Must be nice to have zero principles
(Randolph Herald) Summer may not officially end until Sept. 22, but for most of us, the passage of Labor Day heralds the end of the season.
As someone whose love of bright sunshine and warm temperatures verges on addiction, it’s always a day I dread. But this year, I know I’m not the only one who feels cheated by the all-too-brief respite from Mother Nature’s increasingly cold, capricious clutches.
Much of the nation experienced one of the coolest, wettest summers on record — save for parts of the West, where residents had one of the hottest summers yet, according to meteorologists at the Weather Channel.That would be depressing enough on its own but, following one of the worst winters on record, it seems even more unfair. Clinging to visions of sun, fun and scorching temperatures got many of us through the brutal cold and extreme snowfall, and to have the sun set on summer without fully realizing those dreams makes the knowledge of the coming change of season far harder to swallow.
It’s also prompted climate change skeptics to come crawling out of the woodwork once again, crowing about how the unusually cool temps of 2014 surely disprove global warming.
She has a response, of course
What they fail to realize, though, is that the U.S. is only one small piece of the world — not the center of the universe — and, as a whole, 2013 was the hottest year on record worldwide … and 2014 just may top that before the calendar rolls into 2015.
When it’s warm someplace, Warmists say “see! DOOM!” When weather fails to abide by their talking points, we’re told it doesn’t matter.

Since the US makes up only about 2% of the Earth’s surface, the surface temperature here contributes only 2% to the temperature record. So when commenters here say that a cool July in their neighborhood falsifies the theory of AGW, they are mistaken.
There is no question in the legitimate scientific community that the Earth is warming because of CO2 we’re adding to the atmosphere.
You’ve sided with the increasing unhinged weatherman, Anthony Watts, and his band of Deniers. Pity. You (and your readers) would be better served if you took the time to understand the actual science.
AJ- As usual you’ve done nothing to advance the discussion except the very scientific “I said so” or “the legitimate scientific community..” Sorry, but you don’t get to decide who’s legitimate or not. As far as “the hottest year”, or whatever, remember if true it would only mean the “hottest’ since about 1880 when we began using thermometers. Again, what has happened in 135 years does not prove any kind of a trend when the big picture is 4 billion. And there is no doubt now that the temp. record has been “adjusted”. NOAA will give reasons why it’s been adjusted, but curiously all the adjustments cool the past and warm the present to keep the scam going.
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[…] William Teach: US Weather Only Matters When It Conforms To Warmist Narrative […]
See? When the US or parts of it are hot or wet or dry, Warmists use this as PROOF that climate change is hhappening. When things aren’t going their way, the trot out the talking point that the US is tiny.
California is having a drought, so the Warmists tell us that’s proof of global warming caused by man. Should we listen to the doomsayers, Jeff?