Unemployment jumped up to 8.3% (adding to the historic time for unemployment over 8%) yesterday, and the Obama admin released their rules for pseudo-amnesty for certain illegals
(LA Times) Young undocumented immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children and hope to avoid deportaton will have to pay $465, submit fingerprints and undergo a background check, according to details of the program released Friday by the Department of Homeland Security….
Excellent! The price for being an illegal is now set at just $465, which can be waived under certain conditions.
Up to 1.4 million people could benefit from the change, according to the Pew Hispanic Center, a nonpartisan research group.
Fantastic! With American citizens struggling for jobs and unemployment high, let’s add 1.4 million more people!
In addition, applicants must not have been convicted of a “felony, significant misdemeanor, three or more other misdemeanors, or otherwise pose a threat to national security or public safety.â€
And there’s the rub
(Daily Caller) The White House immigration policy would not prevent illegal aliens who have committed identity theft or have been driving cars without licenses from obtaining work permits, an administration official told reporters during a press conference on Friday.
It will also be extended to some illegals already in jail and to some who have already been approved for deportation by judges, he said.
The federal government is already known to be highly inefficient and tends to miss things: does anyone think that they will miss criminal issues with many of these illegals?

Teach this will allow those who are already working but not paying taxes to go on the tax roles which many of them would prefer to do rather tahn working off the books.
Maybe the shouldn’t be here in the first place. Maybe Obama shouldn’t be using executive power to temporarily change the law. You guys hated that when bush was president
Hasn’t the argument always been that the people here illegally WERE paying taxes? Wasn’t that the reason people like john always said we should allow them to break the law by being here?
Now he wants to say “we should allow them in because they will pay taxes?”
Thanks for showing that you and others were lying john.
Remember when they said that this would only affect 800,000 illegals? Now, its 1.4 million, nearly double! How many think this number is in the double digits of millions?
Why in hell should we give illegals who are in jail amnesty and citizenship!?!?!?
My question is, if they have no identification, and have been here since childhood, then how good are background checks going to be?
Silly john, this is just a way for more people to get on to the welfare roles and be suborned to protecting the welfare state.