Via Jay at Stop The ACLU and Jim at bRight & Early, a nauseau maker
In a move that has stunned New York, the Bloomberg administration is in discussions to escort the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to ground zero during his visit to New York next week, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said today.
The Iranian mission to the U.N. made the request to the New York City Police Department and the Secret Service, who will jointly oversee security during the president’s two-day visit. Mr. Ahmadinejad is scheduled to arrive September 24 to speak to the U.N. General Assembly as the Security Council decides whether to increase sanctions against Iran for its uranium enrichment program.
Mr. Kelly said the NYPD and Secret Service were in discussions with the Iranian mission about the logistics for the possible visit, and whether it will take place at all. He said Mr. Ahmadinejad would not be allowed to descend into the pit for safety reasons related to ongoing construction there.
He shouldn’t be let near the site at all. Period. Hell, if the guy leaves the UN building, he should be arrested. This is the kind of appeasement bullshit that emboldens fucktards like Ahmadinejad.
Fortunately, the request was denied. Why, you ask?
Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly caused considerable confusion earlier today when he suggested that the request was still pending. In fact, police officials said later, the request — made at a meeting that included the Secret Service and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey — was denied for reasons of security and safety.
But not denied because Sneezy is a tinpot dictator hell bent on imposing radical Islam around the world or that he wants to wipe Israel off the map. Not denied because he is arming insurgents in Iraq. Not denied because he is a Holocaust denier. No, no, because of fucking security and safety. Un-fucking-believable. Takes quite a bit to get me to curse in writing. I put this in the "Beyond Moonbat" category, but, perhaps I should have a new one "What the F*ck is going through your head?"
Mitt wants Sneezy’s visit to the UN to be rescinded.
Others worshipping at the porcelein alter over this: Hot Air, Michelle Malkin, Sister Toldjah
More: Powerline discusses the disgrace of Columbia University.
Thursday update: according to WABC (via Michelle M), Sneezy is planning on visiting the WTC site anyhow. She also points out that Pam at Atlas Shrugs is calling for a protest at the U.N. Building on Monday.
My question is, we really do not have diplomatic relations with Iran. As far as I can tell, they have no embassies except the one for the UN. So, the Fed government should just say "not a chance in hell, Amanutjob!"

Yep, leave it up to the stupid Americans to try and legitimize this butcher on the world stage.
If you ask me the bastard should not be allowed on US soil. Let him give his speech via a grainy terrorist website.
[…] for the update: Sister(Wench)Toldjah and Pirate’s Cove) Ahmadinejad, Ground Zero, Iran, NYC, UN(DIGG this story Below)Share and Enjoy:These icons link to […]
I have thought it over and now think that they should let him down into the pit.
I just don’t think they should let him back out.
Stephen Spruiell at NRO noted that Ahmadinejad’s request has been denied:
Unfortunately, the article mentioned in the link stated that he was denied for security reasons, i.e. the area’s not safe. The real reason needs to be stated unequivocally–that he’s the spokesman for a terrorist regime.
To allow Ahmedinejad to visit Ground Zero would be…
But then, so is allowing him to enter the United States, even to visit the UN council. First, here’s what was reported yesterday (via Melanie Phillips), and Mitt Romney summed it up correctly about the monster:…
… tell the treasonous liberal skanks at Columbia CCCP that if ~AA11~ and ~UF175~ had hit the Twin Towers 20 floors LOWER…
Columbia Perversity would have seen and tasted DEATH a lot more on 9-11-01 when they would have toppled over sideways!