…is a wonderful green field that would be perfect for a windfarm, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on the attitude cultivated in America under Obama.

…is a wonderful green field that would be perfect for a windfarm, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on the attitude cultivated in America under Obama.
Hell, screw the green… cover it in a toxic solar panel farm!!
That will be greenier than what mother nature intended. Cuz, we know best.
I have always been amazed at the ego and audacity of man. It wasn’t a few decades ago, that man in all of his glory and knowledge thought that natural debris in a creek, prevented fish from swimming upstream. I worked at the US Fish & Wildlife facility that actually placed bulldozers in the creeks in the PacNW and “flattened” out the creeks. This was to help the fish navigate the waters. They even wrote up a policy paper on it. They did this for several decades until they realized that they were killing fish and the ecology by doing so.
But then, we also built dams and built on fish ladders and told ourselves that it was better now.
Now, we flatten and bulldoze dozens to hundreds of acres and cover it in toxic solar panels and windmills, killing anything located underneath and around them, for the sake of being “green”.