She does!
(Baltimore Sun) Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby on Sunday addressed the city’s historic spike in homicides in an interview on WBAL-TV.
In July, 45 people were killed — the highest number in modern history. The city is on pace for more than 300 killings this year.
Mosby said the key to driving down the murder rate is for prosecutors and police to re-establish trust with the community.
She noted her prosecutors have recently sent several killers behind bars for life, and are partnering with city police on a new “War Room” initiative — in which city and federal agencies work in close collaboration.
Oh, you thought she was actually going to go out to stop crime, instituting strong policing measures, perhaps reaching out to the community and telling them to stop being so criminal. Nope. Arresting them afterwards and sending them to jail has nothing to do with stopping the crimes in the first place.
Perhaps Mosby could have a talk with Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake about rescinding her “giving space to those who wish to destroy” notion.
“This is the home of witness intimidation, where that ‘Stop Snitching’ mentality began,” Mosby said. “We have to build the trust of the community back up. … We’re absolutely on top of it.”
That mentality has nothing to do with the police and prosecutors: it has everything to do with the criminality of the citizens. This soft approach is not working, as witnessed during July. Perhaps there should be some concern that almost every single person murdered in Baltimore is Black, and the majority of the known killers are Black.
August hasn’t exactly been a good month either. And another person, Black, was murdered early Sunday. This is not the fault of the police and prosecutors, nor is community outreach going to stop anything.

Teach continues his meme: “Dem Negroes be violent!”
Did you even read about “the new War Room initiative” that you linked??
You should probably read it and rewrite your screed about violent Negroes.
Don’t you think that a multipronged approach that includes upgraded policing, prosecution AND improved community relations would work better than just asking Negroes to not commit crimes as you suggest… “perhaps reaching out to the community and telling them to stop being so criminal.”
Conservatives used to think that punishment was a deterrent. But then the “New Conservatives” are no longer held to those old conservative values, driven now only by white supremacy.
Our esteemed host wrote:
Actually, that’s kind of what the police do; it’s not like they can arrest you for a crime you haven’t yet committed.
The problem in the Charm City, and really every big city, is the culture that exists. I haven’t killed anybody not because I’m afraid of going to jail, but because I don’t think that it’s right to kill people, even when I encounter some POS who so desperately deserves to be killed.
The police exist to pick up the pieces when a mostly lawful culture has a few incidents of lawlessness; they are pretty much helpless when trying to pick up the pieces of a mostly lawless culture.
It seems to me that the problem is dense urbanization. Jeffrey tried his normal meme, accusing you of racism — “Teach continues his meme: “Dem Negroes be violent!— — but “dem Negroes” don’t seem to be all that violent when they live in small towns or the country. And white Americans seem to commit fewer violent crimes when they live in small towns or the countryside.
I’ve come to the conclusion that too many people living too close together is, in itself, far too stressful, not giving people the room that they need to destress without lashing out. Small towns and rural areas still have crime, but it tends to be less violent crime, much of it drug use.
Teach continues his meme: “Dem Negroes be violent!â€–home–falling-oaks–n-harris-county/31366765/
Perhaps Jeff missed that all but two murdered in Baltimore in July 2015 were Black? And most this year are Black? It seems that those in Baltimore are violent. That’s not racism, that’s a fact.
It’s also a fact that Jeff, like so many White Liberals, doesn’t seem particularly interested in stopping the violence in Black neighborhoods.
Teach why do you always point your finger at the black man ?
Why not mention that 9 of the top 10 states in gun violence are RED STATES
And please remember that blacks fled to cities because of rural poverty and systematic white terrorism including lynchings the rural rate of poverty is higher than urban
Teach any chance you are going to do dome volunteer work in any of these urban areas that need your help?
This is a typical liberal response. Teach points out that there is a lot of black on black crime (which is beyond dispute) and is accused of some sort of racist attitude. Of course, if Teach ignored the race of the victims, he would accused of being a racist for not caring about the plight of blacks, etc.
Because the “violence” doesn’t matter and has no practical meaning, expecially as john is using it. What matters is that the use of handguns in red states is higher because of the legal use of a weapon in self defense. That means that if someone comes up with a gun and tries to rob me, that is not considered “violence.” If I defend myself and shoot the robber, that is considered “violence” in john’s world.
When was the last lynching you remember, john? And I hate to tell you this, but racial attacks and hate crimes is much more prevalent in the cities than elsewhere.
And yet crime in rural areas is less than in urban areas.
That is an interesting point Jeffery. Baltimore had an extensive “community outreach” program in the 78’s and 80’s and the crime rate soared.
At some point in time people are going to have to realize that they are responsible for their own actions and their own communities.
Baltimore is a liberal city so one can see the effects of liberal and progressive policies there. The police unions prevent bad cops from being fired. The police don’t patrol neighborhoods on foot anymore. The police have areas in which they will not patrol after dark because the areas are so bad. There’s your “outreach” and “better policing” all negotiated and agreed to by liberal mayors and City Councils.
Baltimore has a low education rating, low credit rating and people are leaving. Property values are dropping. The City Council makes decisions that are not business friendly (and are often anti-business) and then wonders why there aren’t good jobs for people.
And liberals think that no one should be accountable for their actions.
There ya go. Jeffery has to throw in the usual race baiting line because that is all he has. There is no logic in his thoughts at all, so like a good little liberal, he screams that anyone who disagrees with him must be a racist.
Why? Who knows.
With liberals, it is always projection.
John- “Why do you always point your finger at the black man.” Because overwhelmingly when a black man is killed, it’s by another black man. So where in the world would one point the finger then, John?
jl asked:
Why, don’t you know, don’t you understand? Because some white Americans enslaved blacks 150 and more years ago, all white Americans today are responsible, responsible, damn it! for every ill, every misfortune, every sorrow that afflicts the black community.
That no living American has enslaved a black American doesn’t count, nor does the fact that there isn’t a single American slave alive today; all of that is wholly irrelevant.
You express the typical misconceptions of most white supremacists.
As horrible a system as American slavery was, it is only partly responsible for the plight of American Black people today. Of course what modern white supremacists like you ignore is that even to this day Black men, women and children are at a disadvantage in American culture. In fact, white supremacists claim that Black people have advantages in our society today, calling any successful Black person an affirmative action winner!
White supremacists love to point out the disproportionate number of Black men who commit street crimes while ignoring the damage to society of white collar crimes committed almost exclusively by white men. In fact, it’s hardly proper to call it white collar “crime” since our white dominated culture rarely pursues the perpetrators. Republican hero Donald Trump is being sued by the state of New York for allegedly cheating folks through his Trump “University”. Steal a loaf of bread, go to jail; steal a million dollars, go to the White House!
Jeffery expresses the typical liberal pablum about the plight of blacks, conveniently ignoring the fact that liberal policies have resulted in the plight of American blacks as they exist today.
Liberal racists love to discount black on black violence instead bringing up strawmen arguments such as white collar crime.
Liberal racists claim to care about the plight of blacks when all they do is use them for their own political gain.
That is a fairly stupid series of comments, even for you. Your bigotry is showing. Grow up.
J-“You express the typical misconceptions of most white supremacists.” And you express the typical misconceptions of liberals who, when anyone points out that most of what ails blacks are their poor choices, say they must be white supremacists. Did John and you go to the same debate teacher? If so, demand your money back.