Can't you just feel the buzz and anticipation for Katie Couric to step into the big (floppy) shoes at cBS? So much so that that hard news source, Access Hollywood, has talked about her. And all sorts of "hard news" sites picked the story up.
Unfortunately, what made the rounds of the 'sphere was incorrect due to the story being incorrect. It was originally reported that she stated that she would not go to the Middle East as a member of the cBS Evening "News" (News must always be in quotations from now on, you know.)
Alas, Access Hollywood, those paragons of hard news, made a little woopsie! on their website:
The comments from Katie Couric that earlier ran on were from a previous interview on May 30th in regards to whether or not she would go to Iraq in light of injured CBS News correspondent Kimberly Dozier. The Web site story has since been clarified and includes more recent comments that were given by Couric in regards to the current Middle East crises at the CBS TCAs (Television Critics Association). "Access Hollywood" NEVER aired this story and regrets that the previous Web site story was misleading.
Ah. OK. So what do they have now?
The big question remains: what about Katie?
Katie Couric, who takes over CBS Evening News in September, told Access Hollywood on May 30th that she would not venture into Iraq, in response to an interview regarding injured CBS News correspondent Kimberly Dozier. At the time Couric was still a co-anchor of NBC's "Today" show.
"I think the situation there (Iraq) is so dangerous, and as a single parent with two children, that's something I won't be doing," Katie said.
But following growing tensions between Israel and Lebanon in recent weeks, and her stepping in as the sole anchor at CBS Evening News, she now says she would travel to the Middle East.
At the CBS TCAs on July 16th Katie said, "I think, yeah, of course I would want to be there. I think — in terms of traveling, I think it will be done on a case-by-case basis. I think sometimes correspondents who have been covering beats for months and even years often have a great handle on what's going on in a certain global hot spot. But clearly if it's going to serve the story, advance the story, and be helpful to the story, I would like to be there. I think it really depends on the situation and what's happening."
I sense a little waffling going on. She must have listened to John Kerry one too many times.
No matter what one thinks of Dan Rather and his intense partisanship, the man would go where the news was. Hurricanes, war, you name it, Dan would go. Whether he knew the situation in depth or not, he would go. He was the anchor, he understood where the news was.
But Katie? She will be ensconced safetly in NYC, reading the "news" perkily, rarely leaving the lofty towers of the cBS "news" room. Maybe she will prove me wrong. But I doubt it.
And I'm sure Access Hollywood will cover all her travails, as well as the same hard news she does (sic).

Now know that I loathe KC, but, her saying that she’s a single parent with two children and needs to consider that is something I applaud her for. That’s called common sense, something we thought the left was void of. But the new job comes with different expectations. Kind of sad actually. Not that I actually feel for her; remember I’m a conservative, I don’t have feelings.
Yes, how dare you show feelings, you wingnut you! :)
I understand her position in the matter completely, but, like you said, there are certain expectations.
I propably would be more sympathetic to her if she was actually a news person taking over the news desk, instead of a fluff journalist.