Are you like Bob?
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I have given up on concerns for racism. I think many others have as well. Think what that will mean for national policy.
[…] via Pirates Cove […]
Good point. I was listening to the local Raleigh radio and the guest was a Black liberal who worried about the racism calls turning onto a Peter and the Wolf scenario, if you get my meaning.
The late comedian, Patrice O’Neal used to say “The big shut-up is coming.”
Patrice was pretty much liberal in his views (which were always interesting), but he said it annoyed him to no end how most of the brothers and sisters abused the racism label due to pure laziness and as an excuse. He said, that some day the man will get tired of the constant racism yammering and just start ignoring it. Then, the standard response to every claim of racism would be “SHUT UP.”
He was pissed about that, because he claimed to use his racism cards sparingly so that he would still had some when he was old. He also used to get pissed when white liberal through down the racism card because he didn’t think they should even have any say in the matter.
The Worm
you all are racists for talking about racism
Well done. A bit to long, but very well done.
[…] Pirate’s Cove: Bob’s A Raaaaacist […]
This was brilliantly produced by Bob Parks, a black blogger (Black & Right) who must also be a racist.