Tom Nelson makes the big catch. Well, not of Bigfoot, but about the number of Americans who believe in it. The Houston Chronicle links to this Live Science article from back in March, 2012, which highlights that (nice graphic under the fold)
- 7% think is definitely real
- 22% probably real
- 38% probably not real
- 23% people smoke crack, er, not real
- 10% not sure
Compare that to this Washington Post report from July 2012
Climate change no longer ranks first on the list of what Americans see as the world’s biggest environmental problem, according to a new Washington Post-Stanford University poll.
Just 18 percent of those polled name it as their top environmental concern. That compares with 33 percent who said so in 2007,…
And of those 18%, who we can conclude are Warmist, exactly .0000001% have made significant changes in their lives to make their carbon footprint neutral.

You know this is fake. There are bigfoot sightings in Oklahoma on an almost daily basis. They are hard to find because of the trees and mountains and deep valleys.
Heck, we even have a Bigfoot Barbeque (their spelling).
So, it is the so-called male of the Democrat species that sees strange sights.
Explains Obama.
Weds. morning links…
Toon above via Lucianne Label everything he says a "gaffe," then voila! – the "gaffe-prone Romney" A new victim class: bisexuals It’s kind of pitiful to see self-anointed victims fighting over who gets higher victim status Maine…