY ARE UNDOCUMENTED AND UNACCOUNTED FOR?
I don’t know where you get those fraudulent statistics from john, but when 800,000 to 1,000,000 or more illegals enter here yearly the “total amount” cannot be decreasing. To believe that true one would need to suspend all disbelief.
That’s probably true since when Republicans die we actually remove them from the voting rolls unlike democrats who keep them voting into their 100’s. And since for the last 60 years the Ministry of Propaganda posing as school teachers have been brain washing children year after year just like dear old Uncle Joe taught them so many years ago. Sadly, these kids never stood a chance at free will or critical thinking. They were propagandized into social justice warriors, activists and cultural Marxists before they could think on their own. Remember what the great leftist leader said: give me your kids till ten and I’ll own them for life. These poor children never stood a chance. With the left child abuse can begin even before birth and often does.
I suppose I’m the only one who noticed the blue-eyed sprats and the dark-eyed daddy? Okay, maybe from her first marriage. Okay, would you believe a previous babydaddy?
getting back to the gist of the matter. They are doing this in Europe and Russia.
I had some research done on this subject for an impact study we were doing in one of those EX USSR states……
One of the interesting things we came up with was that in order for a nation to self sustain and grow its workforce you need to have 2.2 children per mother.
In Europe the birthrates in all countries have dropped to between 1.1 and 1.7 per eligible mother.
THIS IS exactly why the EU opened up its borders to mass Immigration….THEY COULD NOT SUSTAIN GROWTH with these numbers.
In Russia the growth rate was on the order of 1.5 per mother…..HOWEVER when we broke it down statistically by ethnic groupings we found a very interesting fact.
In Russia the birth rates among MUSLIM women was over *8*. Muslim women throughout the EU was over *6*.
In fact several studies have concluded that the Russian military will be majority Muslim by 2050 and that the predominant ethnic majority will belong to Muslims.
There is a rabid fear FEAR….FEAR….FEAR…among leftists…you know those same people that accuse Righties of being FEARFUL and fear mongers…….
But they are terrified of over population…They are afraid of their own lifestyles being affected by too crowded of a planet…..
Its a legitimate fear….as legitimate as the right being afraid of beheading Jihadists sneaking into their countries…
Incidently for your edification and reading pleasure….THE REASON I use ………’s and CAPITALS is because I want people to understand this is MY WORDS and not something I cut and pasted…..So if you see not……..’s and CAPS….its most likely a quote I cut and pasted….