Down South, Bless Your Heart or any variation is not what you might think it means. A tip for anyone visiting
- This is a term used by the people of the southern United States particularly near the Gulf of Mexico to express to someone that they are an idiot without saying such harsh words.
- “You are an idiot but I like you and care about you so I dont want to hurt your feelings.”
- phrase used by Southern women to excuse themselves for speaking ill of someone else.
- an expression of sympathy or pity.
- An old or southern woman’s excuse to insult people without being rude.
It rarely ever means anything nice (via Ace)
(Twitchy from Phillip Rucker) Romney in Iowa: “President Obama, bless his heart, has tried to substitute government for free people, and it has not worked.â€
“President Obama, bless his heart, got drunk and crapped himself while sleeping it off on grandma’s favorite couch.” Same thing.

[…] and it will never work.”Real Clear Politics has the video and Twitchy has the reactions.Now, I’m not southern, although I did live in Florida for a few years, but I still know that “bless his […]
That boy couldn’t hammer a nail in the side of a barn with his head. Bless his heart.
That boy couldn’t figure out the working side of the broom to save his life. Bless his heart.