Here’s a guy who took a fossil fueled trip to vacation in an energy hog house and spent lots of time on golf courses, which are evil to anthropogenic climate change
(The Hill) President Obama used the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service to call for action on climate change, warning that rising temperatures and seas could destroy some of America’s treasures.
“As we look ahead, the threat of climate change means that protecting our public lands and waters is more important than ever,” Obama said in his weekly address.
“Rising temperatures could mean no more glaciers in Glacier National Park. No more Joshua Trees in Joshua Tree National Park. Rising seas could destroy vital ecosystems in the Everglades, even threaten Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty.”
Meanwhile, people in Louisiana are suffering, and Obama won’t bother to cut his (taxpayer funded) vacation short to visit, nor does he mention it in his weekly address. Nope. He goes with Hotcoldwetdry to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the parks, which, remember, he shut down with Barrycades during the government shutdown a few years ago. Because they belong to all of us
“Because these parks belong to all of us. And they’re worth celebrating – not just this year, but every year.”
See? But, we couldn’t visit them when Obama had a snit fit over not getting his own way.
It’s all a scary story for him, right before he jumps back in a fossil fueled vehicle to head to yet another water intensive golf course.
But, let’s be honest, most of Obama’s weekly address was pretty good, since it is only the last two paragraphs where his Cult of Climastrology pedigree appears. He tells people to get out and see the parks….wait, wouldn’t that use fossil fuels?
Of course, he couldn’t help making this all about himself

Based on your past performances attacking others, even if President Obama spoke from the White House you’d still criticize his position on global warming.
Do you have an argument based on anything other than personal attacks?
Teach the Gov of Louisiana specifically asked Obama NOT to come at this time.
Now that you are aware of that, do you still think he should go there at this time ?
The Gov said that if the POTUS arrives hundreds of first responders would have to provide security for the visit and they were needed for other response duties
Teach do you agree more with the warmists that claim that this 500 year record rain was evidence of climate change, or, are you more inclined to agree with many of the religious coldists that think that disasters are part of God’s punishment for our multiple sexual sins
The Gov said that if the POTUS arrives hundreds of first responders would have to provide security for the visit and they were needed for other response duties
THIS IS FUKING EXACTLY WHAT BUSH SAID ABOUT KATRINA AND we all know how that turned out…..The unhinged left used it to continue attacking a popular president until he was no longer able to even leave the White House without people throwing shoes at him.
The right has a long way to go to even come close to matching the unhinged hatred for conservative presidents.
Do you have an argument based on anything other than personal attacks?
Here is one…..the left has dozens if not hundereds of billionaires who could pay for all the green energy in the world…..There are 180 countries who are all on board the greenie weenie………
So why is it that YOUR SIDE IS NOT BUILDING ALL THIS marvelous technology.
Let me share a little story. I contracted a company to install 35 solar panels on the roof of my home in Costa Rica. It took them 8 months and they had to order 107 solar panels in order to finally get 35 that actually worked any where near specs.
Additionally the collection system was wired and rewired 13 times before it finally started working to specs.
In other words…..Solar on paper is awesome….the facts are no one wants to mess with it right now because the technology is still years from prime time.
Obama is just distracting you guys from his plan to declare Martial Law this fall. Our plan is to round up outspoken christian, conservative gun owners, shipping them by boxcar to the FEMA camps being prepped these past 8 years. Montana, Northern California, Missouri-Arkansas border, Eastern West Virginia, Western NY…
Ever wondered why Obama is bringing in Muslims? Guards.
Obama is just distracting you guys from his plan to declare Martial Law this fall. Our plan is to round up outspoken christian, conservative gun owners, shipping them by boxcar to the FEMA camps being prepped these past 8 years. Montana, Northern California, Missouri-Arkansas border, Eastern West Virginia, Western NY…
Ever wondered why Obama is bringing in Muslims? Guards.
So you finally admit to your plan.
However its funny how you fail to address the central core of my question…….
WHY are you leftists who control 3/4ths of the world NOT BUILDING THIS SHIT???
WHY Jeffery….you come here daily whining about the deniers stopping your plan……
YOUR plan is bullshit…..just like you keep blacks in perpetual poverty and in a drug induced state in order to keep them voting for DEM’s so too is your greenie weenie plan for the world…..
Because their is no plan….the plan is for all your leftists to force governments to funnel billions that could be helping the poor/homeless/sick in America to help the new world order as envisioned by the Grand Wizard….George Soros.
Make all the jokes you want…but when your side openly admits to its plans…..its pretty lame of you to make jokes about it in a poor attempt to discredit my posting of the plan which is openly talked about around the world.
I explored installing solar panels on both my house here and my vacation home in Hamilton, Bermuda. The cost was ridiculous. It would have taken me decades to break even. Plus I was a little concerned about the panels themselves and the extra weight they would produce on the roof here.
I imagine Liam, I would run into similar problems in Bermuda you had in Costa Rica. When you get to locations like these things that are easy here become major problems there.
Just a LITTLE advice: Not every comment is ABOUT you or ADDRESSED to you.
We’ve lost the WAR on climate change, so our best path FORWARD is adjusting TO the changes. We will CONTINUE the TRANSITION to renewable sources, CO2 EMISSIOns will SLOW and the Earth’s surface will continue to warm. We will build DIKES, move INLAND, migrate to COOLER CLIMES.
You do REALIZE that the PLAN is simple – Add a TARIFF to CO2-producing ENERGY SOURCES and letting market FORCES dictate the DISTRIBUTION. DO YOU really CONSIDER that a carbon TAX is a leftist PLOT for TAKING over the EARTH?
BTW, I’ve seen the list. YOU’RE number 17 in YOUR county. This means the ORGANIZATION views 16 of YOUR NEIGHBORS as a greater THREAT. AS YOU know, we’ve BEEN ARMing and TrainING almost a million Postal inspectors, IRS agents, EPA security, Social Security clerks and kindergarten teachers with billions of rounds and small arms, INCLUDING, suspiciously, fully automatic WEAPONS. Warren BUFFETT has been buying up RAILROADS, ostensibly for TRANSPORTING goods, but I CAN TELL you now it’s for transporting CONSERVATIVES to the OBAMACAMPS.
“Rising temperature could mean…..” Junk science at its best. No proof temperatures will keep rising, and “could” also means of course, could not.
“We’ve lost the war on climate change..” That got to be one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read. Is it that kind of war with an imaginary enemy? Whatever happens with climate, Mr. Drama Queen, humans will adjust like they’ve always done. But I’m baffled how early man adjusted to a changing climate with zero technology and without a government trying to tax them? It must have been magic.
j typed:
No, Ms. Drama Queen (Ms. DQ from now on).
Surely even you realize that human civilizations have never experienced this kind of global warming.
Just to remind you. The Holocene Epoch is the current interglacial period, is less than 10,000 years old and began as the Earth emerged from the last glacial period.
Human civilization formed and evolved AFTER the beginning of the Holocene and during a period of stable climate.
How many cities of 10,000,000 were there 8,000 years ago? What was the population of Miami 5000 years ago? Seattle? Washington DC? NYC? New Orleans?
The Earth is warming from the CO2 we humans are adding to the atmosphere. Barring some unforeseen events, as we add more CO2 the Earth will continue to warm.