Maybe he can get Martha S. to fix up his prison cell
Before searching Rep. William J. Jefferson’s New Orleans home in August 2005, FBI agents confronted him with a video that showed him accepting $100,000 from a government informant, according to a prosecution document filed yesterday in federal court in Alexandria.
Jefferson then "questioned how his reputation could survive" and expressed concern whether the search warrant affidavit could be permanently sealed to keep the information from being made public, according to the document.
Meanwhile, on the same day, FBI agents found $90,000 of the $100,000 in marked bills in Jefferson’s freezer at his Capitol Hill home. The government alleged that Jefferson took the money from a Virginia businesswoman who was working as an informant, to bribe a Nigerian official in a business deal.
The pretrial document provides a glimpse into the public corruption investigation’s early months. It was among 14 answers filed yesterday by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Alexandria in response to motions filed this month by Jefferson’s lawyers.
Anyone think the Democrats will ask him to resign? I mean, it is obviously not as bad as toe tapping, but, you know.
Jefferson’s lawyers had also asked a judge to dismiss 14 of the charges, insisting that Jefferson did nothing illegal and asserting that any statement or any evidence seized during the raid on his New Orleans home should be suppressed. They said the FBI overstepped its bounds, bullied Jefferson, made him feel he was being detained and therefore should have read him his Miranda rights.
You mean like a criminal who was caught "blue" handed with $90K in bribe money? Can’t have that now, can we?

Now I know why the Capitol Hill thrillers only have a 14% popularity rating! The William Jefferson’s and the William Jefferson Clinton and Sandy Burglar Berger crooks make the DNC and DNP what they are – degenerates! Duke Cunningham didn’t bring the GOPhers any
popularity either. Money is the root of all evil – period. How about the NY Giants Blackbeard! We DO have a ‘D’ after all! NY Giants 16 – Filthadelphia 3 !!
Good Lord, we can’t have a dimwit with a bad rep. Sure let’s just seal everything up and be friends. Oh yes and give him back his ill gotten gains. What a moron.
He must be related to the little jerk that shot the kids on the Delaware campus. He told the cops he didn’t know what happened he just started shooting. So if they would let him off these charges, he promised would be good from now on. Oh sure we can work that out. NOT.
I’m sure everyone saw how concerned Sen. P. Kennedy was over the whole thing. NOT.
I just read the UN’s new plan about making a world government and everyone can sue the US for everything since we are to blame for everything. The dimwits are going to try and slip these through this week too. So all the little commies are busy, busy.
Your email popped up while I was doing something else last night and I watched and read the whole thing. It was good. When I closed I thought it would be in my email box. It disappeared. Where did it go?
Hope you guys enjoyed your cake. Let us know when you can walk again.
At Delaware State University this punk was supposedly under ‘surveillance’ by the DSU Campus Rent A Cops Incorporated for FOUR days but they swept this lie under the rug because Duhawhere is a blue state of socialism and the governor – Ruth Ann Minner (RAM) is an obese slob with a GED on her resume – that’s it! Senaturds Joe Biden & Tom Carper are liberal jokes as well. The First State is a Scrapple / Roadkill State! Thank GOD he only gave them 3 electoral votes and Amen!