You're kidding, right? (from the Jerusalem Post)
Relatives of the three kidnapped IDF soldiers met Thursday with French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy to try to enlist France's help in securing the soldiers' release.
Malka Goldwasser, mother of kidnapped soldier Ehud Goldwasser, said she was confident France would be able to negotiate her son's release through diplomatic channels.
"I have full confidence in France's abilities," she said.
Huh? The Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys? Will they also be supplying speed bumps?
This is also part of France's proposed UN resolution to the Lebanon-Hezbollah-Israel issue, where they want to be peace keepers.
(I hate when you get in one of those span class editing loops)

Under which rock has she been living the past 70 years?
Stacy: I agree. But I still wish her well. This has to be unimaginably hard on her and the other families of the kidnapped soldiers.
I laughed at first because, well, it is France. France & help don’t usually go in the same sentence. Then I felt sad for the mother wanting her child.
Dear Terrorist Letters from around the globe…
Dear Terrorists:
I want you to look at the picture below. This is an infidel whore, so you will not see her in Heaven. In fact, you will never be able to enjoy the company of any decent, beautiful, intelligent woman ever. The closest you will get is…..
Oh, I definately feel sorry for her. I think it is terrible what has happened to the poor woman, and, if the French can do something, all power to them.
I just do not have a lot of confidence that France will be able to get a deal done that doesn’t favor Hezbollah.