Remember when anyone questioning Hillary’s health and demanding her medical records was a conspiracy theorist? That anyone asking was bonkers? Welcome to the club, NY Times Editorial Board! They want Trump’s, as well
Full Disclosure on Candidates’ Health
As President Obama’s graying hair suggests, the American presidency is perhaps the most grueling and stressful political job there is. This year, both major party candidates for that job are past the nation’s customary retirement age. And while submitting health records is not a requirement for the job, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump would be doing American voters a great service by furnishing a much clearer picture of their physical health than the abbreviated and sunny reports provided so far.
What brings the health issue to mind, of course, is the video of a stumbling Mrs. Clinton being hustled away from the 9/11 memorial service in New York on Sunday. She reappeared some two hours later to say she felt great. Hours later, her doctor issued a statement saying Mrs. Clinton had been suffering from pneumonia — a diagnosis Mrs. Clinton had received two days earlier and which came as a surprise even to some members of her campaign team.
How cute that they just take her campaign’s word for the pneumonia, without asking any pesky questions. If it was Trump, would they do the same? Rhetorical question, obviously. As for “stumbling”
That’s a bit more than stumbling. But, perhaps she did have pneumonia, since she was traveling around with her doctor, the woman standing behind her in the black dress. Otherwise, one might wonder why her doctor is there. And seems to be around a lot.
The Times goes on to note who little either candidate has released in regards to medical records. They’re correct for both. Trump’s release was a joke, but, then, he doesn’t seem low energy. He isn’t prone to long coughing fits going all the way back to January. He didn’t collapse in 75 degree “heat”. He doesn’t freeze on stage or have weird fits. He hasn’t fallen many times, including falls that injured himself. He hasn’t had aides write that he’s always in bed, and it’s tough to get him up. He doesn’t disappear from the campaign trail. He hasn’t had blood clots and broken his elbow, nor become concussed from fainting. He’s never said that he had memory issues (coming from the concussion).
Now Americans are deciding between Mr. Trump, who is 70, and Mrs. Clinton, who is 68. Whoever prevails will have to deal with round-the-clock demands, so it seems entirely relevant to inquire about their medical histories and current health.
On Monday, a spokesman for Mrs. Clinton said she would releaseadditional health information in coming days. For his part, Mr. Trump said he would make public “very, very specific†records, a remarkable promise coming from someone who has resolutely stonewalled on his tax returns. Should both candidates honor these pledges, and provide plenty of detail, the winners will be the voters.
What will we get? It should be interesting. And, I suppose we can now lump the NY Times in with Prison Planet and other conspiracy sites.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

The usual treatment for dehydration is intravenous saline, possibly including electrolytes. If that was how Mrs Clinton was treated, just how unusual is it that IV bags, poles and needles were kept at Mrs Mezvinsky’s apartment?
There is only one explanation: this was a known risk, and anticipated, all along!
Good point Dana.
And, regarding: “pneumonia — a diagnosis Mrs. Clinton had received two days earlier and which came as a surprise even to some members of her campaign team.”
Of course it was a surprise, they just made it up.
She can’t be trusted to release genuine medical records with her history. She needs an independent medical examination.
Even if she does release her records….they most likely have made two sets….One that is the real set and one that is the secretive set that will be released to the public showing Hillary is the picture of perfect health.
So it does not matter.
Donald Trumps records are a matter of public record in that all medical records are supposed to be on the internet new….Some DNC hackers just need to get paid to go in, find them….add all kinds of neurotic diagnosis and then release them like wiki leaks.
As for Hillary being the former first lady, senator and Sec State….her records would be much harder to get as they most likely are classified and highly protected.
Look for Trumps records to come out in late December showing him to be in and out of lunatic housing and diagnosed with all kinds of mental and physical disorders….
Who cares if they prove it wrong….for the two three weeks it takes…..Hillary will slam dunk the election…..
Thats all that matters to her and the Dems.
The truth doesnt matter to any politician any more. At all. Period.
Trump is winning because of Clinton’s poor campaigning. She has fallen into the trap that Trump set for his Republican primary opponents: responding to Trump’s constant barrage of juvenile taunts. He’s better at it.
Look for Trumps records to come out in late December showing him to be in and out of lunatic housing and diagnosed with all kinds of mental and physical disorders….
that should have been late October…you know an unstoppable October surprise just like the civil trial of him supposedly raping a 13 year old 20 years ago.
Trump is winning because of Clinton’s poor campaigning. She has fallen into the trap that Trump set for his Republican primary opponents: responding to Trump’s constant barrage of juvenile taunts. He’s better at it.
The Democrats have a huge Electoral built in advantage. Right now she is at like 242 electoral votes if they wheel her up to the microphone…..drooling and calling everyone the N word.
She literally only has to carry 2 close states…..and its a done deal….
I would hardly say she is losing….What might happen is she looses the national popular vote but wins the presidency.
But I think the Democrats have been carefully orchestrating the states for a long long time now….
I have a friend who lives in Ohio…he told me that they have literally shipped in 1000’s of Immigrants….that are supposedly Middle eastern war refugees….I have seen this same thing taking place in both Colorado and Nevada.
All swing states….funny how the Left doesnt want an ID for voting isnt it.
By the way they have a picture of hillary standing in the crowd without makeup not long after her latest medical episode……..she looks ghastly.
I know its not a condition for president but OMG she looks absolutely a 100 years old which tells me she is not aging very well nor feeling very well.
Biggest problem for the Hag right now is gravity.
For Illary…
CorleoneTrump scammed the taxpayers post 9/11.
He’s a grifter, a liar and a crook.
Have you looked at Don Combover lately? Orange skin, obese, weird hair, raccoon eyes, peculiar voice inflections, inability to remember his last lie…
And if you’re worried about looks, have you looked at Don Combover lately? Who doesn’t laugh at his hair?
Maybe it’s time to consider an upper as well as a lower age for qualifying to be Prez.
Some of the deplorables in action!
This take the law into your own hands, mob mentality is a Don
CorleoneTrump staple.Don’t criticize those you disagree with, kick their asses!
Jeffrey suggested:
Given that Mrs Clinton is only 1½ years younger than Mr Trump, any age limit which disqualified him would disqualify her before four years was up.
And didn’t you tell us that you supported Senator Sanders, who’s older than Mr Trump?
But Illary clearly recalls doing sniper fire…
Trump’s campaign manager is pushing back against disclosing anymore medical info on the Don.
Colin Powell called Trump a “national disgrace”.
Yeah and I just heard the DNC is actively talking about replacing Hillary Clinton as the Dem candidate.
Tonight The Racist Donald unveils day care and paid leave for mothers. Meanwhile Hillary had rallies 10 days out of the last 30….the rest of the time she was unaccounted for…….
no strike that she was giving paid speeches to WALL STREET TYCOONS BEGGING FOR MONEY IN RETURN FOR FAVORS…..
I find it amazing how people like Jeffery can defend this woman since everything He believes she pisses on and then demands His vote…..
LOLOLOL……sad….and your Holding up Colin Powell as your poster child…the guy who got us into war with Iraq then weaseled his way out of it by slipping quietly into the shadows only to reemerge as the closet Democrat we all knew he was.
I guess Duty, honor and Devotion ended when he retired form the Military.