While I think it might be a worthy goal to stop crazies like James Holmes from being able to make such a huge purchase, it also effectively hamstrings honest citizens.
(CNN) Two Democratic lawmakers took on the hot-button political issue of gun control Monday, introducing legislation that would effectively ban online ammunition sales.
Longtime gun control advocates Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-New Jersey, and Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-New York, introduced the bill that they said would prevent buyers from purchasing unlimited quantities of ammunition through the Internet or through the mail. The bill would also require ammunition dealers to report bulk ammo sales to law enforcement.
“It’s time to close the loophole that’s allowing killers — deranged, insane — and even terrorists to buy ammunition online,” Lautenberg said Monday at a news conference on the steps of Manhattan’s City Hall. “You don’t have to be a scientist to understand how wrong this is.”
These same Democrats have already submitted an amendment to the Cybersecurity bill on gun restrictions, which we can’t read because it hasn’t been voted on yet. This, though, is not necessarily a bad idea. It’d be best if people with murder in their hearts and terrorists not have easy access. But, what does the legislation actually propose? It’s called the Stop Online Ammunition Act, and it means to virtually stop online purchases
….An eagle-eyed, ever-vigilant reader send us a link. Here’s the skinny:
The Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act works through four components:
· It requires anyone selling ammunition to be a licensed dealer.
· It requires ammunition buyers who are not licensed dealers to present photo identification at the time of purchase, effectively banning the online or mail order purchase of ammo by regular civilians.
· It requires licensed ammunition dealers to maintain records of the sale of ammunition.
· It requires licensed ammunition dealers to report the sale of more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition to an unlicensed person within any five consecutive business days.
Interesting. Democrats do not want ID to be required in order to vote, but do want ID in order to buy ammunition. To use their own words, that negatively effects minorities and the young, who apparently do not have ID.
That second bullet point, with the ID, is the most important one, as it means that most people will not be able to purchase ammunition on-line, because they won’t be able to show ID. Since there is no actual legislation to read, we don’t know if there will be any sort of “loophole” which would allow citizens to fax, email, or text their photo ID to on-line stores.
I really don’t have a problem with the 3rd and 4th bullet points, but, interestingly, they do little to nothing to actually stop large on-line purchases. Of course, it could possibly mean a visit from some level of law enforcement, inquiring as to why someone is purchasing that much ammunition. Based on how fast the government works, that visit could come long after the shooting.
But, again, the 2nd would penalize law abiding citizens who just want to save a few bucks. I myself have purchased bullets on-line. My little Walther P-22 is a touchy gun, and so I stick with Winchester ammo, which doesn’t jam. It’s tough to get. So, I purchased …….wait for it…..1,000 rounds at one time. I shot most of them off in 6 visits to the shooting range (I still have the rest, 20 loaded in 2 mags, which are not in the gun, but near). Yes, I shot 150 rounds off in each visit. That’s how one practices. So, under this legislation, I’d have been reported to… someone…. for what was a completely legal purchase.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

This is unconstitutional infringement upon business. And are we now saying that ammo kills people? First, it was just guns, but now just ammo?
What if I buy 999 rounds of ammo multiple times? You know you can have some ammo sellers do that. You can order 6,000 rounds, and they will piece the order out for you if it means a sale.
Laws are stupid. This proposal is utterly stupid and an infringement.
Fortunately, since the US Senate doesn’t do anything, at all, this will go nowhere. But, they will have earned their political capital with their base. And, that was all that mattered here.
Just think of the off-country market that would then open up. Speaking of that.. how would one BAN the sale of bulk ammo in a country online? Please tell me how? Please tell me how a mexican or canadian or other non-us company is going to report to BATF? Why would it want to?
I hate stupid people. Stupid lawmakers more so
Followup: So, this does nothing for in-person sales? Where they don’t have to show or report IDs? So, if Mr Psycho went in person to buy his ammo, then we’d really not know where he got the ammo from.
And what would it matter? Who cares where he bought his ammo from. Are we going to now start blaming ammo sellers for helping mass-murder?
Teach, while it may “sound nice” you have to realize the stupidity in it. You have to realize where it will lead. You have to realize it is just another means of gun control and to limit business and free market.
What is really the point of reporting ammo sales? Really? Anyone who orders 1,000 rounds of .22LR is now suspect? Like you say, it is nothing to plink off hundreds of rounds when out having fun. I’ve done 1,000 22 rounds just plinking around one weekend camping trip.