Funny how The Smartest Man In The World needs to pander to kids as young as 13 years old in order to create policy. I caught this one over at earlier, and then saw it over at….
( – The White House has started a new initiative to engage American youth to start, circulate and sign petitions about various public policy issues. The petitions, intended to gain signatures through social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, will get a White House review if it meets the threshold of 5,000 signatures.
The initiative, called We the People, is open to anyone 13 or older, and comes before an election year when the youth vote is not expected to be nearly close to the record high and lopsided levels it reached to help carry President Barack Obama to victory in 2008.
David Plouffe, senior adviser to the president, announced the online project Thursday, saying it will “change the way Americans engage with President Obama and his administration.”
BTW, they keep stressing for people to sign up for email blasts to “stay informed.” More likely to email blast campaign crap for Obama 2012. I’ve signed up with my Gmail account. Let’s see if I start getting anything from Organizing for America or other Dem groups. Why do they need to know my zip code???? Over to the WH blog
Our Constitution guarantees your right to petition our government. Â Now, with We the People, we’re offering a new way to submit an online petition on a range of issues — and get an official response.
That’s funny, folks in the TEA Party have been petitioning the government for redress of grievence, and have been called hostage takers, racists, terrorists, etc. And, so far, Team Obama has been completely ignoring polls that say people are against ObamaCare, as they also did when it was being passed.
Anyhow, the system is not up yet, so, be thinking of some really good petitions that we can get up and running. How about
- opening up drilling on domestic soil
- extending the current tax rates permanently
- repealing Obamacare
What are your ideas?

Do these clowns not know the difference between “petition” as a verb and “petition” as a noun?
If so, why are they equating the two? If not, why not?
Abolish abolish abolish, I have a list but it’s a long one.
I give it 24 to 48 hours before it’s shut down because of ‘high volumes of anti-American racism’ from ‘tea-bagging right-wing conservative nutcases’.
Do they know the difference? Nope. I suspect that the only things that make it through will be far left ideas. I plan to really push some sort of petition when it goes live, hopefully, I can get the big dogs in the blogosphere to help out.
It would be great if we could get a repeal ObamaCare petition with hundreds of thousands of signatures. Then watch it get ignored. Cause we know it would be.
I can see that happening, Watcher.
I am but a small pup in the world of ye ol’ blogosphere, but sign me up to help and to advertise it. Let me know when you start and I’ll start hammering it.
Will do. Waiting for the site to go live. Can probably get RS McCain on board, perhaps Jay Tea at Wizbang, the guys at Blogs For Victory, lots of folks on the Rule 5 lists. Not sure if should go with “repeal ObamaCare” or “let’s start drilling, damnitall!”
Why not both? :)
[…] friend William Teach, who blogs over at the Pirate’s Cove, notes the Obama White House has started a new, social media drive that encourages people to “petition the […]